Screaming, from the warren, are terrible, and not the ermine larva of Carpaccio’s Young Knight in a Landscape (1510)—Until 1919, whose overpainted signpost
On the felled tree, is thought to be Dürer’s—A strange Northern bird visiting the Bellini workshop; intimating the yoke, tabletop, and ladder through which the humble enter; signed his initials—Not far in years from the journey to Ursula’s
Basilica in Köln from Nürnberg; the mode taken, omitted, for being on foot, for the Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand (1508)—There, at the center, are Willibald Perckheimer; then suffering from gout, and the artist, in black, with a fox’s
Brush on his face—Böhr submits his spin-orbit splitting, as the January flower plucked, and put back into its book after Dirk Coster, and Dürer collateral, Georg de Hevesy isolate hafnium (1923)—
Out of the Guérande salt blooms of Paysage Mauvais (1873), Carpaccio’s hares were rightly faint-hearted to be ridden by such a lout painting the back lawn in streaks—In Andersen’s city, of “The Snowdrop” (1863)—
Zirconium's impurity, and one of the six remaining in Mendeleev’s table (1869), refitted with Moseley’s whole atomic numbers (1914)—By averages, they meant unmuddled by their isotopic fates; the clipped coins of centuries—From the Fachwerkhaus
Of his youth; leafing through pages of the Liber Chronicarum (1493), he dreamed of becoming—His own wünderkammer and house's
Self Portrait with the fur-trim; approaching thirty, with Christ’s restraint (1500)—Within earshot of the Brown Shirts wearing miner’s lamps (1927); now, a signpost
Introduced as the specialist of Altdeutsche Meister, clutching a print of Knight, Death, and the Devil (1513), to breach the antlered, Gobelined galleries with Arno Breker, just before the snowdrops—
At Cologne, the nave of her hands aids the bowman, as fisherman carry on for doubled fish in dragnets; so few are given the poise of the St. Ursula—
Pillaged bunkers of Carinhall; what was left of them, after the Soviets (1945), were readymade for foxes—
From Nürnberg, the field hare's sketch of a window in its eye, proving it was living (1502), before the ravenous Volk; sits in pride of place in Vienna—1:1, Hafnium
Carbide, the most refractory of two elements, would have uselessly lined the exposed red brick oven at Dachau, after Reichsmarschall Göring bit on a cyanide capsule (1946)—Hafnium’s
Current is the least squandered as heat—With a penknife in my folded gloves, for the Red Baron, my death, averts two months, and 145 cargo trains, from Hungary—Taking two lefts from the gates of Auschwitz I—Rudolf Höss, who was obliged to exit his house,
For receipt of the first transport from Warsaw that August (1940)—After de Hevesy saw the Strandtidsel; its blue stars of tarnished silver staked in any waste, as a potential candidate for his radioactive tracers, and then recalled aqua regia for Franck and Laue’s medals; outfoxing
At least one plot of masse Raubgold—Barbara’s people bridled the drays carrying Buda-Etyek casks around Lake Velence, until the Dürers’s rise as goldsmiths—A signpost,
Shadowed to the male baths along the Pegnitz of the earliest print of the Paumgärtners (1496) that was, in my mother’s eyes, ameliorated by the altarpiece (1500)—Stephen and Lucas; the latter, the refined one, is St. Eustace—It was the stag that brought his hunter the cross, and my most projected belief was being struck by his Bodkin point—Carpaccio’s sleeping Ursula (1490)
Cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down; praying hands, where their request is hushed—But to draw them, swallows redaub their nests in front of the Scuola di Sant'Orsola—
Memory, or Nemesin; caught the slip of a girl, Else Lasker-Schüler (1914) among amputated soldiers, Jussuf of Thebes—Tirelessly I search your chest / for Pharaoh's golden pleasures—Travel again, this time by water, to the Low Countries, to vet 100 florins per annum, and to gaze upon the city of hafnium—
Willibald remarked on my Moon and Venus conjunction qualifying propagation as a woman—Besides the file and quarry pliers underneath Melencholia’s skirt (1513); Fata Morgana, in a fount the milk-white hind shall soil, by the intended bridegroom in the Nürnberg baths, holding the snowdrop—
Before the swamp—Sailor’s talk of a beached whale to sketch; afloat like a dress, an eolienne with silk cords and stockings attached; freshly rinsed, except for the habitaculum of its eye, the efficient Dutch early that morning disjointed, ahead of foraging wolves and foxes—
Leaving a rose-tinged inlet for Venus and Arion to reawaken, upon their dolphins—An English deckhand, who had abandoned the living among his flocks, motioned upward, to my love's sign-post—
If, to distract, from my already engorged spleen; from malaria, it turns out—Pindar’s flock of doves are sign-posts of sailors; the Pleiades of Taurus, and first of the Northern winter’s constellations, as we should pay mind to Ursula Southeil, whose couplets distich an even greater fire, next time, in London (1666)—
Pursued by Aldebaran, red as a fox, conjoined with the Sun around June 1, from January, for lambing
As properties of hafnium and zirconium are challenging to parse, so is screaming of a trapped bird, fox or rabbit—Prints of snowdrops and sea holly light up a house, and from these journeys of our names; at the last prize, the door of heaven, where we all are conceived—
22 comments:"The+pores+in+birds%27+eggshells+were+discovered+in+1863+by+John+Davy"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj79t2f8OPhAhUFhOAKHZhzCeIQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q="The%20pores%20in%20birds'%20eggshells%20were%20discovered%20in%201863%20by%20John%20Davy"&f=false
Exercise 90 will go here.
