Friday, August 25, 2017

XX. L’ enquête est fusionnée et déclenchée [avec les données inertielles]

XX. L’enquête est fusionnée et clenchée [avec les données inertielles]

At first she held her hand out for the candle […] –Lawrence Durrell’s 1960 translation, The Curious History of Pope Joan from Emmanuel Rhoidis’s Ἡ Πάπισσα Ἰωάννα (1866)

But one other thing I will have to work on is the feeling of Daniel at that age in his own loose clothes not quite synchronized to the rhythm of discontent-and-crisis, discontent-and-crisis, by which, weirdly, his parents lived in simultaneous fear and hope, defeat and victory. So that running toward his father’s store with the crowd in front of it on this windy, autumn afternoon, he is cool enough to perceive that nothing is the matter; that the crowd is amiable, and cops or ambulances are nowhere to be seen. There is no tension in the scene. It is a social occasion. It is the first television set to come to 174th Street, and it is sitting there in the window of Isaacson Radio, Sales and Repair, a great brown console, beaming its tiny moving pictures to the curious crowd. E.L. Doctorow’s The Book of Daniel (1971)

The star is Babylonian Nunki, Sigma Sagittarius, in the Teapot’s handle, having just arrived at the Working Group on Star Names designation (2016) known by the Third Sibylline Oracle (40 B.C.E.), from the place of her birth, the Erythraean Tablet of the Stars—While descended from Circe, others whose Greek hexameters record the fall of Babel (III.105), hasten toward the ascendant Indus River Valley, and the notion of tusks in their unending growth for the elephant's lifespan, then rendered placid objects of veneration by Uttarashadha
Beryl Parmenter leans against the vav copulativum of Larry’s body thinking of the son of Julien and Eléonore Rousseau (21 May 1844) painting The Dream (1910), where he placed the plaster Place de la Bastille elephant (1813-1847) unstruck in confiscated cannon hiding in the forest cover of India among terrestrial water lilies assembled altogether the size of Yadwigha’s divan—This entry conjoined with tonight’s impression of their unintroduced guest, in whose manicured hands she discerned faltering command of his tumbler, with the perchloroethylene-laundered Lanvin suit—The agent, emitting the warmth of one CIA analyst to another, enlightened his host’s sworn to secrecy marital factotum on the solitary life in a high containment laboratory—After first describing his method of taking a trunk wash culture of elephant tuberculosis from the National Zoo, wherein his vatic interlocutor remarks on Pfizer, as she had noted full-page ads spreads in Life magazine (1953) of Terramycin—Brightening, the researcher turns to her with collegial intimacy of the threat of zoonotic contagion presently subdued by the zones of inhibition by analogues of four hexacyclic rings of tetracycline
A century after Mycobacterium was found at the London Zoo (1875) by the cluster of first symptoms described in Sanskrit by the husbandry manual Hastayurveda (500-600 B.C.E.)—As the dispatched species that came before at the West Orange laboratory, the condemned provides the genius of the phonograph (1877)—Tasked by the State electrician of New York with refinement of arc lighting grounded to an oak seat, which, having taken Kemmler, the first patron’s body, hours to cool (6 August 1890), with a gladiatorial spectacle of his current DC patent; his competitor winning out with output signal received at greater distances—Edison, an opponent of the death penalty, did not in person observe the ohmic
Resistance of the rogue circus elephant Topsy Westinghoused simultaneously as a humane sentencing for killing three keepers (4 January 1903), while representative of alternating current that perilously exceeds the end-user’s capacity of their appliances—Julius Rosenberg’s letter forwarded to the women’s ward and later print volumes mentions an orange pip flowering in the Ossining gravel (16 Sept. 1951); its roots threading the occasional Twinkie
Cellophane—From the Comptoir des Textiles Artificiels (CTA), Brandenburger’s firm from Thaon first lined the eye panels in the M2 gas mask (1916-1918), whose regenerated viscose sheets served its inventor’s primary intention, that is, for waterproofing tablecloths (1923)—Used by no less than four doctors in the house to staunch the wounded heads, where Rose; appearing in her white with navy polka-dot dress; enters entrainment as Ethel Rosenberg (19 June 1953) escorted to her seat in a pewed auditorium in a green dress à pois blanches, and overhears the ricochet from the aluminum chafing dishes, of nine projectiles and the dispersed raga
Of the press—Bobby Kennedy had taken the brood to Disneyland, and that evening Ethel; early in her pregnancy, planned on wearing an orange-and-white minidress and heels to the primary party at the Ambassador Hotel (4 June 1968)—She had bought the commemorative read-along-book and record, something to be played by Ena Bernard; the children demurring as Diane, the animator’s daughter, who objected to the 1942 original animated theatrical release on the grounds of the son witnessing his mother’s death;  and it is only then Bambi (1923), the Austrian roe deer, becomes at five in late medieval England, cerf, chers, a hart

