Between your breasts, to bottle the essence
The female traveler with an unborn child in tow
Between your breasts, the bottled essence
Of arms thrust, entangled in the fire-spun
(Expectant traveler with an unborn child in tow)
Steady as she goes, in the breakaway.
Behind the silken threads from your back
This alchemical mix of milt—I'll be in touch.
Steady as one goes in the breakaway
We touch to recover this—All blind fingers,
Sweeping milt over one diffuse sex we are—By touch,
Nipples grazing each other like pop riveting,
We brush against night, recover all our blind fingers
Ampulla of some scoured sea and star split many
Nights as two ships pulled in, grazing pop riveting
Besides that dark cocoon am I to supply, except my womb?
Ampulla, podia scouring a star split among many nights
Saying this in my sleep; doubtlessly swearing that frayed belief
What dark cocoon can I supply except my womb,
One, humid evening I spent in a shoreside motel?
I did not ask here about matrices. I like this photo, the other I will change. I am not a preservationist.
"Oh, and I should say, in replying to Ambulacrum, where the Sun's rays are extended and withdrawn, I will cloak my answer in the readymade occult devices—the fundamental frequency of X is V, the Hierophant, and a significator of Taurus, and yes, radial symmetry. The Wheel of Fortune evokes this representational instability, without which, a current lot cannot be augmented. Persistent work, supplied by the simple machine, is overcoming; the friction is dispersed over the rotary. Furthermore, augment is the correct term, or auxo- or "increase" and the Sanskrit ojas- "strength;" and etymologically equivalent or not, strength suggests to me the eye, which casts over everything, that chooses, and has the endurance to reassert that choice. All of this summary and collection of evidence is to rediscover that occult symbol, 5. Rightfully or not, I chose it a long time ago, and in spite of the high expectations it imposes. Looking at the Hierophant card, I should say that I am still at the pillars, an initiate.
Desnos and Man Ray cultivated the star fish as an emblem of lost love, or a longing for the past, but I will use the Mensa Isiaca, which still cannot be definitively read, with its asterisms, as an engraving for future use."
Come undone, from the stress of appearances, in any case, archived; my love.
Dans L'Amant (1984), « elle n'était pas encore là » . Toutefois « le temps manquait autour d'eux. »
I am not getting discouraged.
Yes, I will be reading it.
There is* something in me now that does not work without you. I love you.
"He referred me to Darwin's Autobiography (he never hesitated to keep mental company with the best), to those passages in which Darwin confessed that in his youth he had been moved by poetry and music while in later years these things nauseated him, and this he explained by the neglect of his responsive faculties, disused and rusting. Scientific work, immersion in insignificant detail, the noting of very small differences in organisms, ruined him for the bigger emotions. (My guess is that Darwin's ruin had already begun and he had turned to research because he had sensed this.) Aunt Lena was gentle, softly overweight in the hips and thighs, dark, an elusive perfume about her, black eyes hung, so to speak, in her face [...] Also there were Swedenborgian influences. She could not persuade Benn to read that great visionary; nevertheless his views on love between the sexes were familiar to Uncle. Woman is endowed with greater powers of volition, by which Swedenborg means affection. Man's tendency is more abstract. An exchange occurs between man and woman. Love and thought complete each other in the human pair, and something like an exchange of souls takes place, according to the divine plan.
Weren't there enough derelict marriages around him, the wreckage of loves like Boeings that couldn't clear the peaks? When it came time for the two of us to have it out, he was plain enough with me about the 'sexual scene.' All those mad men and mad women sharing beds. Two psychopaths under one quilt. Do you ever know who is lying beside you, the thoughts behind the screen of 'consideration'? A flick of the thermostat and the warmth of love explodes, a bomb of flame that cremates you. As you float away from your ashes into the etheric world, don't be surprised to hear sobs of grief from your destroyer.
[...] You might have persuaded me that he was tired of taking care of himself, although housekeeping was no burden to him. He rather liked it. He poured blue Vanish into his toilet. He preferred 409 to all other kitchen cleaners. He did his socks with Woolite. Jobs that drove other men wild, like peeling spuds, cleaning out the cheese grater, scrubbing scorched saucepans, doing the floors on his knees, didn't bother him at all. [...] He went out of his way to proclaim equality. In my opinion, he overdid it. This attitude is somewhat, as a Parisian friend suggested, an excess of politeness. He told me that Marcel Proust, whom he was studying, would bend over backwards to answer the question of a lady making small talk at dinner. He would reply at length and with paralyzing completeness when no such answer was required or expected. People were flooded with unwanted information by this handsome, wearisome, yogurt-faced table companion. You could die of it. Under it all was the gallantry of equality, or presumed equality."
-Saul Bellow's More Die of Heartbreak (1987)
I will still read June Casagrande, and put Exercise 88 here.
One can conceive of the toggling the anomeric carbon for glucose or fastening chains of starch, and I like "anomeric" like "anomie" that suggests upward (dis)sociation. It is merely coincidence that anything is structured.
There isn't anything to be done, but to refrain it again, again, and again.
*toggling of* ...or for* chains of starch, plant structural material
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