Sunday, April 5, 2009
Posso provarla? Saturn in the Twelfth House

How I choose to interpret Saturn's placement in the Twelfth House--from out of the confines of one's perceived limitations and restrictions emerges the detailed work. It is truly satisfying to have someone inquire about one's endeavors, 'how long did this take?' Several lifetimes all in one.
The fear is always there, and has been for so long. The fear that all the edges and shapes and colors of the real world that have been built up again so painfully with such a real love can dwindle in a moment of doubt and suddenly go out the way the moon would in the Blake poem. - Sylvia Plath (Saturn in the twelfth house)
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Like annotating an electronic book, without all the feigned chumminess...
I like reading and making margin notes...almost as much as I like it when receipts, postcards, unpaid bills fall out of library books.
"They found that humans and birds share 55 genes between brain regions important for vocal learning, a good handful of which were involved in forming connections between neurons. Analysis of genes in other avian vocal learners — parrots and hummingbirds—echoed the finding."
The cover of this 1978 Linda Goodman imprint is by Alfonse Mucha. Ignoring the superficiality of pronouns;using Vrischika stable in the Rashi and Navamsa systems, submit Love Signs's humor and perspicacity:
"Assuming everything is cool with their planets, it's all right for him/her to sink in, but (s)he might want to tuck a copy of the Bible under his/her arm, as (s)he falls into the immeasurable depth of his/her love. It's really a good idea to study the Holy Works before becoming involved with this woman on an intimate basis. No matter what they say or do, Scorpios can always find a passage in the Scriptures to justify themselves. And they'll quote it, to make sure you know their motives are blameless. Not only are they experts on both the Old and New Testaments, but they also have the psychic ability to read between the lines—and what Scorpio finds between the lines is quite a testament in itself.
[...] If she doesn't quote the Scriptures when she's loving him, or stinging him, she may have memorized large chunks of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. At the very least, she may have dropped into a couple of Hare Krishna meetings, or had an Egyptian scarab tattooed somewhere on her body, visible only to the 'naked' eye. No? Then check her dressing table (if you can find the key to unlocking it) and see if she has a pack of tarot cards, or a well-thumbed copy of the I Ching tucked in among her love potions[.]
[...] However, sex alone is never enough for a lasting union, even when it's as fulfilling as it normally is with Taurus and Scorpio in their 7-7 Sun Sign Pattern relationship.
[...] His/her comic sense may be another cause for tension between them. The Bull needs an occasional practical joke and a constant touch of humor to make his/her life, which is serious enough, bright and bearable. (S)he may laugh at his/her comic remarks, but his/her eyes won't be smiling, and (s)he'll soon learn that (s)he can't stand to be teased, because (s)he's never never been able to really laugh at herself. His rich humor is what make what makes him such a warm human being. Instead of being annoyed by it, if she'll let some of his laughter linger in her heart, she might find it's the extra dimension she needs to color her own emotions a few shades lighter.
The love vibration between Taurus and Scorpio is perfectly symbolized by the strange pilgrimage of Taurean silent screen idol Rudolph Valentino's much discussed 'Mystery Woman,' who, despite whispered rumors, has never been provably identified to this day. Whatever her name may have been, her Sun or Moon sign was surely Scorpio (which might be a clue to her identity). Yes, she could only have been a deeply bereaved Scorpio woman, conceiving Life, Love, sex and death to be inseparable, as she made her lonely visits to her Taurus lover's grave, dressed completely in black, her face covered by a veil.....to offer the memory of flowers of her intense passion, grief and loyalty...each year, with unwavering faithfulness, on the anniversary of his death.
That's the way it is with Taurus and Scorpio. No light flirtation, or casual affair. It will be frigid disinterest, total disaster—or a devotion which will last a lifetime, and beyond that, last forever. All—or nothing at all. The Bible will come in handy, either way."
True story; I was never too impressed with Barbie, or paper dolls, until I found Tom Tierney's 1979 Rudolph Valentino Paper Dolls, with a certain performativity in mind. I sat down that winter afternoon (was I ten?) and cut them all, taking care with the suit of brilliants, Nijinsky faun make-up (the leather pouch was the only piece of clothing), and the Lawrence of Arabia robes.
The "M" dash, for which there are no hard-and-fast grammar rules.
The searching remains the same: after reading one text, there is the one behind it. And so on. When I am among professed Christians I get the feeling of being gaslit with the imagery, ceremony; and, perhaps most of all, the idea that one's responsibility for spiritual growth and obligation to the world is placed one Substitute. The need to be wandering in exile, where nothing is certain, is necessary. I like to listen to the lectures and read the exegeses over stories that have been essentially settled by the Christians because it is remarkable what us still there, like the numerical recurrence, insights, and reincarnations.
Instead of being a judge of others; I can only reflect on my own life, perhaps there is the Way, but it takes many trials and lifetimes to be receptive to the message, to actually hear it.
Exercise 91
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