In as much as the Popess of the surviving Visconti-Sforza deck (c.1450), an apocryphal entry made by John XXI (1276), by whose discretion omitted John XX, enlarges speculation surrounding the Papal election of 853 C.E—Friar John Anglicus sets off from Yarmouth (823) as a young girl; concealed by father or lover in the habits of the savage Benedictines, which, despite provisions and the short Channel manifest, loop cruel snares for seals and oar the similarly attired diving dovekie—What emerges from these wanderings through Germany; anticipating vaulted double choirs to house the same Aegidius, Egidien, then Saint Gilles of Septimania (c.650-710), Joanna shrugs off all as penalties from another life goaded to the papal tiara, and by then the saint receives his arrow-crippling and benefaction in place of a hart
Carrying to the Eternal City, the Greek codex, Φαινόμενα, Phaenomena (350 B.C.E.) that she intended for an astrological ceiling, with the uprising of the Bow, and the equanimity of Uttarashadha—
Where so much balances at the nocking point and uptilted dispatching arrow tip, Alnasl, towards Hydra, Aslesha, as it called in the Vedic register—From the winter solstitial colure at the occult entrance to the Roman mithraeum eyeing the spout the filaments cut across, and subsequent source of radio waves to the Galactic Center culminating in the month of Ashadha, mid-June and early July—Spoken by a Berytos silk merchant, when the monsoon season spoils the mulberry houses and mummifies the larva, dictating as he unreels the raga,
For tincture—From the cangiante of rose madder and split stitches bleached aurum that had yet to affix wet plaster appealing to Joanna from the laundresses’ vats where she sought refuge from the bursar’s, when the robes they were prescribed were white for Peter’s Chair—Staid against the rounds of pseudo-decretals, and papal authority reissued by a Borja, then by utterance (863 C.E.)—Despoiled of the alpine crests to ravine galets roulés for the strong wines proclaimed by the bishop of Avignon, and coming to the commoner allées where industry quietly transformed 135,000 soil samples at Chas. Pfizer under R.B. Woodward (1952) into chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline, Aureomycin and Terramycin, and litigation involving the cross-licensing of tetracycline,
Fluorescence of bone (1958)—Basement-level, and properly shielded by the ground, on 30 October 1958 F. Mason Sones, Jr. injects the first coronary angiogram while investigating a floppy valve; and then, after the anticipated vasospasm, to pause as Anne Sexton would later at her Royal Quiet Deluxe typing out the God (1981), the catheterization technique to probe the blockage of the vasculature found by Fred Kummerow (1957)—Taking up the provender of youth; the partially hydrogenated génoise fed to experimental animals, and shirred to shelf stability by the palladium catalyst into the Twinkie—
Consisting of sugar; half by unit weight, and subduing bacterial growth—The sterile field turns to gist by the soil strain and contaminant Bacillus subtilis—Holding back the staph isolates Balbina Johnson swabbed from Margaret Treacy’s open greenstick shin encountered from an abrupt swerve of an ice cream truck (May 1943)—At sea ourselves, with no greater than the salinity of the medium and the electrical resistivity in ohms

