Throughout the house there could be sensed, as when music changes not its theme but its key, a little less concentration on the soul, a little more on the body. –Penelope Fitzgerald’s The Blue Flower (1994)
Je suis une ourse / et je nage au centre de ma peau –Rachel Leclerc’s L’Ourse (2002)
Simply, for the sake of the assembled unmatched horizon of hair (1922); continuous with the Aragon
Ballroom on Lick’s Pier—Four years, until the Chicago Aragon salle de danse funneled into the Green Mill bar (1926)—Little Bear’s
Thoughts were; tracing the path to the conveniences among magazines, with what the North Sea trawlers marketed hydrozoans on shell-mounted magnets, as air ferns—Of himself, as his life's misbegotten coursier—
On the last commission before Raphael’s death, The Transfiguration (1518-1520), for the Narbonne cathedral, and intended
Pyramidal organization, whose Chigi patrons once boasted of discarding their porcelain plates into the Tiber, and did they receive equal consideration as the Styrofoam takeaways sinking into the sludge of the Gowanus Canal—
From the worst lavatory of the City, within a supermarket—Ganglia of regenerating limbs off the glue paper that focuses the molting roach ecdysone; regarding the mainstay of cholesterol similar to our own—The purple, bell-capped
Mycena purpureofusca on the pulped pine underlayment; fermenting as it starves, in the seal of the commode, and how to promote this commonplace of forests decolorizing aniline dyes, whose copper oxidases, laccases, are intended
To remediate all the painted print and garments staining from beyond collective memory— Blue pervious Rhodophyta of Brauronia; out of childbirth’s ruins, with its saffron robes taken up again, from the Villa of the Mysteries— At the blue hour, the point of issue of Elsa’s eyes (1942), of Aragon’s
III. Midnight, then a pony, is loping for them to chase (1978) out of the blue distances—Edith, the space fills over into time, as the body into the soul, and the ensuing buckskin coursiers
IV. The crystal wave […] the mound against whose foot breaks the flood of the world figures as the province of the diplomat, Don José Nicolás de Azara, who arranged that the Dresden native, Anton Mengs Raphael finalize the dining room, the saleta of the Royal Palace of Madrid of Charles III, with the apotheosis of Trajan (1774)—Uesca, Aragón,
Petrus Alphonsi (baptized 29 June 1106), aside from his slandering tracts, decided the Trinity and the Tetragram into a pyramid, for a shield—The Austrian physician, Moishe Stern, Zilbert, assumed the nom de guerre of the Napoleonic coursier,
Kléber, and with Soviet bearskin ushanka, posing improbably as a furrier, fought in XI International Brigade November 1936, to vanish in the Purges—Spagyrici, which was inscribed on the coffin plate of Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682), who knew of gleaning glowing phosphor from the household’s saved urine, and whose reading list Novalis intended
For study; his hand’s volatiles foxing the pages of the 1711 Sales Auction Catalogue, and endowment of the canalized
British Library, in bound form, for the merchant class—The Hermet’s cell, for making a life’s work, and a stay at Le Raphaël, 17 avenue Kléber, from Elias Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum (1652)— Little Bear
Hastens to mention that a field doctor drawn by the alchemical pure matter had proven the urea on a pocket square precipitates chlorine gas into harmless dichlorourea (1914); the cap
V. On all-uniting angel-comrade, the Imagination, for the transcription of metabolizing genes in the world’s midden, where antibiotics are found—Cap’s
Off to that investigation prior to Rutherford’s nuclear transmutation of 14-nitrogen into 17-oxygen (1919)—Seemingly pathless, the Aragón
Drains the Ebro delta to Barcelona, where Audouin’s gulls congregate every year—David Gruby, working in a shared department of the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle dedicated Microsporum audouinii (1843) to his departed colleague (1842)—Tinea capitis is the soil ringworm stimulated by the sloughed nitrogen, urea and arginine, of human settlement; from this immoderately hard list of recognitions, Little Bear’s
