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You're Love in the Time of Cholera!
by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Like Odysseus in a work of Homer, you demonstrate undying loyalty by
sleeping with as many people as you possibly can. But in your heart you never give
consent! This creates a strange quandary of what love really means to you. On the
one hand, you've loved the same person your whole life, but on the other, your actions
barely speak to this fact. Whatever you do, stick to bottled water. The other stuff
could get you killed.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
You're Infinite Jest!
by David Foster Wallace
While you1 consider yourself2 to be clever,
there are those3 who think you're just full of yourself or, perhaps worse,
playing a joke4 on everyone around you, and yet you are pretty sure that
you really are that brilliant after all, since people would hardly take the time to
get to know you5 if they didn't care very deeply about what you had to
say to them, to wit, about their lives, their hopes, their dreams, their fears, their
drug habits, and of course what videos6 they prefer to watch, since,
after all, your impressive vocabulary and tendency to go on and on7 makes
you seem superior, able to educate them, and really drive a sense of something
ineffable into their measly little skulls while you are not above making a cheap
gag or really going after anyone or anything or telling them about incredible
futures involving tennis, geopolitics, and
1Meaning you personally, not someone like you or your own
personal daddy, for example.
2As well as you can see yourself, which, frankly, may not be that well.
3Though we wouldn't deign to be so peripatetic as to name them here, mind.
4Jokes, though not common in Victorian England, were known to originate
sometime in ancient history, perhaps as early as the time of Babylon, or even before.
It is thought that the history of the joke plays an integral role in the mindset of
the characters depicted here, though you may disagree at this point, in which case I
am facing quite the dilemma in relaying this narrative, no?
5It is rather time consuming, after all.
7and on and on and on...
Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.
You're The Metamorphosis!
by Franz Kafka
Though you think you're in the midst of a dream, the fact of the
matter is that your life has become a nightmare. The nightmare at first seems
horrific to you, but you are slowly able to adjust to the facts of the matter
and settle down and make do with what you've been given. There are those that
would say you're pointless and absurd, but you're really just trying to
demonstrate that people can (and do) adapt to anything, no matter how absurd
it is. Not that this will really inspire them to change, because they probably
don't understand.
Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.
I cannot be bothered to erase this, anymore.
My thoughts are that you did not think; and more importantly, do, anything between work and vacations about the life that you presumably wanted. Why bother to cross reference, and spool backwards here, without more than a superficial interest, or a decision at some point through the years, to make yourself known?
Not to generalize; but men and women around the late post-war period astound me, to contemplate starting a family with a younger person, now, that one's extended period of personal investment, entertainment and accrual has passed? Now that is suits you, you, the extrauterine tissue six-decades expired? Choice is a detached concept, and feelings are only topical.
Maybe the only thing that I would add is that it is easier than you think, to live scheduled between work and leisure.
Not nice, Jackie.
My generation concentrated on the wrong things, too. This hands-free, for instance.
Humility in all things. I apologize and thank people often.
Exercise 91.
Contemplate this, your Creator fashioned a compliment to you in utero 22 years ago with the good and bad parts, to come to you, walk literally into you, and offer this eccentric portion. Thanks; I guess, you say. If I was made for you, then it is an answered prayer for all the times things did not work out right. In my case, I have to live up to that; not being a disappointment.
Maybe challenging each other's assumptions, which are so curated and finely wrought, is the work of many lifetimes.
We have a juvenile opossum in the blue room/office, which I am trying to convince my brother to release in a tree at night. There is cat food left out at night. It won't starve.
I am a lover of all things sour. Sweetarts, green apples, sauerkraut, Seville oranges, grapefruit, limes, lemons, and lemonade (with minimal simple syrup). Slaw in a vinaigrette was the side this evening.
It stays in a crate to keep it safe from the cats. It wees on a paper pad. The thought is to feed it to get its weight up before it goes out into the wild.
Keith did this for Snuffles the raccoon, who still comes on the deck at night with kits in tow to be fed.
I did not plan on going over there this evening, but my car overheated, and I did not have my phone. I have to take my car to get get the thermostat checked, and likely walk back to the house. I will bring my notebook to work on questions there.
The opossum was rehabilitated and went outside before June.
The car repair yesterday happened without stress. I paid for the group vacation two months ago, and one of the participants brought me cash yesterday (despite my protestations) to contribute to their stay. I paid for the repair with this.
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