Likened across the bacterial membrane, and induced current by a platinum electrode, the cisplatin arresting tumor cells at DNA synthesis (Rosenberg etal., 1965)—Poised on a slide mount, on which a wafer of soldered germanium resistor, transistor, and capacitor completes an integrated circuit, and new hire Jack Kilby’s July (1958)—His patent is subsequently brought to market in 1961; just preceding the silicon threaded copper workup becoming the microchip of the Moon race, and a difference of 60 to 60000 ohm-centimeters
Resistivity for silicon—Some unforeseen aspect of the Walt Disney product merges with Silicon Valley; this wanting for Europe, for former and latter of the third-generation displaced Theodora Hecht Ottinger (1978)—Flying sorties to forget her surnoun signifying a naiant shield of a pike, as a daughter of Nun panicked before the last day before the registrar for opted name and foreign abode from the Catholic country (11 March 1812)—Ready to perceive the new situation in the film Fantasia with Stokowski (1940), where the wraiths reawaken and fall in their twined and knotted fringes of the four corners of their body covering; dropped as scarves at daybreak, on St. John’s Eve, in Rimsky-Korsakov’s arrangement of Mussorgsky’s tone poem (23 June 1867) recorded live in Philadelphia (1940)—Proprietary oscillators for Fantasound perform high fidelity in the movie houses congregating Bette Davis, Franz Schubert, Cole Porter, and Joan Crawford; at last, to make her sink to Jack Warner’s stable with Trigger, and to appear in Moss Hart’s
Hollywood Canteen (1944)—Olivetti’s germanium transistorized electric computer, Elea 9001 (1957), and then for the colony of Zeno and Parmenides, comprised from the calculating machine, Tetractys Divisumma 24 (1955), and preceded by the ticket-takers's embarrassed attempts at class correction, for the customer the last of forty shipped from Milan in 1964 toward mechanizing from wartime munitions to plants of Wonder Bread and Hostess Twinkies
The firm Olivetti-Underwood (1963) was then in plans for Louis Kahn’s Harrisburg factory (1966)—Bracing from the flattering exclusion from Act One (1963), an autobiography, Joan Crawford forwards her serialized name behind It’s A Small World pavilion at the World’s Fair in Flushing, Queens (1964-5); reassembled for Disney’s Fantasyland under promptings by the spokeswoman for Pepsi-Cola—To complement Tomorrowland attractions (est. 1955), the repositories of Man in Space, the ABC broadcast (9 March 1955) followed by Ernst Stuhlinger and Wernher von Braun as the gesturing savants in Mars and Beyond (4 December 1957) in which explainers solemnly sometime achieve the chemical to atomic core transformation of silicon oil to steam turbines with platinum catalysts for the orbiting stations—Imitating the Star’s nuclei capture to form isotopes until the age of Kali, and the lightening of Hovhaness’s No. 19 Vishnu symphony (1966)—From the early decade’s Carnatic studies of Alan Hovhaness on a Fulbright; the composer shelters within the neutral bastion likewise imprinted by Joanna’s order, and otherwise enshrined as a score in Carl Sagan’s Cosmos (1980)—Luzern of the Alemanni’s conversion by the Benedictine Leodegar (750 C.E.), and a site remarkable for its native Kanzler, and later Ingolstadt professor, the Jesuit Johann Baptist Cysat (1586-1657), who first observes the comet of 1618 with a telescope—Unwitting stirrings of deicide and solar wind acting upon the scree of the rotating body in view of Earth; but then the ocular proof initiates the drama of Jesuit Grassi’s Libra astronomica ac philosophica (1619) and the secular gibe of Galileo’s Il Saggiatore (1623), and when Cysat the mathematician arrives at the occultation of Mercury predicted by Kepler (7 November 1631); players for whom all are ascribed lunar impact basins—Vestiges of moonlit sight-singing were still in this world of fair Johannes and arranged by Guido d’Arrezo (d. 991) from the Benedictine abbey at Pomposa that once boasted of a world library before the lighthouse campanile; and visited by the itinerant Columbanus (d. 615 C.E.)—For what appeared to be the destructive course of Heptarchy and Carolingian partitions to his three sons, the monk salvages one of Odo of Saint Maur-des-Fossés treatises on musical notation; an accession from which Guido embeds the six notes so, ut, re, mi, fa, sol, and la into the hymn to John the Baptist—Ut queant laxis, to be solemnized independently of a cantor, and shaped by modernizing addenda of Giovanni Batista Doni’s fixed do and si of seventh note, for Santum Iohanne, of the solfeggio (1653)—Apprehended by the seven svara of musical pitches and of the seven fretted sitar strings, and the improvisational tarif tunings beneath, such is vishva, the pervasive systems thinking of Uttarashada—
William Haines, borne from Woodrow Wilson’s birthplace, decorates Joan Crawford’s all-white living room (1971)—Remarking less on being the fifth surviving child of the twentieth century; if by the second day (2 January 1900), he bursts this usage of his early life for the Dupont factory loading bales of cotton destined for Eastman Kodak nitrocellulose flexible film receiving Hollywood’s photographic emulsion—Archival nitrate stock, the last of which is Casablanca (1942), freely burns underwater and inflames the projection rooms; with so little to recommend as a material, except for the binding affinity of Western blotting for disentangling proteins—Billy trembled in his cot from chronic exposure to methylated spirits, and from the boardinghouse renditions of Edwin Heyward DuBose’s Summertime (1925), a specter from Motherless Child, all piped from the Voice of America (VOA) broadcast bearing the Cubans repeated inference—Nevertheless heard to Budapest (1950) and Gábor Szabó’s Jazz Raga (1966)—
Where, a recovered Ettore Sottsass’s Valentine (1969) is the mantra, an instrument of thought, and the yantra, supplying the means of the spangled imagination of uniquely American technical breakthroughs—Tusko the Oklahoma City Zoo elephant establishes the super-lethal dose of lysergic acid, and another feat presented by the massive impediment and inverted myth of the mother of Ganesh, formed from cast offs, of the largest land mammal (3 August 1962)—Tusko the late tubercular sire of the Oregon zoo; first sheared of the offensive bacterial load stored in his tusks, succumbs to a herpetic foot infection; followed by the Asian captive species, Chai, shortly after 37 years and 112 failed artificial inseminations (2016), from secondaries unresponsive to tetracyclines (22 December 2015)—