Elapsed precedents, one sifts as Novalis, from an unmined pocket of the Ore Mountains, for Love—From the Blaufarbenwerke, for blue cobalt glazes, and the Weißerdenzeche, kaolin for Meissen, and much later, St. Joachimsthal’s silver veins, the pitchblende to the scientific coursiers
Of the first radioactive elements—The April constellation containing Alioth, ε Ursae Majori, the tail of the sheep, with lower lineaments, the pointers, Dubhe and Merak; together, intending
Our bearings to Polaris, or a nocturnal vision test, across the desert, for the amber spikenard, lubricant from a broken alabaster jar—The banner, Mujeres consciencia (1972) for the Dionysian ensemble’s mallow-green parapet, the malachite, albumin, asparagine slant of Löwenstein-Jensen medium isolated from a secondary site; exuberant synaptogenesis before the Lethean canal
Ramp to the concert, and its 300.000 tessellations of birds, as if they were forged from Lalique’s flacon for L’Air du Temps (1948) or triangular facets of a flock above La Géode (1990)—Outside the capital
Of the City, Edith’s conceals her disquiet from the Hexagram (Chichi) Water over Fire (1963); the windowpane’s mycological or frost array offering the guise to carry away children—Intending
Just the opposite, the horse and rider approaches; foreshadowed at the transfiguration of St. Dominic (6 August 1221), and any one of the seventeen rehearsal rooms; the largest, veneered to breaking waves—Raphael stirs the reflected clockface of Aquis submersus (1919), of Al-Andalus, Atlantis to Aragón For the double radiance of XXX. Lî, in the bronze and dream filtered through the olive groves—Little Bear
Disparaged Torre Agbar’s draining of the water table, for an entire year, for 30.000 square meters of office space; mitigated by its ongoing conversions to solar—Acceding to the Philharmonie’s denying maker, Jean Nouvel to the coursiers
Of a vision too innovative for comparison; the secondary masses of modular speakers, the metallic basket-weave climbing the entrance, to a polished hive—Liszt’s Sposalizio (1858), with its terminating
thirty-second notes held as they were replayed down the Grand Canal, where Raphael painted the betrothed favored by a thyrsus and a yellow robe, from The Golden Legend, and a reversal from the Roman fresco among feverish coursiers
Little Bear, whose oxbow courses in her stead; despite the custom for cantilevers, wants to express for Edith, Raphael’s vanishing point of the temple, to air (1504), where she demands that it be blocked with flesh—
Hundred Water's "Cavity" recalls Walter de Maria's "The Lightning Field" (1977), which I remember first seeing on a David Byrne soundtrack to Twyla Tharp's Catherine Wheel (1981). The image was very familiar, but I did not know its name, and I realized that the album's lightning bars were dancer's poles...Not that I mention this Tharp production for the family dysfunction, it was purely a visual recollection. I bought the album without a pre-listen, and I liked the melancholy sound of the first track, "Light Bath", but then I skipped to "Golden Section" for something approximating harmony.
Here is a review I have just read:
And this bears mentioning:
Saxon-Anhalt; you are right to point out a regional preoccupation from a more consistent point in time: Weissenfels...Magdeburg...Stendhal's 1818 discovery at the Halle saltworks and Handel's birth (the city proper, not the mine). Most perceptively, there is the reappearance of the Ursa Major family, after the introduction of the La Caille family. The Bayer family will be treated at some juncture, and I hope that I can constellate them without experiencing more imagined mortal separations. At this moment, it is very difficult not to feel the contrast like dying,
I won't erase it, this time:
I want to find a facsimile of this text:
Eric Ravilious also admired Samuel Palmer. Have you been a room such as this? Not quite the ambience for sleeping, but charming as a picture...
Yes, I want to explore his legacy, in possibly one project before The Magic Mountain...on the Enceladus fly-by.
Yes, I. Embuer l’enveloppe [apporter la pierre à l'édifice] could be about setting type. Its meaning comes into focus then.
Yes, Wagner's Gesamtkunstwerk originated in Novalis.
