Tuesday, August 6, 2013

XI. La Force

XI. La Force

Having undergone our own education by the mirrored vectors
Of our drapery—It is arresting to stare into the exfoliated graphite
Where the earliest multiples tapered like dolphins; and palladium,
After ejection from the mold—For others, it enjoyed a visionary status—
It was Curiosity’s longest drive yet—Then, remaining slewed to the incident
Rays, onward to 2 Pallas—That it should have such a hold on us, the second

Asteroid, whose experience of being observed, induced it—Recounted seconds
Of rejoicing forgetfulness—An available profile in three corners, and resulting vector,
The course of this excursion is embracing all others, procuring order—Incidental,
Into mingling currents; or rather, the pucker of Nepalese paper, with graphite
As a lubricator both then, and forever to obscure its face—There is the status
Of being substituted by another—Walking along crumbling walls for the palladium

Discharged air of autocatalyzers— Pallas’s crackling bouquet is put out; palladiums
Lie somewhere concealed—From just such wells of distemper, downshifting to second,
My predecessors completed me—Likewise, to tell of the less than glorious status
Of a retreating minor; there was some kind of theft, and while no longer hosting the vector—
It suppurates, this dream aspect required for that transaction, and rendered in graphite
Pencil—To say nothing of the absence or insertion followed later in a copybook, for incidental

Credit—What is foremost is that everyone’s privacy be considered; the incidental
Appearance of whomever—One who noted equivalence of static and current electricity—Palladium’s
Discoverer, Wollaston, favored concealing the substance of his welcome, bending on graphite
Blocks of his refractory oven—His new element had so many disputants awaiting a second
Stab at a business case—Besides the odd rifle discharge cap, the metal disclosed the vector
Of his days, which were more sadly concluded straining for sucrose in diabetic serum—The fallen status

Contrived in public buildings; offending with the one hand, concealing with the other—Status
Anxiety attains its highest expression in Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, the accuser’s incidental
Transcript of twilit life—Frost pins us in its clandestine wings, which are the cruelest, their vectors
Persist until they puncture the entire mystery—For this offense, the need to replicate the Palladium?
Inform on one another, or suspend the galleys; but be forced to admit, for a second,
Steadied for consequences that may well pass through generations, radar absorbent such as graphite

Fails our indicting gaze—Insist the adulterated oil burns away, that dust assumes a graphite
Composition—Duplicity is a part of me; lest my spraying nostrils fool you; their functional status
Is altogether different—You, wrestling with the net, will know my dolphin indisposition; seconds
After drawing breath, few have safely purchased—Bound by the language of incidental
Suffering—Catastrophes make good copy—Reactions are quenched with water; the palladium
Catalyst, much less by weight—Arranging quotidian acts, my at-sea apprentice in this vector space

Endures a deposition of graphite—Somewhere, the shipwrecked blood sends its vectors—
For fear of their pronouncements, seconds before touching, we turn over haunted incidents.

Coming off palladium and status—Come satisfy our curiosity deprived of its metallic aftertaste.


Σφιγξ said...



Σφιγξ said...




Yes, this will be the next material

Σφιγξ said...