For its broad action on non-gonorrheal urethritis, cosmopolitan prescribing then deposition in the early dentin having made Budapest the dental tourism capital for crowns and implantation; to add that tetracycline
Effectively clears maternal acne—In such a context The Dean’s December (1982) begins, where brown set in at about three in the afternoon—Szabó, by now, the international composer, found it natural that he should return home, where he died in a late winter apartment (26 February 1982), missing the International Rubik’s Cube Championship that June—Interrogators anticipating a subtext from the doamna inquiring into the whereabouts of the dean’s mother-in-law, but the only child’s thoughts are decidedly sidereal, looking forward to Mount Palomar's resolution of the organometallic content of globular clusters—To wire and lift the inductive load of a room overlooking the pacific waves with light-sensitive semiconductors, which are charge-coupled devices of Mr. Palomar‘s telescope (1983), and then turning on the entrance bay, toward a wife with the ohmic
Resistivity of Saturn, with input impedance to prevent signal reflections from the auroras at the Hexagon—Holograms (1957) of David Greenglass requestioned on the space platform; being the most candid among the Rosenberg ring—Reviving Harry Gold, chemist-soapmaker and NKVD courier, replacing his hash mark of the imitation raspberry Jell-O carton from his wallet as the signal—Beryl mentions; if it were impossible to address Agent Parmenter directly, of the Catholics rising through the CIA ranks and the Supreme Court, then she does in newsprint—Grand Central Station’s Redstone missile (1957) cordoned to the backward; Vanderbilt exclaimed, God’s view, of Pisces—Gloss cover stock of Dalí’s Couple aux Têtes Pleines de Nuages (1936); with the Cecil Beaton photograph of the lovers haunted there, beneath the portrait’s repasts, where heads and her shoulder overlay exposed patches zinc white marred and saponified where linseed pools—The magic stone of Francis Ponge (1967) rubbed and read while not upstaging officialdom, as she had taken pride in being una ragazza
Acqua e sapone—Long-term user of Noxzema, the miracle cream of Baltimore, in a cobalt jar, the Nox of Night and Ushas, which is the personified astronomical dawn and of moral order no harsher than is deserved—Panoramic photographs from the CIA Hexagon KH-9 Big Bird (1971-1984) abut the corkboard of the HiRISE camera mosaic of Mariner 9 (launched 30 May 1971), which were perfected from Operation Large Area Coverage of the 1950s tracks, in anticipation of anthrax over the United States, the UV scattering of zinc cadmium oxide—Invited to advise and assist with the garnishes, Beryl maximizes the pickled Bloody Mary additions, if to conceal her teetotaling, as the party suffered Sinatra’s hollow rendition of Lorenz Hart’s
I Could Write a Book (1940); reprised for 1957, with Kim Novak modeling the hairstyle of Vertigo (1958)—Photos of Oswald’s imposter in Mexico City (27 September-3 October 1963), and the single negative of the press gangs of Bloody Mary, and warped derailment of the sound of elephant’s breaking neck; attached this time by a stronger chain, to a railroad crane in Erwin, Tennessee (13 September 1916) that enters the key bolt-thrown consciousness inviting spectacles for the war effort, the public’s fluoridation, and their breakfast’s bacon and eggs from the assembled and dissolved Committee on Public Information by Wilson’s Executive Order 2708 (14 April 1917) and Order 3154 (21 August 1919)—Hostess Twinkies’s
Heart in the home logo from which the stork-legged elephant shrieks, to even touch down on Earth—Only then, she could not overestimate Larry’s value; good naturedly taking in this down-market lecture facing the stellar abstract of the marital bed represented by the latter Phalguni Leonine asterism in Virgo contra her ascetic pallet mentally melded of Uttarashada

