Sunday, August 18, 2013

X. Le Rouage
Mnemonic for the Krebs, or Citric Acid cycle, is for the roundabout
Of cell metabolism, which is serviceable for our understanding of the simple
Closed curve of the wheel—Whether they are evangelists, or sphinxes, minding
This Möbius strip, mounted on what is taken for a frame of a trébuchet,
How does this support free recall, with byways of literature, which are not pragmatic—

Ezekiel’s vision of a wheel within a wheel—Krebs found citrate took eight steps; pragmatic,
Yes—Each was liberated from a pigeon breast—Each wrestled it, until enzyme
Catalysts lowered the activation energy—A body escapes itself as the trébuchet’s
Upswing by a long beam and rotating axle, from successive innovations to a sling; roundabouts
Are constructed to eliminate the opportunity for deadly crashes—But overminding
Mechanical repetition, one neglects the fact that amino acids, fatty acids, or simple

Carbohydrates enter a  final commonpathway—Pyruvate is catalyzed into the simple
Carrier molecule, acetyl coenzyme A—Starting to prepare a lecture, I am pragmatic—
Oxaloacetate, without seeing beyond its four-carbon backbone, and minding
That it initiates the first step of the Krebs cycle, in the mitochondria, with the enzyme
Citrate synthase, into citrate; although, it is regenerated—At the end of this roundabout,
Six carbon dioxide molecules  hiss—For  membrane integrity, the gas is a fixed trébuchet—

Their harnessed power radicalizes, a base rears—Pitched weight recoils on trébuchets
Mounted on wheels—Modern engineers first thought they were mobile machines simple
As teacarts—Fresco painters released Ezekiel’s sighting along the Chebar River—A roundabout
Way, for winged children, cherubim, from an array of four wings—It was pragmatic
To substitute putti for Pre-Fall innocence—My mind’s gearwheels; particularly on days enzyme
Activity is discussed, when someone answers with an inappropriate levity, there is minding

Ezekiel, I first heard on film; or a chariot willed by a man’s likeness—At the very least, minding
Palatability of breakfast meats, where the dispatched species wallowed—Or, Trébuchet,
The maiden name of Victor Hugo’s Breton mother; who, nevertheless, flung him, at an enzymatic
Rate, from the washbasin of the Atlantic—Giordano Bruno regarded the strength of simple
Visual hierarchies, which combine and condense like molecules, or combinatoria—Pragmatic,
For today’s hyperlinks—That is, before he was set aflame on a Field of Flowers, for roundabout

Clarifications of the sacrosanct, as citrate generates 38 molecules of tissue fuel—Roundabout
Mechanics replace human muscle standing at the door; fixed masses of counterweights—Minding that
It falls just short of an absolute, a mnemonic wheel—Rota, the cycle, Taro, Book of Thoth—Pragmatic,
Orat, speaks the truth of the Tora, Law of Ator, Love Goddess, according to A.E. Waite—Trébuchets
Were discarded for cannon, and headed the inevitable recourse of minutia—Just as enzymes,
Their substrates, ripped from the context of their achievement, are concentrated to the simple

Flashcard—I thought I knew the Krebs Cycle to gloss it; roundabouts of hidden things could be simply
Circumvented—Not visual givens, causal enzymes might cease to be real to us, and not minded—
I think of the sweep of your back, of a just-sprung trébuchet, and am haunted by a pragmatist’s responses.

*citric acid + (S)ynthase--> cis-aconitate + (A)conitase [isomerizes]--> cis-aconitate +(A)conitase--> isocitrate + (D)ehydrogenase--> alpha+ketoglutarate + (D)ehydrogenase--> succinyl-CoA + (S)ynthase--> Succinate + (D)ehydrogenase--> fumarate + (F)umarase--> malate + (D)ehydrogenase -->  oxaloacetate

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