This morning, I had a dream about being a lapidarist, and in addition to pulling apart sedimentary pages of text, I watched the conveyor feeding indescript rubble to be polished into green sapphires. I imagine the choice of green over blue concerned the arbitrariness of the lawn-like ground of late-coming Exercise 59. But then, I realized the photographic supplement of Amerika (1912-13), and its importance after the Schocken Press softcover with a close-up of the Flatiron fell off my shelf, and how I would like to explore all of these.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHHyBy8al3k Her book is Kafka and Photography.
Clarence John Laughlin worked for Steichen, shortly.
The cover of this text made me think of occult photography.
Zahir, sapphire.
I did not get to unpack Narbonne to my satisfaction, and there is quite a lot here.
"Under a salmon-pink dawn sky, the rutted tracks snaked across a plain that was painted a deep dull green.
Now Bisesa could see that the green was a carpet of tiny plants, each no larger than her thumb. Each plant looked like a leather-skinned cactus, but it had translucent-sections—windows to catch the sunlight. Bisesa supposed, without losing a precious drop of moisture. There were other plants too. She picked out small black spheres—round to retain heat, black to soak it up during the day? She wondered if they turned white, chameleon-like, to avoid dissipating heat at night. But the cacti predominated.
Myra said, 'The cacti are what Helena discovered, in the wake of the sunstorm. Life on Mars.'
Each window cactus was a survivor from deep ages past, Paula said.
When the solar system was young, the three sister worlds were briefly similar: Venus, Earth, Mars, all warm, wet, geologically active. It was impossible to say on which of them life spawned first. Mars was certainly the first to accumulate an oxygen atmosphere, the fuel for complex, multicelled life-forms, billions of years before the Earth. But Mars was also the first to cool and dry.
Paula said, 'But this took time, hundreds of millions of years. You can achieve a lot in hundreds of millions of years—why, the mammals filled out an ecology vacated by the dinosaurs in less than sixty-five million years. The Martians were able to evolve survival strategies.'
The roots of the cacti were buried deep in the cold rock of Mars. They didn't need oxygen, but fueled their glacial metabolism with hydrogen released by the slow reaction of the volcanic rocks with traces of water ice. Thus they and their ancestors had survived aeons.'
[...] 'Using a different set of bases—six, not four—and a different kind of coding. The same with Martian RNA and proteins, not quite like ours. It's thought the amino acid set that's used here is subtly different too, but that's still controversial. But it is DNA and RNA and proteins, the same toolbox as on Earth.
Mars was young in an age of continuing massive bombardment, as the relics of the solar system's violent formation smashed into the new worlds. But then battering ensured that an immense amount of material, blasted off the roiling surfaces, was transferred between the planets. And that material contained life."
Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter's Firstborn (2008)
Yes, I will get to astrochemical biotic ices. This Exercise is familiar, with a change of theaters, Paris, for Lisbon. I am striving not to take as long.
Ipanema of Rio is a Tupi word for "stinking lake."
The mycobiont and the photobiont(s) of lichen sampled from Erebus could speculatively stake themselves from a probe to Enceladus.
The Roanoke, Matilda's poor home economy, and a salary of "what it costs to keep two convicts down in Statesville" do not apply. That Senator's two-income trap would not apply, per my mother's example of shaking the money tree with per diem overtime, nights, weekends and holidays. There is, however, an avenue of sycamores on the next street above the new residence, where a witch hazel reliably blooms every January.
Yes, as I was literally running all day to get it done, I understood that if nothing loftier worked out, I will have job security. Everyone always asks when I am working again because they know that if I am not there, they will have to titrate multiple drips down to the very end of the hallway, all day.
Yes, I did not get to discuss in abiotic ices or carbon signatures on Enceladus. There is more for the Enceladus Life Finder (ELF) to elucidate, if it ever gets funded. I will think about this, but not to the exclusion of terrestrial life.
It is not Enceladus, but, we shall see in 2030.
After three attempts, I cannot save or transfer the current writing. Whether it is a technical issue or not, I give up trying to make it happen tonight. It has been written since yesterday: Tzadi (90). Ce nest pas jeter des fleurs.
Some is hacking into my Onedrive account and erasing each copy. I only have one printed copy.
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