Cosmic perspective and stability, of Uttarayan and the Earth’s upward pitch to Sun, and additive interpretation; after all, then Freud’s wishes are immortal, to the vernal rejuvenation of Vishnu, whose earrings revealed particularly the toothed dolphin or crocodile of makara kundanalu, of Uttarashada— Intercalary Abhijit in this footing, or pada under the sway of Jovian Brihaspati, the preceptor of the Gods, into whose sector governed by Titans and Kronos, the encroucher to strike down and dispel the tamas formed from clouds of ignorance—The Benedictine Castelli, whose pupil Torricelli resolves the bands of Jupiter (1630), which clear the storms decided now as a string of pearls, would awe in having arrived above all of the potential broken arrows of substations to Juno’s radiation vault and shield (11 August 2011) sweeping the conductive metallic hydrogen ocean 37 times (10 July 2017)—Suspended zinc metal; which in his native German, Zinke, signifies a tooth or prong—Kurt Weill (b. 2 March 1900), while at work on Huck Finn (1950), is dying from the extracellular matrix remodeling of his ventricles,  and would be taken by the zinc dependent path of scaring and contractile failure from matrix metalloproteases (MMP) chelating this prosthetic metal; zinc, of the voltaic pile (1799), modifiable by the tetracycline
Minocycline (1967, 1971)—On the middlemost plate culture of the central organelle, the antimicrobial curbs mitochondrial breakdown (1988) of plant and animal fractionated stearins setting the steam scaffolding of Twinkies—
Stored in the liver as surplus—Minocycline; bound with five times the tissue penetration of doxycycline (1966), zinc-binding structural motifs, or fingers, of treble-clefs and nuclear receptors, which antimalarial, anti-rickettsial, inhibitor of corneal MMPs, metabolized in the absence of renal function, doxycycline, disables, at the tetracycline, tet-operon, for inducible transcription—Consequent enlargement of the five senses, the five heads of the Endless raft of Ananta and lotus out of the four cardinal directions and the uppermost head that renounces them to oppose the movement of electric charge, the aircraft decelerated by drag and impelled by thrust in halved parallel resistances (1/R1) + (1/R1) […]  in Ohms
Resulting in greater current (V) in the circuit—Identical divisions of the angas, the tetracords, or limbs of the midnight Raga
Malkauns celebrating the lotus out of the four cardinal directions and the uppermost head that renounces them, and that night in Lakshmi’s Srinagar (1952)—On a houseboat on Dal Lake where Lady Frieda Harris unfanned her facsimiles; as the originals were kept by Aby Warburg, examining the elephants bracing Card V., the Hierophant—The remover of obstacles transcribes with his broken tusk; and in one of four forearms is Ganesha’s goad, delivering exquisite pain and direction by the mahout, as the the ox-goad, lamed, of VIII. Adjustment (1940)—Unity, division, from one squared and two squared is the five prime of the Triangle (1^2 + 2^2 = √5), and cross-patterned 1.618 and 0.618 of every regular pentagon—The pentad, the augury of man’s extremities, the lost starfish asterism of the Chaldeans, and of Pythagoras (570-495 B.C.E.)—The Roman copy of Pythagoras; or made so by a latter inscription in the Vatican, of the polymath whose halved strings attune octaves, appears at the present occasion, if not the original stanza of Joanna, the Pope, who likewise had recollections of past births, and mirrors into that vesper's reading of the decad and tetrad forms, the puncta of foreseen nucleobases and valency of carbon, of the Tetractys and Tetragrammaton—Dissecting another pancreas of a salt-glistening infant brought to death by dehydration; seen with slide mounts of dilated or ectatic acini coupled with chronic bronchitis, which four-year-old Ricky Weiss mishears the condition keeping him perpetually gasping for breath, sixty-five roses (1965)—Chain smoking Dorothy Andersen; interrupted from consulting on this emerging field of open-heart pediatric cardiology, resolves another sibling, and this case in the findings from her recent paper Cystic Fibrosis of the Pancreas and Its Relation to Celiac Disease (1938), whose inflammatory remodeling of zinc-mediated matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) is suppressed by oral doxycycline (2012)—H.D.’s Centaur Song (1925) speaks to a sylvan watcher as the spring star Arcturus rises by four arcminutes and culminates on the 30th of April, while your heart /

