Friday, March 6, 2009

Models in a Headless Contest: Athena and/or Artemis Excerpts

"As Goddess of the Hunt in pursuit of her chosen quarry, Artemis the Archer could aim for any target, either near or far away, and could know that her arrows would unerringly reach their marks. The Artemis archetype gives women the innate ability to concentrate intensely on whatever is important to her and to be undistracted from her course, either by the needs of others or by competition from others" (49).

"Artemis qualities appear early. Usually an Artemis baby is the one who looks absorbingly at new objects, who is active rather than passive. People often comment on this capacity to concentrate on a self-selected task: 'She has an amazing power of concentration for a two-year-old,' or 'Be careful what you promise her, she's got a mind like an elephant; she won't forget--she'll hold you to it" (54).

"Another common mother-daughter difficulty that Artemis daughters have is with mothers whom they view as passive and weak. Their mothers may have been depressed, victimized by alcohol or a bad marriage, or immature. When they describe their relationships with their mothers, many Artemis daughters in this mother-daughter configuration say, 'I was the parent'" (56).

"The Artemis woman puts effort into work that is of subjective value to her. She is spurred on by competition and undeterred (up to a point) by opposition" (58).

"The lesbian Artemis woman may either have a mirror-image lover, an almost identical-twin relationship, or she may be attracted to a nymphlike, softer, more "feminine" person than herself...She, like her heterosexual equivalent, avoids relationships in which she is contained or dominated by a "parental" partner or in which she herself is expected to play the parent role" (60).

"The Artemis woman is hardly an Earth-Mother type--and being pregnant or nursing a baby will not fulfill her. In fact, pregnancy may be repugnant to the Artemis woman who likes having an athletic, graceful, or boyish figure. She doesn't feel a strong instinctual pull to be a mother (for this, Demeter must be present). Yet she likes children" (64).

"An Artemis woman between the ages of thirty-five and fifty-five may find herself in a midlife crisis if she does not have any other goddess aspects in her life. Artemis is a pattern that is very compatible with a goal-oriented young woman who single-mindedly pursues her self-chosen goal. But in her middle years a shift may occur. Now there are fewer "uncharted wildernesses" for her to explore. She has either succeeded in achieving her targeted goals, reached a plateau, or failed" (65).

"Artemis the goddess roamed through her chosen terrain with company of her own chosing, doing what pleased her. Unlike goddesses who were victimized, Artemis never suffered. However, she did harm others who offended her, or threatened those under her protection. Similarly, the psychological difficulties that characteristically are associated with Artemis women usually cause others to suffer, rather than bringing pain on themselves" (66).

"In the myth of the Calydon Boar, the same Atalanta who raced Hippomenes faced the charging boar with a spear in her hand. The boar had already gored and killed many famous male heroes who had tried to bring it down...She waited until the boar was almost on her, took careful aim, and then threw the spear through an eye (its only vulnerable spot) to hit the mark.

The destructive rage of an Artemis woman can only be stopped by what Atalanta did. The Artemis woman must confront her own destructiveness directly. She must see it as an aspect of herself that she must stop before it consumes her and devastates her relationships.

It takes courage to confront the inner boar...[s]he can no longer feel righteous and powerful" (69).

"Apple 1: Awareness of Time Passing. Early in the race, Hippomenes threw the first golden apple in Atalanta's path. She was drawn to its shining beauty and slowed down to pick it up. ...Reflected back to her, she saw her own face, distorted by the curves of the apple: 'This is how I will look when I grow old.' she thought" (72).

Apple 2: Awareness of the Importance of Love.

Apple 3: Procreative Instinct and Creativity" (73).

"Athena differs from Artemis and Hestia in that she is the virgin goddess who seeks the company of men. Rather than separating or withdrawing, she enjoys being in the midst of male action and power. The virgin goddess element helps her to avoid emotional or sexual entanglements with men, with whom she works closely. She can be companion, colleague or confidante of men without developing erotic feelings or emotional intimacy.

Athena emerged into the company of the Olympians as a fully grown adult. ...The Athena archetype thus represents an older, more mature, version of a virgin goddess than Artemis. Athena's realistic orientation to the world as it is, her pragmatic attitude, her conformity to "adult" (that is, traditionally held) standards, and lack of romanticism or idealism complete this impression of Athena as the epitome of the 'sensible adult'" (79).

"To get ahead, women as well as men need mentors, sponsors, and allies. Intellectual ability alone is usually not enough; tactical and political considerations are involved. What subject Athena studies, teaches, or researches; which campus she settles on; and which department chair or mentor she chooses all play a part in deciding if she will get the grants and positions needed in order to do the work" (81).

"...In real life, a woman friend may be appallled when her Athena companion forgets the importance of their relationship and instead concentrates on winning--sometimes even by deception, revealing a side of her personality that kills the friendship.