Exercise 90. Thank you for reminding me.!AsA4BY25Ql_1mx1h6W8Y91QaAAL7,by%20Coster%20and%20de%20Hevesy.,of%20the%20city%20of%20Copenhagen.&text=Before%202010%2C%20the%20Hafnia%20genus,was%20the%20unique%20Hafnia%20species.
Exercise 91
The deeply sarcastic ending as Höss descends flight after flight of stairs suspiciously coughly or wrenching from an ulcer? A tumor? is that the Polish government makes a living off the scrubbing, dustpan and brooming of the exhibit KL. The worker wiping off the loaders in the crematorium could be wiping a hospital bed. The plexiglass suitcases, shoes and prostheses are morbid exhibits.
The worthless man in my childhood home toured this for personal interest.
Nothing about this film hurts; it is gross, yet an equal visual companion to Amis, with depictions of the grasping, the rampant theft, the washing a dick in the sink after raping a stray from an aktion, the blowing ashes out of one's nostrils in the sink...
For me, this film is marred by its Oscar reception speech. The director made an apology for Gaza.
For the embittered enclave of more than two million neighbors whose daily activities were sabotaging construction, high-jacking cars, testing the resilience of the Iron Dome with aerial attacks, and plotting for years an attack which killed and abducted an unknown number citizens, yet they will not give the hostages back in their demands for their moonscape land and released prisoners...convicted of heinous crimes. One released in a prisoner exchange is Sinwar, who was saved from death by a brain tumor by a Jewish neurosurgeon, only to live and direct the activities of 2023. He has also stolen billions in foreign aid like every corrupt post-colonial dictator rich countries pay off for generations, none of which goes to the intended recipients.
No one is using the historical suffering of the Shoah as justification. In the opinion of its neighbors in this sector of the world, Israel should not exist, and this invites fashionable debate today that Israel deserves to have its citizens terrorized and its country erased because they are the "oppressors."
I found this at the library today.
There are times when I see no path forward, which does not mean it is not there.
28 September 2024.
I am pausing until I have more insight into the answer (s).
I have a clear path of progress, and the means. It is a blessing: having a wake up call about one's health or one's retirement savings. I do not need to underscore my place in the assortment, which I suspect is better given that I have avoided expensive mistakes for a decade.
The plan is straightforward and accumulative from good habits. I am taking my morning walk now.
I was twenty-seven when I overheard St. Vincent's "Hysterical Strength" (2011). I was reminded of that moment when I overheard Wallice's "I Want You Yesterday" (2024) when I drove to a redundant meeting in the cold. The Billboard Top 100 hit of 1984, Tina Turner's "What's Love Got to Do With It?" played before that.
Performing a rôle, the woman as a showgirl or whatever becomes invisible as she ages out of the profession. The future is unclear.
Sagittarius Jamie Lee's blunt observation is apt, it is devastating...No one is looking.,G%2Dd%20with%20all%20our%20heart.
I wondered about Bonnie Tyler's song:
An elderly woman in white Cadillac rang my doorbell respectfully, which I did not answer, to fill out the Census's National Crime Victimization Survery (NCVS). Do I respond to a telephone query about my marital status, age and income in this zip code, and to affirm or deny whether I have been a victim of an unreported crime? This was today, the Day of Rest. To be continued.
Does being a respondent to a survey indicate randomness or estimation of the likelihood of a reply?
Driving home late, Thursday, I sat in a liminal parking lot eating a late dinner, and turned to this, between Janis Joplin's cover of "Me and Bobby McGee" (1970) and Fontaines DC's Favourite (2024).
This group reminds me of what I liked about Beach House:
See? Depression Cherry (2015):
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