I have a scar on my right hand from sliding in the rough gravel, emerging from an alley.
Scars on the back of my heels attest to breaking in new sandals, every summer.
Like Joseph Merrick, I bear a café-au-lait macula...on my lower right calf.
The mole on my right scapula remains after cryotherapy.
Dermatomes (with unpictured peripheral nerve fields)...why, there are as many writings bound on a body in the form of scars if a linguistic turn is applied to it. If a tome is an extensive written work to be read...
Ha. I mention this because I was looking at this map of the body with dermatomes labeled as they correspond with the dorsal root ganglia. What a picture that would make to separate the maps like an unpeeled orange (peeling in one spiralling piece).
A different note--
I am really amazed at the resiliency of skin.
I am thinking of Dali's Galatea.
A post-note on the orange: the only way I could create that is by using the dermatomes of the trunk, since they run latitudinally.
Mussolini poses...I think that is an apt description. The moment is rare when I have the confidence to forget myself in pictures.
Yes, I can see an orange figure forming above an adaptation of Bonnard's Table (1925).
Yes, I was mentioning yesterday, why would anyone deliberately tattoo the skin, when it drags along accumulating its own features indeliberately? The spade on my knee is gone, and most of the other scrapes have absorbed given the supplementation with various oils? I do not judge a personal choice, but tattooing would seem like vandalism:
I would also like to read these at some point:
This is not quite it, but I remember a tectonic map cut along the subduction zones I want to recreate at some point.
For Exercise 54. I will post it here, with orange peels.
A half-hearted effort with the peel, but I will develop it again.
Orange peel dermatomes, I will try them again. An interlude Exercise?
I have not tarried over your picture intentionally. The application of orange in our shorthand has come to mean probing a wound and something long desired.
Yes, someone asked me about an apparent C7, C8 radiculopathy, and I used the dermatome map as a visual aid...cervical compression from lifting, likely.
I love your photo with the moon. When I get over this pause, I still want to use it.
Yes, I had the 1978 Barbie A Frame, which was sacrificed in a move. I have no doubt that it went to a good home. The sentimental on EBay are asking quite a lot to get theirs back.
My recent acquisition, for the Robert Bright illustrations:
It is a small world...Today, I took my niece to get ice cream, and I saw Dottie, who is an infectious disease physician at my hospital and the wife of John, John's father. I found out about this at a Baskin Robbin's twenty years ago, when she confronted my mother.* John was my grandfather's physician for five years at the VA; however, I think whatever went on happened long ago....I see her regularly as a consultant for infective endocarditis at work. She asked if Siena was my daughter.
Sharon says that John is depressed, limping on the units with a cane. His two daughters are high school age entering college.
Thank you, for reminding me.
I will put Exercise 87 here.
Ha. Law of attraction: I had to have a stand down about a precious testing kit with Dottie before I could send someone to surgery. It was a requirement, and not doing it meant holding a PCU and ICU bed for twelve hours, holding up a cardiac surgeon. She wanted me to call her, but I was busy doing charge and holding a pressure on a man's groin bleeding out in the bed (someone who was supposed to be monitoring came late and pulling back the sheet to discover), but then she sent it through the lab, which resulted in one hour.
Yes, Monica Vitti's character in the L'Eclisse film still I am adapting in Exercise 88 does appear to have delineated dermatomes. Not intentional. I will put it here.
Late entry. Thank you for reminding me.
Exercise 90.
No entanglements as the anecdote would suggest. It is a small world when you havd worked in the same place for nearly four decades, as she has, Sharon and Dottie. Obverses of a coin.
Firstly, there isn't even a suggestion of a biological timestamp. Secondly, I am too preoccupied with my persona not to practice discretion in all things. Lastly, the ones I have chosen in my life are all different, and the template does not exist. The propinquity effect applies to all people.
Yes, Exercise 85 is unflattering. She was in that picture, and is, more beautiful than that effort.
It is corrective when I look at it.
Prisma pigment has to be built up like paint, somewhat. The green always applies, for me. That color green is also a personal favorite, so I use it on all humans. The scanner light does strange things.
Exercise 90:
The trajectory is to transition to an independent career without prolonged hours where inappropriate relationships might develop.
The café au lait birthmark on my right leg has faded completely.
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