[T]rembles more than the deer[...] (lines 32-33)—June 1938, Hilda Doolittle; long from her early deciduous period, and unfrozen by analysis (1933-4), takes the proceeds from the Helen Haire Levenson Prize (£21) and sends roses to Freud—Hart
Crane, en route with a Guggenheim, plunges into the imperceptible wave break and the Caribbean noon (27 April 1932)—Before the parallax from Arcturus, 37 light years and 186,000 miles away, triggers refractors and photocells at Yerkes, Urbana, Allegheny and Harvard Observatories, and in case of clouds, the standby Adler Planetarium, during the Chicago Century of Progress Exposition (27 May 1933), and Eternity is printed in the New Republic as prolepsis (1933) dictated for long-playing release by Tennessee Williams (1960)—The heart’s full force on the venous columns time in the years as varicosities; and not the parasitized lymphedema of the Sanskrit Slipada, elephant-legged, but enforced standing before the more infrequent insight at the altar, bench, stage, and desk then the Sitzfleisch of transcribing it—Uttarashadha
Southward from the Scutum Star Cloud, Sigma Sagittarii is Nunki surrounded by absorption nebulae that contour the water city Eridu to the Sumerians—The text How to Know Higher Worlds (1904-5) is thumbed by Kandinsky and Hilma af Klint before their separate acquaintances with Rudolf Steiner (1908), and the published Berlin lecture on The Christmas Mystery, Novalis, the Seer (S-1896; 22 December 1908) containing proclamations of the Rishis and Egyptians divaricating in a sphere, just stated in The Ten Largest, No. 1, Childhood, Group IV (1907)—Interpenetration of the largest of human cells on the month before exposure to the terrestrial scattering of the 3×109 amperes of the heliospheric current sheet—Theosophist electricity that materializes in the fluid electrolyte of Ethel Rosenberg (19 June 1953) at five times induction of the threshold of myocyte excitation appearing to the bodhisattva as a white elephant with six tusks of arc-lightning—The patch-clamp method of the monographs, exposed channel cell membrane shortened in action potentials and increasing resistance to arrhythmia by omega-3 (ω3) or omega-9 (ω9)-polyunsaturated fatty acids—Nasreen Mohamedi, who had drawn so many graphite and ink trajectories, experiences the loosening of her motor endplates (1937-1990), the refrain of Kandinsky, the need to take from an outer environment and bring it an inner necessity (1970) prefaced where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night (1925) and five ascending and descending tones of raga—
Five couplets of the Late Ghazal (1995), the music always ran ahead of the words—According to Esther Greenwood (1963) and Shomatsu’s negative of the Steel Helmet with Skull Bone Fused by Atomic Bomb of the same year—Proving the notes of von Haller (1763), Keith (1927), and Trueta (1963), the cause of the vessels’s retreat from the stone matrix and regeneration by tetracycline’s
Action on the MMPs, particularly on of the bone-resorbing osteoclasts of the chalk skeleton rising above aquatic life, and dissenting as the clouded dove window in Magritte’s canvas, La Grande Famille (1963)—Further, to wind telescope degrees preceding the first decimalization explained in Astrolabium (Rome, 1593) apart by a greater distance from the celestial bodies when Christopher Clavius had seen annular eclipse of 21 August 1560, La Lunette d’approche (1963)—The billing by Brecht and Weill’s The Seven Deadly Sins (7 June 1933) prefigures the Spaltung; described by Szilard and Fermi as the resonance of the neutron imitating the Sun separated by only cadmium rods (2 December 1942), for the sung ballet of the two Annas on a survey of the cities; written from Paris and choreographed by Kochno and Balanchine; at last, to arrive at last in the delta—Totaled by Olivetti electronic daisywheel print-out of the shipment of Twinkie
Filling from the juice extract of is mallow, whose quinary petals later bestir a confectionary-draw to Perkin’s aniline mauve (1856); Nabokov’s cinnamon-colored, and current informatic filter (2017) having come far from Folon’s pastel Macintosh Spirit, and in-house showcasing of the Apple in chroma (1976-1998)—For the finer pâté de guimauve; a corolla is delicately enfolded in the herbarium, Malva, malakhē in Greek—Taken for the mucilage root on the footpath to the Abbey of Montecassino by Joanna in hyperemesis gravidarum and with the vision of Scholastica (d. 10 February 543), the twin of Benedict of Nursia—Ohmic

