Friday, April 24, 2009

Black Diamond / Podocarpus elatus

Imagine parallel vehicles with the windows closed,
A rescued creature damaged in the release,

Mined and turned out [for] the sublime weather,
the flesh your kiss has torn away.

The bruise is read as ripe fruit falling
From what I suspect is the last tree, espaliered,
Preserved by the height of the city's walls
No, a falling bough heavy with the fruit.


Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

The True Black Moon Lilith

by Marie Dominique Villard

Due to the impulsiveness and the spontaneity inherent to the sign, we find violence here. In Aries, Lilith speaks about past violent experiences. The native may be - presently - scared or interested by blood and weapons. Aries means: action - impulse - creative surge. With Lilith we have a problem bound to "beginning something". To start or not to start, that is the dilemma. Craving for independence and liberty is part of the evolution and includes awareness. Fears involving one being be put in chains, fetters, and freedom at any price...all of these are questions, which cause irrational and brusque decisions. This may also generate the absolute pleasure for disobedience itself, the joy to free oneself from interdictions. Here the soul is going to react very strongly to the power, to the law, to the authority, to the command. The native may feel in the same time the desire and the fear to be a leader. The unconsciousness keeps in memory past bad experiences linked to authority and command. Ambivalence of the present behavior: suppressed aggressiveness or no self-control. The soul has a passionate background to control through its life and an emotional instability to resolve. The native is very egocentric but can't assert his ego, as he would like, because, while he wants to command everything without paying attention to other people, life does not allow him to do so. Life obliges the native to limit his ego in being subjected to other people's will or to another will (partner - spouse). The self-will may be so crushed, that the native may not trust at all in himself. The relation "Me versus the others" will be bad:
- One can go ahead with the roughness: "Me, I...",
- One can be worried by indecisiveness,
- Or the problem of assertion depends on the gender: a man may insufficiently virile; a woman may not be able to assert herself because she is a woman. So the place they both dream of, will be left to other people. At the beginning the native has an unused creative power inside that troubles him because, at first sight, there are no ways to use it. Anyhow, life will follow a direction where, one day, this power will be expressed. Because of pride, the temptation is to say: "Because I can't do what I want, I quit!" In fact, life will help the native to learn how to use his power on a non-impulsive way, with discerning and without attempting to impede others' freedom. The native will also learn how to be conducted by events, how to accept them and to adapt himself to the circumstances. He can be obliged to "fight" alone, to give up the idea of an easy life, of the social and affective situation he dreamed of. The native must place his power in the service of other people. He may suffer because he is giving and sacrificing his own ego, but one day, he will give without suffering.

Libra "others will" - opposite to Aries "own will" - will help the native to be confronted with the power of other people or the society. Black Moon will not allow him to live the negative aspects of Aries:
- The others will oblige him to accept their will and therefore will force him to give up
- The native will not be able to do what he wants. The only things he can do are to pave the way, to open the doors and to wait.

The others of the destiny will decide in place of him. What the native starts, may fail. What he starts by accident, may succeed.

If Lilith is between 0° and 2° of Aries, the native is obliged to assume himself without the satisfaction of his own desires.

If Lilith is between 28° and 30°00 of Aries, the native will have to stabilize (Taurus) his vital personal surge (Aries) in order to find a field where he will act and realize.

In past lives, the persons having Lilith in Aries, might have been gladiators, guerrillas, mercenaries, revolutionaries, people who used the force for their freedom of action.

Keywords: emotional instability - independence - sensuality - defiance -fighting spirit - passionate tendencies

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I never want to hurt the ones I love. I was angry at myself for delaying in my reply.

Σφιγξ said...

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Σφιγξ said...

No, it is not a good day being called to the shared work, and staying away. It isn't as if I do not see the virtue of submitting completely to the process, but I have lived the last months being drilled in dry-mouthed anticipation of progress, which I am trying to provide. I am assimilating to it, slowly, yet I long for the time when I could say what I would be doing (however modest its long-term prospects) so that we could fly night to night again. Please do not interpret it as disenchantment with you, which is why I am compelled now into signifying something of you in visual form until the clarity for writing is regained.

It hurts me very much, and all day I thought of your vehicle parked next to mine in that lot, and how I did not want to meet on those terms; it was degrading, and then I thought about how long that return trip must have been. I am hoping that I can make it up to you.

Σφιγξ said...,fruit/Interesting

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Σφιγξ said...,%20as%20if%20putting%20out%20a%20candle,%20she%20blew%20out%20the%20little%20flame%20of%20the%20day.%22&f=false

Σφιγξ said...

After Ernst Mach's Die Analyse der Empfindungen und das Verhältnis des Physischen zum Psychischen (1905)...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Lilith conjunct Venus at 10 degrees in Aries.

Σφιγξ said...

Our synastry. I also operate with the framework that your Chiron conjunct s my IC in Pisces and that my Chiron in Gemini (with the North Node) conjuncts your Mercury in Gemini. There is growth, when desired.

