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The Hottest Part of the Flame—Though it Looks Receding—is Blue
Provided your backyard lighter flame is free of contaminants that might skew the color, a slightly lean violet-blue flame is the hottest. Blue-violet = high frequency= high energy = high temperature. A white flame has its visible radiation energy spread out
more evenly across the spectrum and isn't peaking on the high-energy blue end. Thatindicates lower overall energy, and thus lower temperature, than a blue flame.
52 comments:'air%20du%20temps&pg=PA17#v=onepage&q=l'air%20du%20temps&f=false
"Beyond the lyrical birds in their lustrous shades of grey, Nouvel introduced a metal mesh that, like a theatrical scrim, makes the building appear impenetrable during the day (while not obstructing the view outward); at night, the interior light takes over and passersby can see inside.",%20thus%20replicating%22&f=false
Yes, for the upcoming project I can see adapting the form of the seven sonnets.
Unangst and the placebo effect, will figure.
My grandmother's sister's funeral was today. It was nice, with the plethora of framed photos. The eulogy was heartfelt, until I realized that the son speaking, a namedropper and sap, I thought, had been left with his two daughters by their mother, the first wife. I realized then that one would never be able to get over that abandonment.
That was a bit harsh. It was my internal dialogue. Yes; she left, and her picture was in some family photos. Some hope that she would see the funeral in the paper, and come?
I *used* to read the obituary page as a competitive sport, with the rota of those who came and went.
I am in your area today, after stopping for a few interior decorations. I saw a garter snake hibernaculum under a rocky ledge on Churchville. I could not find you.
Saturn Retrograde and conjunction with Ketu- April 30, 2019 until September 19th.
"Without wicking, candles wouldn't work. When you light the wick on a candle, the heat melts the wax and creates a pool of molten wax. This liquid wax travels up the wick, through microchannels, to the flame, thus feeding it with a new supply of liquid wax to burn. If you choose the right material for the wick, the flame will burn hot enough to maintain a pool of liquid wax and ensure a constant flow of fuel. This familiar self-regulating system requires so little input from us, we fail to regard a candle as a complex piece of technology, but that is what it is."
-Mark Miodownik's Liquid Rules (2019)
I hold on because I have above average forbearance, and the process repays the effort. Eventually.
Exercise 87 reprises this garden box, perhaps in the same colors, but improved...
The scrapings are too monotonous, for my taste. I like the photorealistic landscapes adn paintings of his family, like this older woman trying to capitalize on the picture with a cigarette in her hand, who could be no one but the artist's mother:
I do not have the temperament or the emotional fortitude for drugs of any kind. I am not tempted by decadence, but something made me think about Gaspard Noé's Climax (2018). It was perhaps a memory of Irréversible (2002) from an earlier time.
Daft Punk featured in both films. His films are a highly moralistic, as everyone is begging to be taken home to escape some version of hell. I cannot look away from something that makes me sick, if sobering for a long time, to watch.
I have not seen this film. I know, Le droit à l'image, and how it is unnerving to be studied, particularly when the likeness is not there at all. Maybe a shorthand is all that I can hope to ascertain. For someone who has spent her entire life wanting to be seen, and cultivating the persona to do so, it is entirely something else to be studied?
I won't flatter myself; only that the reading from Ovid, Book X, made me realize that Orpheus is punished with final separation because he is guaranteed that it is she, but he wants her to be the same person before their parting, he qualifies it, which is inimical to love.
No final thoughts on this aside, only that I understand why people undertake projects with and for their loved ones. To cultivate intimacy, yes, but there is always something left to discern. I could look at you endlessly, and still you would be withholding something or I would lack the receptivity to see it.
I do not just want to stare at a picture of you.
Exercise 88 will go here.
I was studying Bloodborne because there is this silhouette particularly like, the milquetoast class with long legs and suspenders swinging with his stride with the saw cleaver, and then trading for the surtout jacket and spiked tricorn...You will never believe me that I find the footsteps on the fallen planks and metal clings excellent ASMR. The caterwauling bosses are a bit much.
I would never invest time in understanding the arcane "builds" or strategies for something with this little IRL application. The graphics and sounds are great, and I could imagine the content creators living for years with this creation until the 2015 release.
Not a sword and sorcery genre fan, no. I remember owning an XBOX and being so bored. This is it? Now, it is a vertical Blu-ray player.
This was going back to your most recent contrapposto stance. I was thinking of that in the current Exercise.
Malina’s question, “What is life?” she replies: “Whatever can’t be lived.”
The Venus square Neptune transit was activated in April and ends this month.
I will put Exercise 88 here, and I will dovetail a thread from a drive to Durango with Humbert and Dolores as adults.
Carol and Thérèse.