Ligatures of the elephant’s head, with which Beryl combines the fifth stroke incorporating the illusion of some wearing it as a tattoo—Conveyance of God, Ganesha mounted on the rat for gaining access anywhere, machinery of notations drifting off to sleep with Larry, docile as the intromission/intromittist theory of hart or chitra dreaming among the Buddhas—Bronzed by Remington or above the Hollywood artifact mounted with a bank, the desk wheels to set dates, before the incomplete and ongoing Pauline born of a woman, born under the law (Galatians 4:4)—
Twinkie a ten-gallon hat wrangler, the papal throne a Roman birth stool predating the election of Pope Joan—Great reason and proof of the Plutonic node from 1931 to 2018, when 360 rays of the Sun Moon stations and in subsequent years conjuncts Saturn, retrogrades there, Uttarashadha—Perturbations of the ecliptic plane in future attaining microarcsecond accuracy and the nanoparticles of acid-base stability and the intact pharmacore of the R1- R4 sites in tetracycline, of Teddy Oettinger piloting the sabotage underground and online to the root directories—Back-tracing The Recognitions (1955) as the screenwriter’s wife, Agnes Deigh and her Mickey Mouse watch that debuts at the 1933 Chicago Exposition; but hers belongs to Rose, the Girl in the Polka Dot Dress (2009), the British Ingersoll of the arms recurving time, attired in sans-culottes—Just then, at the ortho positions, she is mistaking Dr. Weisgall, who the police find beats his daughter; the justice says justifiably, from his office’s picture window—Then, the blue-note raga of My Ship (1944); had Moss Hart cast Garbo for the role of Liza Elliott, and the song dropped as a condition from the Weill and the Gershwins's Paramount production (1944)—Had they not taken the trip, then the extra velocity (and fuel) required to launch against this motion of Pluto—


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

"Christie’s netted £99.5 million ($130 million) during its postwar and contemporary art evening auction at its King Street salesroom in London Friday night, securing a sell-through rate of 83 percent. But the sale was defined by a single lot that, once it failed to sell, made for one of the most notable pricing miscalculations in recent auction memory. That work, Francis Bacon’s Study of Red Pope 1962. 2nd version 1971, was marketed with an on-request estimate of £60 million to £80 million ($78.4 million to $104.5 million), which, if achieved, would have made it the priciest artwork ever sold at auction in Europe. But Christie’s could not find a buyer in that range, and the lot flopped."

