Exited My House By John Ashbery
It is so easy to be attractive when
you're young, even if not particularly favored by nature,
even if nerdy, spotted, and pacific,
even in the wrong clothes, rumpled with anxiety
like a maze, even without interests
from the wrong side of the street.
Standing with one's bother,
wiping off the strictures of dark, demented doubt,
one believes what one lives in.
The air freshens the rooms.
I float from the dormer down
to the brick path darkened by the lawn sprinkler.
It seems I was inside once.
Oh I'm careless to tell the advantage of that pact
with truth I made as I undress.
The truth is it would have gotten to me
after five or six seasons of that sort of thing.
But it wasn't to be. Baby blushed anew at the air's demands,
and the pine tree fell over on the back porch, causing it to cave in.
That wasn't in my list of grievances though.
In fact there was never any list;
I coped by coping, living out life shred by shred
until a magma caught up with me. In the broken alley
one passed strollers and people pushing them. One comet caught my
but it was too late, too late to praise she always says.
My pants were wet
and someone is coming up the road, some zombie
or other.
This tune I never asked for
is a different one, a furious clarion
shrilling a hornet's nest of replies.
The others will be older, other rapists
than the ones that were put down.
It would be time to plan an escape.
This is difficult in a hotel.
There are bands of bullies waiting to frisk
you, and on the esplanade the scenario doesn't get much better.
Even the little girl with the balloon is planning to annex half of
Western civilization,
and the ticket-of-leave man has his eye on the colored bastions
we plummet over, seeking release in the sea, the sea!
Two dolphins like two colons in a sentence
are rinsing me now,
pouring me out of myself.
I feel as though I'll never be big enough
to efface scars as an adult ideally should--
wait, though! I'm coming to the corner where
pockets of jasmine and lavender inhale--
Be my scope limited, it's something
just to have been in the intimacy of all the stories
down the stairway to where it ends, to have worn
linen and passed as a man in suits.
I'll tell you that one too
though you don't want to hear it,
though it's as old as the hills,
though displeasure is now rage, I'll canvass
for funds for it, not giving up,
not showing myself up this time,
too close to Mother and the difficult calm,
to the overextended fruit of this day,
this dream.

Tanith dropped by today.
Like, I hadn't seen her in years,
But there she was at my front door
In her colonial helmet.
Custom made Burmese fan
Poised in one hand...
Ready to swipe at any passing disease-ridden mosquito.
She'd been in Belgium, she told me...
Studying the pyramids.
It took her years to find out
That there were no pyramids in Belgium.
I asked her why she left me so suddenly...
Why she'd been silent for so long.
Didn't I exist for her? Didn't we have something, well, special?
She asked me for tea in a plastic cupWith a well-fitting lid...Then she left.

You make the sun shine...
Keep me warm at night.
You are my guiding light.
When I'm weak or desperate,
You'll stretch out your hand...
It's a hand that offers courage...
It's a hand that calms me down...
And leads me to a land
That we discovered countless lives ago.
Still young enough to change this wicked world...
So tell me, Angel, where to now ?
Shall we chase rainbows?
Ride the stars by night?
Stay close...
Be my second sight...
Show me our tomorrows'
Cause I can't dream alone...
Shall we chase rainbows?
Ride the stars by night?
Stay close...
Be my second sight...
Show me our tomorrows'
Cause I can't dream alone...
What is it you were going to say?
I was going to say that I like how the world appears through vertebrae, as has far as I can tell, in spinous processes.
I get my schedule shortly, and classes begin September 14th. I am working toward our goals.
The schedule is; this time, very doable. Discussion board due Thursday, two responses and a paper due Monday at midnight Pacific Time.
I am going to the gym to get out this funk this evening.
That didn't work out. There is the stalling out with memories of fruitless effort. Do this. Undertake a course in that. The refrain is, please get it together so that you can justify my effort. We may never justify each other's efforts. That may be the lesson.
I will keep trying.
When I consider the nominal amount I spend on tuition, which I get back in full on my taxes, I am not dissatisfied. With my schedule, I spend as much time as I am able.
I missed 5 out of 14 problems on the final, which is most likely due to computational errors. There were no surprises. Unlike the other quizzes, I cannot review. I have the problems in my notebook to review the flavor of problem I will be given.
I have so many dossiers from work and school.
None of this is a justification; and I will retake the course next spring, even though I have a mathematical B in the course, 79.9. Mastering the content, and executing the routines under pressure without mistakes, is a productive struggle. I have had to repeat things several times, and it was humbling and difficult to accept, but I got through it.
One could say that your investment has been minimal, so the minimal output is what you have. I could say the very same.
Putting one's faith in a person or outcome recalls that adage, "don't pin your happiness on me."
On the bright side, I did not use your time or money. I did not gamble or drink away the house payment. I did not run around with others, hurt you, and reap this result. I did not beat you, financially ruin you, embarrass you at work, insult your family, and devastate the minimal investment you have made in me.
Between now and June 25th, I have the CMC exam, which I will pay for this Friday. I also need to do some painting here (my brother will help me then) the extra week when I get back from vacation in June.
I did not actually take the CMC exam, and forfeited the test fee last August. I will have to listen to the lectures, take notes, and drill the test bank to reveal the hardest sections. Interpreting the data from the filling pressures with invasive catheters and the titration to response with drips will need reinforcement since I get these patients very rarely. Things go as planned, and the drips are turned off.
I can take the CCRN/PCCN bootcamp, hemodynamic monitoring, advance ekg interpretation...
I ordered the boot camp, and I was unable to open the content. The website is down? I will call after the holiday to see.
To be read, sometime, but not until after the assessment. I have the original 1982 edition with the signatures of Basting, Best, et al..
Ashley received negative feedback about her D minus performance with their youngest kid yesterday. Keith is many things, but she is not a beauty (in my terms), and she has a sweet deal. Her man and his family's only requirement is that she get their school-age child to school and to tutoring, and that you take care of the boy during the day. She was acting like he beat her in the grocery store yesterday evening because her arm is in a split because she smoked too much weed on the deck, and fell over on it.
He fixes two meals a day, he takes them to church weekly, and birthdays (three this week), and the lake and vacation...The solution out of this conflict is that Atticus will go here in September. The money going to the storage unit will pay for it.
Her THC strain of choice with its purported purple whatever and its respective vibes is "Pieface," which is an apt metaphor for her.
Her mother is Mrs. Potatohead, and she is Princess Tatie (after a t-shirt we found); all unofficially, out-of-audible-range.
My name at work by some of the minority staff is Jack Daniel's because I am a taskmaster, and a straight shot, and at 80 proof/40% ABV, if no task is too menial for me to get up and perform, then I am going to need to get up, from your phone, and do it; please, and thank you.
*and that she
The decision to scaffold them here was the right one. I saw Madelyn's yearbook from kindergarten, and she is where she needs to be.
Group Portrait with Lady, too.
I recalled that there was a classical music section of this store with Max Richter, but it was the other one. I came home with this.
The Extra 20% applied to Slowdive's Everything is Alive (2023), and I bought it to listen while driving home late at night.
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