Part of me knows that I am sulking, and not progressing with the work at hand, yet I am cannot accept that I am to be satisfied with the way things have been. Your actions are both a compliment, with your fixed regard here; and an insult, without any aspiration and hope.
I am not sure what to do.
Partial lunar eclipse 8 degrees of Gemini 30 November 2020, then a full solar eclipse in Sagittarius (seen only from Ushuaia) 14 December 2020.
I erased it. To put it here:!AsA4BY25Ql_1mH0feLup3O6cE3It
"Sometimes distance, or lack of opportunity to translate the relationship into everyday terms, enhances, or is even necessary for, the feeling of a profound meeting of souls. The experience of soul-union may preclude sexual contact. The relationship may be unconsciously arranged by one or both parties so that sexual consummation is incomplete or disappointing, or is curtailed through insurmountable circumstances.
[...] It can also illuminate areas where idealisation interferes with the development of greater self-sufficiency. Failing to consider this perspective often results in helplessness and rage, which, karma notwithstanding, can leave the individual bitter and deeply disillusioned. Any Neptunian interchange with another person will point out to us, often painfully, where we are still unborn (Greene 447).
Just as we can find a focus for a composite Neptune in shared commitments which bring Neptune's world alive in creative forms, we can also enhance a composite Saturn, by establishing areas within a relationship where we are self-sufficient individuals, each contributing strength and authenticity to mutual spheres of responsibility and the building of a secure material structure. As in the charts of individuals, Saturn in the composite chart is the complement and container of Neptune. And it may be appropriate, within the context of a relationship, to experience not only Neptune's disillusionment and deceit, but also Neptune's archetypal role of offering solace for the pain of mortality. In many ways we are each other's redeemers, albeit with feet of clay; and Neptune's message in the composite chart may be that, sooner or later, we may need to relinquish control, only only of ourselves but of each others, in order to experience that compassionate cleansing and renewal which is Neptune's special gift" (476).
Liz Greene's The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption (1996)
To continue the cosmological pastiche with incidental findings:
Lonsdale's cookbook interpretation of the Sabian, or Chandra degrees:
Composite Mars 17 degrees in Taurus: TAURUS 17 A pomegranate broken open.
"The spilling out of blood and guts—arriving at the critical point where it all comes out. Huge relief and release. Something held forever, with great tension and pressure, yet destiny brings such a reckoning of all the places at once that you will postpone it as long as you can. The freeing up of karmas when all else is lost. The glory in defeat. The great turnaround is always in you, and waiting for it is the hardest thing you will ever do. It has to be so ripe to bursting—the moment that counts. Timing is the great art. Everyone freed as you are freed. Nothing held back any longer ever again."
Composite North Node 25 degrees in Gemini: GEMINI 25 A cave in deep ocean waters.
"Stunning ways to preserve lost knowledge and lost worlds. The treasure chest is full to bursting. A leavening agent. A corrective to shallow patterns of existence. You are able to be so multidimensional that vastly divergent realities can be lived simultaneously and often are. Care and effort stand behind this place over myriad lifetimes. Contains boundless intact awareness held for the future. A contact point underneath conscious awareness. Faithful to the cause. Integrity above all."
Composite Uranus 22 degrees in Uranus: LIBRA 22 An ancient glass vial perfectly preserved.
"Soul-memory. Intensively held to ancient faculties. A stunning quality of still feeling the way people felt a very long time ago. A super-sensitivity hidden and protected, disguised and played off of. Underneath being vastly in tune with realms of existence, places, and times that to others are remote but that to you are closer than close. Your unsurpassed ability to bring other realities into this world faithfully, accurately and dispassionately has a dazzling array of accompanying treasures, which include feeling virtually immune to contemporary egoisms and having no problem at all imagining and bringing to life absolutely anything. A repository of timeless knowledge to draw from, yet it is self-replenishing--the bottomless well of source knowingness, unaffected by time, by circumstance, or by any changes you go through. Riches that bear integrity and conviction, and quickly disappear out of view when called to compromise or compete. It is all inside, and it is complete, and it is so very true."
Composite Saturn 7 degrees in Capricorn: CAPRICORN 7 A satyr gazing at his reflection in a pond.
"A jaundiced eye based on past experience bending the truth to fit negative preconceptions. Long ago and far away, having become enchanted or imprisoned in a lesser state of consciousness, you still follow out the consequences karmically. Wildly driven to impose the past, to convict yourself of ancient crimes. Self-righteously wrong. Gloriously depraved. Virtuously impoverished. Devoting magnificent resources to a bleak, forbidding track. So hard on self that mercy and compassion are out of reach. Brutal realism that simply proves its own premises to be correct. All this is ultimately redemptive if a higher law, a more fertile truth intervenes. But it takes miracles, and you do not believe in them nor feel worthy of them. Yet miracles it will be if your self-condemnation lets them in at the crucial destiny-moment; just as you knew it would be, underneath the practiced frown in your twinkling heart."