Σφιγξ said...!AsA4BY25Ql_1jhxLurmfsKPJDVNF!AsA4BY25Ql_1jh1oF3ehRYo54Z5M!AsA4BY25Ql_1jh4MGVRMkcRyXDT4

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

"In 1977, German director Rainer Werner Fassbinder was thirty-two years old and had already directed more than twenty-five feature films. That summer, he embarked on a project to trace the postwar history of West Germany in a series of films told from the perspectives of three remarkable women. Fassbinder’s The Marriage of Maria Braun, Veronika Voss, and Lola —The BRD Trilogy — would garner him his greatest commercial success, both at home and abroad, and cement his position as one of the foremost figures of the New German Cinema.”

Σφιγξ said...

I use these is telling that when someone has been in-house for weeks, and the rapid test results, and then goes away, in the column. Is it on the conscience that everyone in the entire floor has been exposed, and needs quarantine? Or that reporting that the test is negative, and someone is shuttled back to a negligent-on-a-good-day chronic ward, and infects, and kills, everyone else?

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I will analyze this, this year.

I was going to read Ragtime (1975), but not in this cultural moment.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I received my discs yesterday sans the box with Video Droid in-stamped and rfid tagged. The establishment on Mendicino Avenue closed in 2018. I like renting, and know I can see it there on the return trip, but this model is gone.

Σφιγξ said...

I viewed this from the library. Only Season 3. I am saving Fassbinder for the right time.

The ICU scenes were convincing, the application of cricoid pressure for intubation, yet the OR scene with an open abdomen with only iv pushes on board? Pressor support would have been initiated first. Anyhow, the cerebral textures ended in an outburst and murder-suicide (could have scene that), but I watched not because I like procedurals, but because my brother looks and acts like the male lead.

Σφιγξ said...

Ha. The Fall (2013) features torn black stockings as an intro. The taskforce is relocated to The Boat (2010), which is not a mixed use building with jaunty picture frames recommending itself for the serious police work. Frank Gehry lite.

The museum of television the last decade is such surreal watching.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

"On 19 June 1953 she became the first woman in the US to be executed for a crime other than murder. She was thirty-seven years old."

I am reading this for a topical byway in a rejoinder to The Book of Daniel (1971) and associated contents.

Σφιγξ said...

I almost picked up Nick Lane's Transformer (2022) at the library. I have to make consecutive trips to establish commitment to the end goal.

Exercise 91 will go here.

Σφιγξ said...

Tevel, feminine, תֵּבֵל tav-vet-lamed- the world.

Zeman, masculine, זְמָ֑ן zayin-mem-nun final - time.

"Then there is the fact that two distinct words use the three letters of our root (tav, vet, lamed). We have(tevel, accent on the first syllable), a masculine noun meaning 'spice,' and (tevel, accent on the second syllable), a feminine noun meaning 'the world.' The first meaning probably derives from an older, primary root, (bet, lamed, lamed), meaning 'to mix.' When you add spices to food you are creating a savory mixture; alternatively, many spices added to foods are in fact mixtures of different spices. As to the second use, the word (tevel), world, comes from the root (yod, vet, lamed), to be fruitful, that also gives us the noun (yevul), 'produce.'"

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I am attending an eight-hour lecture about neuroinflammation for CE with my mother. As always, the multiple choice questions are presented ahead of the lecture, and I encourage her to fill it out as the topics proceed. I know, with this audience, someone will forget to silence a phone.

One of the topics cites this paper:

Σφιγξ said...