A lack of kinship with other women usually began in childhood with their admiration of and affinity to their fathers, and/or with dissimilarity of personality and intellect between themselves and their mothers. This tendency is then compounded by a lack of close female relationships" (90).

"An Athena woman is often angry at the woman who complains, rather than at the man whom the complaint is made. She may blame the female victim for provoking what happened. Or, more typically, like the goddess herself, she is incensed that the woman would make public an action that subjects the man to criticism" (91).

"She likes men as friends or mentors rather than as lovers. Unlike Artemis, she rarely considers sex a recreational sport or adventure. Like an Artemis woman, she needs either Aphrodite or Hera as active archetypes in order for sexuality to become an expression of erotic attraction or emotional commitment.

The lesbian Athena woman has a tendency to have a partner cast in the same mold as herself. They may both be professional women, high achievers who began as colleagues prior to becoming lovers.

In their relationship, lesbian Athena women may admire the other's "heroic" qualities or success, or may be drawn to the other's intellect. Companionship and loyalty, rather than passion, hold them together...[t]hey are likely to keep the homosexual nature of their relationship secret from others. Their relationship is often long-lasting, surviving separations caused by career requirements" (93).

"The Athena woman finds it difficult to deal with either sons or daughters who are easily moved by feelings. The situation is harder, of course, on the children. If they accept her standards, they are likely to grow up devaluing themselves for being crybabies as children, and for being oversensitive as adults. Her practical-mindedness also makes her impatient with a dreamy child who fantasizes.

An Athena mother expects her children to do what is expected of them, to rise above the emotion-evoking events in their lives, and be "good soldiers"--as she is" (97).

"This is why her life lacks intimacy and is often lonely. When a woman is metaphorically wearing Athena's armor with the Medusa aegis on her breastplate, she is not showing any vulnerability. Her well-armored (usually intellectual) defenses are up, and her authority and critical gaze keep others at an emotional distance.

If she is dismayed by the Medusa effect she has on others, an Athena woman would do well to remember that the Gorgon breastplate was something Athena put on and could take off. ...When she becomes aware that she has something to learn from people and something to share with them, and thus is involved as a peer, she will have shed her Gorgon breastplate and the Medusa effect" (103).

"Most dear to Athena of all the crafts was weaving. An Athena businesswoman told me when she took up weaving, 'It's the most calming activity I can think of--I get into the rhythm of the loom, my mind is absorbed and empty at the same time, my hands are busy, and at the end I have a beautiful wall hanging" (104),


Σφιγξ said...

Il ne faut pas sous-estimer la force de la femme.

Σφιγξ said...

Pop psychology at its best.

Σφιγξ said...

As it is in real life, there is a price sticker on our hearts.

Σφιγξ said...

The Redbook reading public doesn't know that...

Frugality is far from simple, it is very strategic.

Σφιγξ said...

I used to ruin my books by folding the corner pages and underlining, but now I don't.

Σφιγξ said...

This is why I buy used books, often.

Σφιγξ said...

No, some other hole in the wall.

I haven't managed to go back there since we've been. I felt that my querencia there has been violated. It isn't your fault. It's mine.

Imagined conversation:

Σφιγξ said...

Never to lie down in the bed made for [one]:

A Myth of Devotion
by Louise Glück

When Hades decided he loved this girl
he built for her a duplicate of earth,
everything the same, down to the meadow,
but with a bed added.

Everything the same, including sunlight,
because it would be hard on a young girl
to go so quickly from bright light to utter darkness

Gradually, he thought, he'd introduce the night,
first as the shadows of fluttering leaves.
Then moon, then stars. Then no moon, no stars.
Let Persephone get used to it slowly.
In the end, he thought, she'd find it comforting.

A replica of earth
except there was love here.
Doesn't everyone want love?

He waited many years,
building a world, watching
Persephone in the meadow.
Persephone, a smeller, a taster.
If you have one appetite, he thought,
you have them all.

Doesn't everyone want to feel in the night
the beloved body, compass, polestar,
to hear the quiet breathing that says
I am alive, that means also
you are alive, because you hear me,
you are here with me. And when one turns,
the other turns—

That's what he felt, the lord of darkness,
looking at the world he had
constructed for Persephone. It never crossed his mind
that there'd be no more smelling here,
certainly no more eating.

Guilt? Terror? The fear of love?
These things he couldn't imagine;
no lover ever imagines them.

He dreams, he wonders what to call this place.
First he thinks: The New Hell. Then: The Garden.
In the end, he decides to name it
Persephone's Girlhood.