I will put Exercise 89 here.
As a foil to the fire imagery in Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2020), I viewed Ammonite (2020) yesterday on a Pisces moon. I momentarily longed for such an encounter, however brief. My favorite scene (at 1 hour and 13 minutes) is the first morning after, when the tidal pool reveals its soft-bodied liminal creatures; renewed by the tide, and against the flinty feelings and cobbled realities of the two. The end is standing between this excavated relic in glass that cannot be realized or given any afterlife, and becomes stuck in time. I forgive myself in advance for finding love when, and where, I can find it.
Tellingly, Fiona Shaw's character alludes to this relationship with the protagonist that succumbed to emotional distance, "Eventually, I just stopped trying." She also says, "[...] she has been able to unlock something in you that I couldn't."
From Jean Shinoda Bolen's Gods in Everyman: Archetypes That Shape Men's Lives (1989):
"When the Apollo man gets as far as he (and the archetype) can take him, and it is not what he aimed at, work no longer serves as the source of gratification it always was before, and instead becomes a problem. When the Apollo man gets above his level of competence, and is no longer the bright star, trouble occurs. He is unprepared to fail or falter. He has put his energy into his work, sacrificed the development of other interests, and has expected his family to also defer their needs to his career. There may be no ready-made alternatives for him to fall back on to give him meaning.
His indirect communication about emotions is also a characteristic problem. When consulted about something that he not clearly understand, the god spoke through the Delphic oracle, whose ambiguous messages required interpretation. People who are close to an Apollo man (or as close as he will let them be) often find themselves having to interpret his few, often words, which allude to his feelings. Get his meaning wrong, and he withdraws further. Try to draw more out of him, and he becomes more distant. It is paradoxical that the god of clarity, and the man who can speak so precisely and clearly about an impersonal subject (the Apollo lawyer, for example) is so sparing of words about his feelings and so obscure and difficult to interpret when he does say something about himself.
Hermes also rescues the child in the depressed adult. Here Hermes may be part of someone else (as well as an inner figure) who provides the liberating experience or insight that frees the playful or trusting or vulnerable part of the adult held captive in the underworld (another metaphor is the imprisoning jar: Ares bronze jar, or poet and novelist Sylvia Plath's glass bell jar). And finally, Hermes activates or saves the archetype of the divine child (represented by the child Dionysus), who is latent in each of us (discussed more fully in the chapter on Dionysus).
[...] We also come in touch with Hermes the communicator and messenger when we have an opportunity to speak and are willing to 'wing it.' Hermes is the unplanned eloquence, the rapport that happens in the moment, that can offer a deep or a soaring experience for both speaker and audience, that takes people from one level to another. We trust that winged Hermes will be with us when, rather than write out an well-organized, annotated speech, we speak spontaneously, with just a sketchy outline in mind."
Philip Hoare's Albert and the Whale (2021):
"Out of the books, another pair of eyes focus beyond me, looking over my shoulder at something else. Another floppy hat, a jewel dangling to one side, another low-cut jerkin and curls. A portrait painted in Venice, around 1506. In 1573, it was catalogued in Nuremberg as a woman with a red beret. By the time it got to Amsterdam in 1633, it was being traded as the portrait of a boy.
We don't know who this was, this Orlando, with a candid and sallow face, as Woolf said of her slippery hero-heroine, with eyes so large that the water seemed to have brimmed in them and widened them. Venice was a floating palace filled with grave creatures. [...] Even Erwin Panofsky, not overly given to emotion says this is one of the most enigmatical paintings ever produced by Dürer. It was painted on vellum, not wood, and as such has an intimate air, something which may have been a gift or souvenir."
R.E. Howard, R.C. Eschbach, and Sharon M. Lewis's Pathophysiology: Pretest Self-Assessment and Review (1981):
(C) (Sodeman, ed 5. p. 169) "The accumulation of edema fluid in the lower extremity markedly increases the distance that nutrients must diffuse to supply the tissues. Once an ulcer has developed, the persistence of a barrier to nutrient diffusion makes it extremely difficult to heal the ulcer; thus, correction of the edema is a prerequisite for healing."
"The primary focus of microgravity combustion experiments has been related to either fire safety in space or better understanding of practical combustion on Earth and in space. The reduced gravity creates flames that look a lot different from the ones seen here on Earth: with the near absence of gravity on the space station, flames tend to be spherical. On Earth, hot gasses from the flame rise while gravity pulls cooler, denser air to the bottom of the flame. This creates both the shape of the flame, as well as a flickering effect. In microgravity, this flow doesn’t occur. This reduces the variables in combustion experiments, making them simpler and creating spherical shaped flames."
