Thursday, August 8, 2013

XVI. La Deuxième Maison

XVI. La Deuxième Maison

The gymnasium’s light gave her skin a sheen shunting
On the rings—Deciding not to consent nor to compromise, unlike a slick
Protein that, perhaps consciously, drives water into the straw-colored
Plasma it is impatient to reenter—After a first pass of the lungs and liver,
For reproductive efficiency, albumin unfurls a yellow flag of quarantine.
She stares daggers at the young man who followed with an Iron Cross

Ingested compounds are unchanged, and hold their fire beneath crossed
Legs—Uncertain whether it was a dream, the thickness and extensibility shunting
Into the surface layers, red light gores the keratin so that albumin’s quarantine
Scatters blue waves on the seeming volcanic terrain grazing you, for want of slick
Emollients—The tongue; however, is sufficiently furred with chemicals—Serum liver
Proteins carry on figuring the brunt of microvessels's shield blows, volatiles strawed

Through the elements, where free fatty acids bind to albumin, onto waving straw
Outlets of systemic circulation—Primed by epinephrine to rend the cross
Vaults of adipose tissue—Hormone sensitive lipase, a pancreatic product, jolts liver
Cells of esterified fats for lipolysis—In the endurance-trained individual shunting
Broad tracts, or plank pivoting with the forearms and shoulders, responsiveness , and slick
Extracellular fluid distribution, is  further enhanced—Fat collecting between a quarantined

Lower half is less sensitive to epinephrine—A woman’s heart looks to the quarantined
Flesh, which is essentially unchanged, fueled by a greater proportion of fats than straw
Men—Court intrigues are complicated by cycles, the collapse into shapelessness—The  slick
Cat suit market put this solution into effect  against the telos of creation, not for crisscrossing
Skaters—This failure to recognize what is most familiar, plasma binding proteins shunting
Drugs perfuse less based on the assumption that the body will give life—Model liver

Perfusion shrinks due to ready lipid in the yellow omentum—Spinal struts succumb to livers
Choked with fat, which serve as a private reminder of the increased marrow fat quarantined
In the vertebrae—Reminded of being overdreary and complex, when all the globule shunting
Matters less when normalized to body weight, and not sex—One is given clearance, straw
Bids for the exotic, to interlace notebooks—Estrogen receptors every therapeutic crosses
May adversely impact cells, particularly cardiac potassium channels—Blocked before the slick

Release of ovulation, some tumorigenics result in prolonged Q-T electrocardiograms—Slick
Repressions of death, hasten it instead—Giallo films; and later, the slashers, with falling liver
Contusions, plate glass bisecting the head, blood running candy-striped—Does it all cross

Torn veils—Takeoff of a woman’s body trapping you with a child that women quarantine
Themselves against, with oral contraceptives—Everyone is watching everyone else in straw-
Built houses—Once again, fluid balance is thrown off predisposing her to embolism, I shunt

Such questions as if they were shunted circuits—Yet I realize, in the slick drawing
I trace in straw on your back, and on the smooth edifice of your beating liver—
There is quarantine, rose petals to perfume one’s hands, and a cross bridge’s mortar is mixed with tears.


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I remember that I started this investigation with the frequently cited "straw-color" of albumin.

Σφιγξ said...

I remember that I wrote this in 2013 with this soundtrack:

7 October 2023.

I will put the Purple Hairstreak exercise here.

Σφιγξ said...!AsA4BY25Ql_1m3iQ0ECS7GC9LsQZ?e=AzPAGz