A soft light rising above the level meadow,
behind the bed. He takes her in his arms.
He wants to say I love you, nothing can hurt you

but he thinks
this is a lie, so he says in the end
you're dead, nothing can hurt you
which seems to him
a more promising beginning, more true.

Σφιγξ said...

"Persephone the Kore or "nameless maiden" is familiar to many a woman as the stage of life when she was young, uncertain, and full of possibilities. It was the time when she waited for someone or something to come along to shape her life, before another (any other) archetype became activated and ushered in a different phase.


The receptivity of the Persephone archetype is the quality many women need to cultivate. This is especially so of focused Athena and Artemis women, who are in the habit of knowing what they want and acting decisively. They do not do well when they encounter a lack of clarity about how and when to act, or an uncertainty about what has the highest priority. For this, they need to cultivate Persephone's ability to wait for the situation to change, or for their feelings to become clear"

"The Persephone woman has a youthful quality. She may actually look younger than her age or may have something "girlish" in her personality, a "Take care of Little Me" element that may endure through middle age and beyond. I think of the Persephone woman as having something willowy about her that bends to conform with circumstances or with stronger personalities. Going first in one direction and then another, depending on how "the wind blows," she springs back when the force lets up, remaining unaffected in some significant way by experience unless she makes a commitment that will change her" (205).

Σφιγξ said...

I am sure Louise celebrated the irony that her ability to write poems for a living was made possible (in a small part) from the proceeds from her father's invention--the X-acto knife.

Σφιγξ said...

I remember being seven years old and discovering the X-Acto knife (along with the rubber cement) and I carried it around like a precious fingers all papercuts.

Σφιγξ said...

Assemblage, or the creation of rhizomes? Rather than being so pessimistic, I think of the excavations of precedents as a warm-up for something beyond.

I think about this, when I see four-year-olds with tablets, condoned by the fear of being held back by in albeit delayed participation in the programming. One hears about teaching code, which is more "useful" than other disciplines.

Σφιγξ said...

The clip from September 26, 2014 uses a ferrofluid, which exhibits one form of magnetism (para and dia- being the others), and was my initial starting point for researching gadolinium, although I knew about MRI contrast for some time.

Σφιγξ said...

Thoth's Three of Cups is the gift of abundant love and relationships, which cannot be contrived for exigencies. One takes the time to nurture the subsequent harvests after the god of wealth bursts out of the ground, from out of the mind. The underworld, or Unconscious, is a fund of abundance sometimes activating memories of loss, but ultimately, for rebirth.

Σφιγξ said...

*Hades, "the unseen".

I should probably say that I haven't identified with, synonymous with success, Athena. I have known them, but as in the business world, such models more or less expose the perils of outsourcing. Along the way, isn't there a crucial part, or meeting that is missed? If I knew what I was supposed to be doing, I would have already done it. Anyhow, that is not a confession that I am dropping the ball on this opportunity, not this time.

Pallas was the mold of Athena (she just made another one, the palladium), and negotiating the more-or-less the alternate script, I was never really surprised when an image management issue, or a lack of coinciding objectives was pronounced. Persephone became activated at last when it became evident, the slow sociological death of being kept from full economic participation. Actually, I am not looking for an untapped vein of wealth in a Juno marriage alliance; those women are miserable. Perhaps a reconciliation among all the archetypes is the mark of maturity and wholeness. Awareness admits the possibility of adaptation.

So this gets to the script of Artemis. I had wondered about Lionel Shriver's epistolary text that is a much-improved creation as a film, We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011). The mother is a travel writer, whose self-employment makes the nest a site of work and never relaxation. She has an unacted-upon opposition to structures in her persistent wish for being in any place, the further from a Western timestamp the better, and is this projected form of rebellion expressed by her son, whose activating youth and gender make its realization possible? How could she blame her son for externalizing her disassociation, dissatisfaction with the world as it is? One could argue that she was not sorry for the school, as a mother avenged against proud Niobe's children isn't. She pays for it in various forms, as my own mother continues to suffer.

When I reach that point that I am reconciled to the world, by taking a respectable place in it, then I will no longer fear of having a son.

*I am disappointed by my education, and I do not know how I can endure two years of what I am doing; it is demoralizing to be subjected to daily progress reports, when it is not my choice to attend class once a week. This upcoming year, I am taking advantage of additional opportunities to monetize freedom. In our regressive state, it is a mandate, to keep salaries stable, to graduate x-units in two years. The less I think about it, and push through, the better the outcome.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

*Not two years, now 16 months.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Dita has an entirely different meaning today, with the well-know performer (!) Her china white looks get more determined every performance, now that she is back on the circuit and off Marilyn Manson. I am not stimulated by her at all. I accept that certain looks enliven our brains in a most instinctual way, and take their shortest courses to our detriment. For this reason, I do not watch porn.

