Monday, February 23, 2009

Snow in Turkey, Blue Arrows, Mick Harvey


Σφιγξ said...

A few subjects of current interest:

Σφιγξ said...

The Glyptothek with the remaining standing of the Parian marble.

My face feels like I spent the night on a grill.

Σφιγξ said...

And again, tonight, with feeling.
I am marinating a pantoum, though...along with the superior colliculus. I am reading Dangerous Muse and Musicophilia, by turns, since I am not sleeping...

Nice wallpaper, "Freundschaft" and circuits...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...


Petits mois petites fumées
et l'oubli en robe de laine
une porte s'ouvre tendrement
près du mur où naît le vent
près du jardin bienheureux
où les saints et les anges
ont peur des saisons
Les allées n'ont pas de noms
ce sont les heures ou les années
je me promène lentement
vêtu d'un paletot mastic
et coiffé d'un chapeau de paille noire
Je ne me souviens pas
s'il fait beau
je marche en fumant
et je fume en marchant
à pas lents
Quelquefois je me dis
Il est temps de s'arrêter
et je continue à marcher
Je me dis
Il faut prendre l'air
It faut regarder les nuages
et respirer à pleins poumons
Il faut voir voler les mouches
et faire une promenade de santé
Il ne faut pas tant fumer
je me dis aussi
je me dis encore
j'ai mal à la tête
Ma vie est une goutte d'eau sous ma paupière
et je n'ai plus vingt ans
Les chansons sont des chansons
et les jour des jours
je n'ai plus aucun respect pour moi
mais je vois de voyous
qui fument les mêmes cigarettes que moi
et qui sont aussi bêtes que moi
Je suis bien content
sans vraiment savoir pourquoi
Il ne suffit pas de parler du soleil
des étoiles
de la mer et des fleuves
du sang des yeux des mains
Il est nécessaire bien souvent
de parler d'autres choses
On sait qu'il y a de très beaux pays
de très beaux hommes
de non moins charmantes femmes
mais tout cela n'est vraiment pas suffisant
Le vide étourdissant
qui sonne et qui aboie
fait pencher la tête
On regarde et on voit
encore beaucoup d'autres choses
qui sont toujours les mêmes
Et là-bas simplement
quelqu'un passe
simple comme bonjour
et tout recommence encore une fois
je lis dans les astres la bonne volonté de mes amis
dans un fleuve j'aime une main
j'écoute les fleurs chanter
Il y a des adieux des oiseaux
Un cri tombe comme un fruit
Mon Dieu mon Dieu
je serai donc toujours le même
la tête dans les mains
et les mains dans la tête

Philippe Soupault (1919)

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I will get to purple-tipped surfgrass and carrageenan.

Σφιγξ said...

"For years, scientists found little evidence of horizontal gene transfer among eukaryotes — species such as animals, plants and fungi. But now that scientists are taking a closer look at more genomes, horizontal gene transfer is turning out to be more common than previously thought. Last year, for example, researchers found evidence that ferns acquired light-sensing genes 100 million years ago from another plant species called hornworts.

Cheese molds, too, are enthusiastic adopters of foreign DNA, Dr. Rodríguez de la Vega and his colleagues found. Up to 5 percent of the entire genome of each mold they studied was made up of DNA from another species.

This DNA has been jumping between species within the past few centuries, the French scientists report — probably as a direct result of cheese making. The fact that chunks of adopted DNA are identical in different species suggests they were shared recently, in evolutionary terms, and haven’t had enough time to pick up new mutations.

The scientists examined the two biggest chunks of DNA transferred between molds. The biggest, called Wallaby, contains 250 genes. The next biggest, called CheesyTer, contains about 60."

Σφιγξ said...

Thinking about this, at some point.

Σφιγξ said...

My maternal grandmother's condition; although, it seems to have diluted through subsequent generations.

Yes, my favorite song by Mick Harvey is "Blue Arrows."

Σφιγξ said...

I listened to "Emotional Weather Report" on my walk last night.

Yes, The Mountain in the Sea (2022) teases humanity's transition to AI companionship. Parts of the hacker's story take place in Turkey.

As I look toward communicating with other animals, I am still convinced that you know me best.

Σφιγξ said...

The Purple Emperor is a Palearctic species in Europe and Asia. The Purple Hairstreak can be found in Europe as well, but one is more likely to encounter the latter in North America.

I retired early so that I can clear the decks, and put the purple hairstreak mistletoe image I have in mind to paper. I will put it here.

Σφιγξ said...

The Purple Emperor exercise:!AsA4BY25Ql_1m3iQ0ECS7GC9LsQZ?e=5wIfgL

For a future Card, Mener l'enquete

Σφιγξ said...

The Ray Nayler book out January 16th is anticipated!

Σφιγξ said...

I had a hair appointment scheduled, tasks, and continuing education for; with a cancellation, I will read this 99-page text.,+untouched+by+poachers,+as+if+she+had+fallen+asleep.%22&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&source=gb_mobile_search&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjDsbuagoOFAxW0kokEHX0mBfQQ6AF6BAgFEAM#v=onepage&q=The%20Tusks%20of%20Extinction%20Nayler%20%22The%20pink%20calf%20lay%2C%20untouched%20by%20poachers%2C%20as%20if%20she%20had%20fallen%20asleep.%22&f=false

Σφιγξ said...

The compliance requested of me from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm, with everyone with their three-plus small children off from spring break, in a salon chair receiving lowlights, highlights, and toner was great. My shortcoming, after paying the going rate with product, is that I did not bring a cash tip.

I must do better next time.

Exercise 91.

Σφιγξ said...

Yes, I followed the prompts over the suggested point-of-sale percentage, which made my independent contractor report more on her form 4070 for withholding.