Thursday, April 9, 2009

Forgetfulness - Billy Collins Animated Poetry


Σφιγξ said...

Καλλιόπη Calliope

Κλειώ Clio

Ἐρατώ Erato

Eὐτέρπη Euterpe

Μελπομένη Melpomène

Πολυύμνια Polyhymnia

Τερψιχόρη Terpsichore

Θάλεια Thalia

Οὐρανία Urania

ἐνέργεια ... Energeia (definitely)

Σφιγξ said...

I do not remember everything that I have written. The project is about exploring the hierarchies among seemingly disparate, new information. One of my favorite novels by Martin Amis is The Information. A life at one's desk, with equ

Σφιγξ said...

equivalent unpopulist moments away, is better than not. If I succumb to forgetfulness, or if it happens to someone I love, I won't say it was for the lack of Vegas weekends that the carefully tended biology is failing me now. I did exactly what I wanted, and made the choices as they were presented.

Σφιγξ said...

Being needed is better than being free; so hard to understand for most people. When one is perceptive, to identify the need, it comes with the obligations that are too much for most.

Σφιγξ said...

I did not want to consign this to forgetfulness.

Σφιγξ said...

"In 1947 Matisse painted Le Silence habité des maisons. It is reproduced in Sir Lawrence Gowing's Matisse, only very small and in black and white." —A.S. Byatt's "Art Work" from The Matisse Stories (1993)

"And so they both lay there in silence, both dozing now and then, yet dreamlessly close to one another—until, as every morning at seven, there was a knock upon the bedroom door and, with the usual noises from the street, a triumphant sunbeam coming in between the curtains, and a child's gay laughter from the adjacent room, another day began" (Dream Story, Schnitzler, trans. J.W.Q. Davies, 1999, 99).

Σφιγξ said...


Σφιγξ said...

October 8, 2014.

I left Vermilion Sands, for now, because as I was trying to play in biofabrics, I was tempting disintegration or desertion. In a less insecure frame of mind, I feel neither of these, and I realize that to suggest such a thing is very hurtful. Oftentimes, when I sense that I cannot find my expression on terra firma, I imagine sparsely populated abstractions, and escaping there is the worst thing to do.

Σφιγξ said...

I would like to assert that I can appear before having tied up as much as I can, but the truth is that I have earned the honor? horror? of pursuing such non-remunerative things by remaining under the thumb of my family. If I wait until October, I can see how much I can draw from them.

And I am bracing myself, for the moment when you cite the backwardness of all of this, and how you managed at an equivalent age to be at this checkpoint, and so on. I would counter with this,
the entire truth is more than I can bare, much less communicate, so let's strive to be productive now.

I do not have the expectation of being a drag on you in any way, and if these terms are unsatisfactory, I will understand.

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

Σφιγξ said...

I remember the 1967 Penguin Modern Classics copy on the parental shelves that followed us with many moves. I remember taking it down as a child, and contemplating the strange title and the cover paintings.

To be read. This summer? Maybe James Agee's A Death in the Family (1955).