Fittingly, epithelials are made pluripotent, for regeneration of pancreatic islets at risk from acute ingestion of spirits—
Of compensation—War at Cotonou (1889), end-to-end with Porto-Novo, exported also the kora, vodun and quilts appliquéd from the kingdom of Dahomey (1600-1900)—Later, given French defenses,
Green fluorescent well plates—Bruno Abakanowicz, working from Parc St. Maur, set about calculating all spaces textured
By their roulette curves; composing the tools sometime before 1900, the year of Sarah Bernhardt’s fatal duel with Laertes on film—As the solution to waning defense
Contracts, it was later patented by Kingfisher’s lubricants of Leeds (1965), from Meccano pieces (1901), and cross-sections of their standard and metric threads—Somehow, faced with the damage of pancreatic endocrine
System, after scrambling to reinsert islets into the omentum—The apron’s glistening CD8+ (cytotoxic) effector-memory T cells form a halo from Moreau’s L'Apparition (1876), with Cellini’s bluster of Perseus (1545), into a coruscating spirit—
Hamlet provoking the maternal as if increase of appetite had grown (I.ii.145)—The chambers of Langerhans
Engorged, and reticulum crooked as though moonlight had accomplished the work of leavening yeast, as the path meanders through the entire vineyard, or in the cask of La Samaritaine, with Sarah Bernhardt in the leading rôle (1897)—Le Marais
Théâtre de la Renaissance under her direction (1893), and the eponymous one, on 2 Place du Châtelet (1899); Alfons Mucha delivered the broadsheets—Proprietors of Le Marais
Caves; intimately acquainted with labile bacteria with alcoholic fermentation, unaware that yeast spontaneously repairs its most terrible prions, without human contrivance, or quarantine of the cinders of the stockyards—What texture
Of fear figures polarized light filtering through the blinds of Matisse’s philodendron leaves one uninterrupted midafternoon—Alternately, Langerhans,
Hoping for a cure, ventured to Silvaplana (1874) seven years before Nietzsche—Pasteur’s tartrate fermentations, which precipitated out of solution in the frigid lab (1856), led to the defense
Of enatiomeric stereoselectivity, two types of wine lees recognized by the less equipped as drowned keys spiraling the Deûle—Inconsolable, for the death of his eldest son, the poet Louis Racine; himself, born the year (1692) his father’s heart reentered the home, felt a breach in his inviolable temperament from avoiding drink or banquets; at last, subordinated to the endocrine
Signaling the wrong things—On honeymoon, his only son and wife were buried at Cadiz under the tsunami from the Lisbon earthquake (1755)—On the same street; not yet rechristened after the architect of Napoléon’s tomb at Les Invalides (1840), no. 17 Balzac failed at a printing business (1826-1828), incurring debts, with the urge to write to Mme. Hanska of finding the spirit
Of Swedenborg (1834); ketogenic, and dependent on coffee for diuresis—Commissioned in 1891, Rodin spent seven years apprehending Balzac’s spirit—
Apart from the Daedalus of the North's flying machine, the Swede found revelations; at the outset, “Do not eat so much!” from a London tavern des Esseintes might visit in France—Gender as spectral interference; better leaving the Dutch to their lenses—Phèdre, who is she, among our recent pasts found or lost in Le Marais
Cognacq’s glucose utilization for retail from the area’s first water main (1870); which, for others in artificially-lit volumes with queues, achieve the same focus—Marie-Louise and Ernest Cognacq later founded a museum of inlaid boxes; a perfume pistolet, among other objects de vertù—Unless one should detect textures
Of resourcefulness; they are preserved to speed craftsmen to market, as Lalique’s fountain for Jacques Carlu’s seventh floor of the Round Room of Toronto’s dominant merchants (1930)—As alpha cells, the commodifers from the microorgans of Langerhans,
Float glucagon in fasting glucose—Nadar’s print of Sarah Bernhardt (1865) was a goad to the dramaturge; herself, a sculptor—Her sphinx inkwell (1880) as a self-portrait long since shifted hands, she entered a bronze sea wrack, the consummate siren, as her entry in the Paris Exposition (1900)—Defensive
Of the wheel dying purple—Our lights of the stanzas, when the eighth phoneme reads by turns the paradise courtyard or its communicating thread advanced by Langerhans, for others to elucidate—Passage through clerics’s meadow before no. 24 existed, where Racine ostensibly moved house before his death (1699)—Le Marais
No more exclaims endocrine consumption among the seven ages ungainly with their baggage, than the Symbolists dispel their uncertainties with our requirement to transcribe them intercalated with our strides—
For a future haunting:,51.html
I took a long look at a bookshelf, and at this book, in particular. I read it when I composed this Card.