Saturn in Pisces March 8, 2023 highlights the composite stellium in Pisces in the 4th house. Composite Venus quincunx Pluto and Composite Venus sextile Saturn simultaneously both be true.
Composite Venus Sextile Saturn:
"This is a strong aspect for steadfastness, loyalty to the commitment of your partnership (not necessarily to one another), longevity, and the ability to take relationship problems and responsibilities in stride."
That interlude never happened. One of the qualities that attracts me to another person is morality. We don't even trade glances.
Exercise 91.
I know it is maddening, but I think about Marjorie Morningstar and Gesine Cresspahl. The interlude has a nearly adult daughter, whose education and support has consumed the former entirely. I think of this, when it is implied by all that my niece would be better served with me acting as her bureaucratic mother. M.'s parents cannot even rouse themselves to get her to school on the first day, Augusust 22nd.
It is a tragedy that you and I could not have had a mundane life with offspring, yet this extra-dimensional way has its consolations. Sometimes I miss having someone waiting for me around the corner, with the mutual anticipation of seeing each other. Otherwise, I can live alone satisfactorily. Accounting, my anticipated profession, was refined by middle age women to fill the avoid.
I have Uwe Johnson's Anniversaries 1 (August 1967 - April 1968) stolen from the Brooklyn Library, it appears. I would like to get the boxed set, but I have to read this stray edition, with the publisher's copy of the second installment, first.
In the same issue:
While I was searching for the Anniversaries, I was directed to this text:
"In the twilight of the galley she almost warded off an apparition as convincing as it was unreasonable; for there was no reason why her mind should return to Pilcher, except through the contempt in which she suspected he held her, as well as the suspicion that had they met by a similar light on the Zennor road they might have hailed each other as two beings equally secretive and devious.
Mrs Roxburgh sat locking her hands, which had grown too soft to resist her thoughts. The strength was drained out of her. She wished, and did not wish for the return of Mr Roxburgh, who might be floating, face down, in bilge water (157-8)."'re%20only%20that%20person's%20penultimate%20choice&f=false
I assumed, with the leavening of light feelings, you thought of your progenitors in September. Losing one's parents increases one's sense of mortality, while not enough to compromise the current path you have taken. I have learned to wait it out, as you have probably learned from observing me.
For the humility the world endlessly supplies to break our hearts, and make us realize what was always there. Chet or Life of Life.
Les corps de l'âme is delayed by Media Germany.
Exercise 91.
I marvel at the winking back and forth at these pages, and then the passivity to never do anything about it?
Yes, I violated the Omer about listening to music. It is an aural pocket of time, outside of time.
I was thinking about all these things today:
With rumors of a 5th John Wick, I am thinking about a Card about tactical shopping in a menu-like spread making good use of Food and Wine magazine, with all the hydrophobic linings, freshly stoned edges, this scene. Tungsten (W) is an advanced refractory metal when alloyed with applications in armor-piercing rounds and bulletproof vehicles. The downside is that it is heavier than lead (Pb).
The art and history consultants for these films.'s_hand.jpg
I have had the Blu-Ray first John Wick (2014) on my kitchen table for a month. I have to clean up the (neat) stacks like the May 2024 Reader's Digest and Annie Jacobsen's Nuclear War: A Scenario, before I leave, or my pet sitter will judge.
A Card about walking in the Colorado Lounge, for Halloween, and also about yirah (awe):
There. End the uncatalogued of past lives, for now.
Mem (40). Le coeur empli de sable
To read. There is a movie with Ewan McGregor that is said to be a stinker. I have the DVD unveiled, and found later, from 2019.
The first line prompts me to ask you, how did you experience Carter's malaise? Did you hear that the president, and the only one to hold a PhD, was attacked by a swamp rabbit on 1979? This was sensationalized, but swamp rabbits can swim, and it was likely tired on a bald cypress buttress, and wanted in the boat.
In* 1979, you were sixteen.
The Art Nouveau in your banner is Muchaesque. The colors of Mucha Bar are gold and purple, so no. Art Nouveau originated in Brussels, then migrated after 1890 to France.,end%20of%20the%2019th%20century.
This is the film I had mentioned, but failed to link. The Benelli line of products from the original Pesaro motorcycles were established in 1967, and then available through the Montgomery Ward catalog.
The Benelli M4 (1998) is the tactical weapon M1014 used by the Marines, the LAPD Swat team, among others...Apparently, I can buy one for two grand. and have it shipped to the local Cabela's for the Star Spangled Sale. Having my name on a federal background check for an ARGO system may not be desired.
This came today, which leads to another... the material science is always a draw.
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