Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Captions and Cuttings I'd Like to Meet

When I look at photographs, especially of the glassy panes of plants, I like to ascribe titles to them...a lot of these could be bookbinding panels. Try your hand at a title. There are no wrong answers, only revelations.

"Brushing Her Tongue Across Her Face...Because Her Glass Was Empty"

"Lesson in Survival: Wound-licking with Molded Wax Lips"

"Mannerist Missive in Bronzino's Breast Pocket"

"It Comes to a Head: the Virile Quiet, the Release, and Quick, the Läkerol Lemon-mint Pastilles"

"An Infrequent Blusher at Standard Temperature and Pressure"

"Calendar Girl and the Drain's Eye View of Her Shampoo"

This Evening's Transcript:
J took a long look at paper, toile-printed cocktail napkins.
J alterates in her opinions of Milan Kundera: either that he wallows in irresolution or that he peels away the wispy underlayer after underlayer of life's meaning.
J plays Tricky's "Song for Yukiko" for this evening's study session.
J is aware that in a moment of haste, she forgot to hyphenate "ever-present" in her sentence.
J noticed the t-shirt of an acquaintance, declaring, "Metamorphosis." Momentarily thrilled by the mention of Ovid or Kafka, she was mistaken for an announcement of what Jesus can do for YOUR life.
J notices when she is around married people that they talk down their sleeves about their bliss.
J does not really want an interlocking vertebral model, since she was only reacting to the apparent difficulty of fitting all the facets together.
J lives for the sight of a rare bird, or at least a discarded egg fragment for her shadow box.


Σφιγξ said...

For the lack of synthesized derivatives of opiorphins, one will make do with the highly specified salivary secretion. Thank you, for reminding me.


I will put the corresponding Exercise, what are we on? 58 for XVIII. Still learning to tack, as a mackerel would, every shadow from above and below.

Σφιγξ said...

For a future six-part exploration.


Σφιγξ said...

Late entry. I liked Exercise 58 better unfinished. I will do it again, sometime.



Σφιγξ said...

"Kimberella flounces for the MYA shutter speed of Madame Yevonde's Goddesses, as Others (July 1935)"


Σφιγξ said...

It is not a moral statement, but an observation: we are seeing an uptick in undocumented immigrants at our hospital with active tuberculosis.

They stay for weeks, without any discussion about the TB outbreak with their cohort in vans and buses, and then they are hastily discharged on rifampin/isoniazid, a combo that is cheap with poor compliance due to the B vitamin depletion and resulting parasthesias.

When TB breaks out across our cities, there will be hand-wringing. That is all.


Σφιγξ said...

I am not an omniscient agent, and I need to remain humble, but three instances from my own experience convince me that I can understand cause and effect:

(1) After smoking on/off for 4.5 decades, my mother has compelling evidence of a diagnosis of COPD with activity-induced bronchospasm, as I said she would. This is particularly unhelpful, since she will use her gasping as a reason to become more de-conditioned. She is and will be a bitter invalid. The inhaled and systemic corticosteroid decline is ugly and expensive.

(2) My brother asked me to call the tutor immediately since his firstborn is demonstrably behind in school...I said she would be, without the educational prep of most of her peers. Most people are negligent parents...they do not see such preparation as a priority and an investment in the future. Why we are here.

*I was standing behind three mothers of young children in the bookstore yesterday with instructional workbooks in tow.

(3) The homeless, the addicts, and the undocumented are comprising a larger proportion of the uncompensated hospital care, here. The money for scheduled surgeries is lost through transfers, and this is why we are not getting work evaluations or raises this year. My outpost in a depression in the Blue Ridge Mountains is a microcosm of the world slowly turning into a third world nation.

Σφιγξ said...

I may have been harsh...I spoke with Sharon, and I told her how disappointing it is to live through so many obligations and deferrals in life to crumble into poor health. She is going back to the gym with me.

Σφιγξ said...

My final groyp presentation for class is on dairy cows, with one of these planned as the ending slide, after citations:


I am partial the stomachs one, myself.


Σφιγξ said...

My mother has gotten better; she uses an inhaler in the evenings with a spacer, which is a translucent flask fitted over the evaporated medicine containing it from rapid dissipation.