As the only thought that strikes me now, : the FLW Trail in Racine, Wisconsin.
The Wax Building, Wingspread, and the RAM with Chihuily.
I will take notes about Langerhans for the current project. I get painfully ambivalent about coming home late from work, tired, questioning whether I did all that I could, and then eating late. Eating late maximizes risk for diabetes.
I double the carrots I consume at my foreshortened lunch, with a green apple, and whatever else. The fiber keeps the ravenous beast at 9:30 pm running for the nearest hot meal.
Taste - ta'am - טַעַם
Good - tov - טוב
From ArtScroll Mesorah's Tanach Series Tehillim 119:66:
Footnote to "Teach me good reasoning and knowledge,
for I believe in your commandments."
"1. R'Yerucham Levovitz of Mir [The Mashgiach of Mir] explained that the טַעַם, the taste, of food have nothing to do with its nutritional value. A person could live a lifetime and thrive on tasteless food capsules or intravenous feeding. Out of Divine kindness and consideration, God introduced taste into the nutrients that sustain His creatures. Taste provides us with an incentive to fulfill our nutritional needs, for otherwise, we might neglect our meals and endanger ourselves. The same concept may be applied to mitzvos. Each command is essentially food for the soul, providing the spiritual energy needed to keep the spirit healthy and close to God. It really makes no difference what actions God commands, for any action which man performs in order to fulfill God's Will provides spiritual enrichment. Any physical, psychological or social benefits accrued from mitzvos do not constitute the essence of the mitzvah, but are external incentives and stimuli enticing us to partake of the spiritual repast which our souls need. Therefore, the Hebrew word describing the reason for mitzvos is טַעַם, which literally means taste, because the reasons are merely flavorings which make the essential mitzvos more attractive and palatable to us. Thus, the statute, which has no apparent reason, is called חֵ֬ק, which literally means a precise ration of food [see Proverbs 30:8]; this commandment is devoid of flavor (1146)."
This was the topic of the lecture this afternoon:
"In contrast to short-term studies, a longer-term study of one-year duration reported a significant reduction in TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 with late TRE (three meals: 1 p.m., 4 p.m., and 8 p.m.) compared to a control group in healthy resistance-trained males [13]. These findings align with the modest improvements in TNF-α and IL-1β observed in our study, which imposed self-selected eating windows with TRE. Specifically, our four-week TRE intervention showed small effect sizes for reductions in TNF-α and IL-1β, suggesting that even a shorter duration of TRE may initiate positive shifts in inflammatory markers, particularly in aging populations. While these effects were modest and non-significant, they highlight the potential of TRE to impact systemic inflammation over time. The small effect sizes observed may illustrate early, subtle changes in inflammatory pathways that could potentially induce more pronounced effects with longer interventions or higher adherence to TRE protocols. Furthermore, these findings highlight the possibility that older adults, who often exhibit heightened levels of chronic, low-grade inflammation (inflammaging), may respond differently to TRE compared to younger populations.",population%20have%20not%20been%20explored.
I took my accounting exam later that evening, and I ran out of time sorting out a balance sheet (submitting at the last minute in order not to forfeit the entire exam) while classifying restricted cash. I lost it, again. I have not given up, but I am pending this for another day.
The Divine food meant that there was no faking. Shemot 16:14.
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