Σφιγξ said...

I will put Exercise 88 here.

Σφιγξ said...

I refuse to give her too much credit by naming her, but it occurred to me, today, that an acquaintance from preschool onward lives across from me. Her family owns a sizeable portion of the city, so this must be for her, a starter home. She goes up and down the sidewalk with her small children. Life is strange that we are reassorted this way. I will resume treating her like a non-entity because she actively antagonized me in any situation in school where I had the misfortune to land. This was one reason I accepted being sent to boarding school without hesitation.

A heart so white (II.ii.65).

Σφιγξ said...

Will you wince and blanche if we are seen by mutual acquaintances? I am less and less sure how and where to start with you.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Late entry.!AsA4BY25Ql_1mH0feLup3O6cE3It

In the final question on Jeopardy! last night, two missed the constellation with a nebula visible to the naked eye, in the spearhead (M42), which is Orion, also known as the saucepan. The teapot, Sagittarius was guessed, and wildly misspelled.

I will put Exercise 89 here.

Σφιγξ said...

The psychological breakthrough I found with Liz Greene's Neptune (1996), I anticipate with Barbara Hand Clow's Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets (1987). The controlling metaphor is what matters.

"Pelorat looked taken aback. 'Nothing. Being a historian, which I am, after a fashion, is worlds different from being a psychohistorian. —Of course, I know the two fundamental basics of psychohistory, but everyone knows that.'

'Even I do. The first requirement is that the number of human beings involved must be large enough to make statistical treatment valid. But how large is 'large enough'?'

Pelorat said, 'The latest estimate of the Galactic population is something like ten quadrillion, and that's probably an underestimate.


'And the second requirement,' said Trevize, "is that human beings not be aware of psychohistory, so that the knowledge does not skew their reactions. —But they are aware of psychohistory.'

'Only of its bare existence, old chap. That's not what counts. The second requirement is that human beings not be aware of the predictions of psychohistory and that they are not—except that the Second Foundationers are supposed to be aware of them, but they're a special case.

'And upon these two requirements alone, the science of psychohistory has been developed. That's hard to believe.'

'Not out of those two requirements alone,' said Pelorat. 'There are advanced mathematics and elaborate statistical methods. The story is—if you want tradition—that Hari Seldon devised psychohistory by modeling it upon the kinetic theory of gases. Each atom or molecule in a gas moves randomly so that we can't know the position or velocity of any one of them. Nevertheless, using statistics, we can work out the rules governing their overall behavior with great precision. In the same way, Seldon intended to work out the overall behavior of human societies even though solutions would not apply to the behavior of individual human beings.'"

-Asimov's Foundation and Earth (1986)

Σφιγξ said...

I find it unsurprising that there have been multiple reconstructions of Cocteau's production with Ingrid Bergman and Francis Poulenc (1958). I just saw it today.

Σφιγξ said...

I feel like this protagonist in my residence in hotels for this task. I am returning home this evening with my cat, who was receiving furosemide for congestive heart failure, burnt up in a cask. He died this morning with severe dyspnea, and it was efficient to call the pet crematory this afternoon. It was not unexpected, but no one was really dedicated to giving him his medication.

The last pets we buried in the backyard came back after excavations on numerous occasions.

When I say that I want to leave this job, and back to the underpaid one, my mother gets angry.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Late entry: Exercise 89.

A rejoinder to where I last left things is that in return for working more or less alone on the weekends, I am compensated a weekend premium. I echo the sentiment of my mother, "not to mess this, this too, up."

To turn the page on the traveler experience, I may have underestimated how the sound of I-95 outside the hotel affected my sleep during the day. I could not sleep in the majority of hotels I tried with trucker horns blaring. All of the decent places were congregated around the interstate. I could do it again, and I will have to understand that my perfectionism and sense of responsibility spooks me into unmanageable levels of anxiety. Allowing a set amount of time to recalibrate to the conditions is best. At my worst, I am usually more productive than people at theur best, I find.

Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 90 goes here.

Σφιγξ said...

I just reread "Gertrude Asks for Advice" on page 83 of the 2015 Complete Stories.

I will passage the crônica in kind.

Σφιγξ said...

BML at 7 degrees in Aries.


"Two completely separate identities can be lived at once. What is foremost is to be mentally prepared, vigilantly watchful, and intent upon moving straight on and not looking back. Your alter-ego, your double, your nemesis, shadow, and friend is seeing life through the rearview mirror, completely enwrapped in the diametrically opposite world to the one consciously pursued."

Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 90:!AsA4BY25Ql_1mx1h6W8Y91QaAAL7?e=y1hBtL

Σφιγξ said...

Exercise 91.

I had to recover from the stress of an unplanned sixteen-hour shift yesterday. I awoke with my throat aflame, and then I slept most of the day, and feel better.