This foundation features François Sagat's patronage. In another life, my twenties, I oogled his scalp tattoo, aquiline nose and his compact form on a trapeze. Projected Animus. Ha!

Σφιγξ said...


The less I focus on my earthbound lot, the better I feel.

Σφιγξ said...

Yes, the sign posts here are Persphone and Phil Greenwood. Thank you, for reminding me. I will put Exercise 86 here.

Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 87.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

"A good parent will know how to appear very boring. It will understand that what a child chiefly needs is a source of reliable calm, not fireworks and excitement (it has enough of these inside its own mind). It should be there, in the same place, saying more or less the same things, for decades. It should take care to be predictable and to edit out its surprising moods, the child doesn’t need a full picture of every perturbance and temptation coursing through its carers’ minds. The parent accepts that ‘mummy’ or ‘daddy’ are roles, not full representations; it should be the privilege of every child not to have to know its parents in complete detail."

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I have debated over removing this, but I will allow it to stand.

It should not be hard. You know exactly where to skewer my flank where a contest is concerned. To you, it is simply get on with it, and then I am inflamed to question the legitimacy of your position brokered by scheming and capstoned with smugness. We challenge each other in the best and worst ways at times.

This is not helpful. We do not treat our friends this way nor should we think of one we want to reach most as an opponent. I am very guilty of this, of being harsh and reacting emotionally when it is counter to my higher aims of reaching you.

Exercise 91.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Thank you, for reminding me that the approach with the small natives this week does not have to be high stakes with feelings of rejection the largely misperceived result.

The burden of emotional pain makes me hunch with a sore neck. I had to lie down, and I feel better.

Σφιγξ said...

Elevendy and I read together, and she satisfied the quota for the strawberry minibag today. I forget that her mixed peer group in this summer program encourages maturity.

The best way to encourage positive growth, which worked with Siena, is to identify the reward and set the terms, with tutoring, with reading, with math, and then with piano.

I have to work in some one-on-one with the boy, a walk, and then a story. He should be speaking more, but in identifying the issue, I am tasked with providing the support'lev&f=false

"In essence, these 'natural lows'--absences of holiness that G-d has created within the monthly cycle of a woman, the weekly cycle of Shabbat, the nightly cycle of sleep, or the entire life cycle of the Jewish people as a whole--are, in their innermost sense, all parts of the process of spiritual ascent.

Nor is the connection between these different cycles artificial. The Talmud compares the Jewish people to the moon, for just as the moon waxes and wanes every month, so, too, do the Jews undergo phases of concealment and renewal in exile and redemption."

Σφιγξ said...

"When bioturbation rates were conservatively extrapolated across measured feeding area in the estuary, we calculated rays displace 57.6 (±32.4) tonnes of sediment per day, or 21.0 (±11.4) kilotonnes per year.

Rays (superorder Batoidea: skates, stingrays, electric rays and shovelnose rays) are key bioturbators and ecosystem engineers. Rays forage for buried prey by excavating sediment via hydraulic action, expelling water from their mouth and gills while simultaneously moving their pectoral fins, creating feeding pits that can remain on the substrate for several days (Gregory et al., 1979; Sasko et al., 2006; Wilga et al., 2012). Rays play a significant role in foraging facilitation (Boaden & Kingsford, 2012), stabilizing local prey populations (Ajemian et al., 2012; Hines et al., 1997) and influencing prey metapopulation source-sink dynamics (Peterson et al., 2001). In addition, ray bioturbation contributes to many ecological services within their ecosystem through the structuring of sediments, oxygen penetration and nutrient cycling (Harris et al., 2016; Lohrer et al., 2004; Wright & Jones, 2006) (Grew, Gaston, Griffin, Duce & Raoult, 2024).

Σφιγξ said...

True repentance is measured when one refuses to engage in the former sin when retested. I can only guess that there are those who would like to remind me of some degrading aspects of my former self, like a relative reminded me recently that why should I "throw away the years invested in my former faith" ?

My answer to all of the above is, if one is settled in one's affirmation of anything, why does the inveterate homosexual or vociferous Christian (or atheist for that matter) care what I decide? Therein lies the inconvenient realization of a Conscience in these cases that stirs someone to reinvigorate the argument. One's conscience won't leave them alone, so they project it on to a person trying; trying, keyword, to live a righteous life.

Σφιγξ said...

I saw this, this afternoon. I slid in ice down the driveway, and sat with wet pants.

It made me sad to see the anticlimactic of aging, and having no resources. Annette and Shelly are two broken women. It was good.

Σφιγξ said...

I rescued a cyclamen and two rubber plants at closeout prices when I went to get bird seed for the next winter storm.

Σφιγξ said...


*Yes, the aural temptations exist, which I should remove from my life. Thank you for reminding me.