Lee came out of the bathroom and got into bed. She felt how he carefully eased into bed so he wouldn't disturb her if she was asleep. She was facing away from him, of course.
She thought of walking the aisles of Montgomery Ward. She went in out of the heart to piped-in music and little ringing bells. The floors were polished. The aisles were immensely long, bordered with cosmetics in display cases and counters full of shiny handbags, with dresses spreading into other rooms. Fragrances drifting everywhere.
He wanted to go to college at night and take courses in politics and economics. But there was the need to make a living which interfered.
She saw him from a distance even when he was hitting her. He was never fully there.
Mamochka bought her modest shorts, pleated, with deep pockets. This was a difference of opinion.She knew he was trying to sense if she was awake. He was on the verge of saying something or leaning over to touch. He would would probably touch, rise on an elbow and touch her on the hip with his hand curled soft. She felt his desire like an airstream in the dark. It was absolutely there. He was waiting, thinking if this was the the time. His own wife and he had to think.
She thought of Holland again.
She thought of landing in New York. One night in a hotel in the middle of cascading neon. Rivers and lakes of neon.
He is someone you see from a distance" (240-241).
"Frederica thinks: Do I want this, do I want this? John Ottokar touches her face, her hair, her long haunches, her small breasts. He touches lightly, lightly, so that her skin begins to desire, half-irritated, half-compelled, to be touched more violently. She puts her own hands on his shoulders. He kisses her face, again, and his fingers question her clothes, a button, a zip, a strap, so that insides these the naked woman is defined and comes to life. And her minds does not cease: Do I want this, do I want this? She stares out of the basement window at the cone of light falling from the street lamp, frowning slightly, lips nevertheless parted with mindless pleasure, and thinks: Do I want this? She remembers her own young greed, and her need to know--about her body, her sex, about male bodies--her indiscriminate clutchings and searchings and muddles and laughter and disgust. She is afraid now, as she was not, then. Her body is used, not furiously ready. She remembers her childish attempts to attract Alexander's attention and make him want her. She thinks of them as childish now, she thinks of herself as old, on the edge of being undesirable. She thinks that she wanted Alexander because he was remote, the teacher, her father's friend, tabu. And now, she thinks, there is the same thrill. I am the teacher, I am wanted because I am separate and looked at, there is a boundary of the forbidden to cross" (346-347).
" 'You were created to be a blind, squatting beggar.'
'The man seemed pleased. 'That is because of the bounty of our Lord.'
Zaita shook his head and replied, 'The operation is difficult and dangerous. Let me ask what you would do if the worst happened. Suppose you were really to lose your sight because of an accident or carelessness?'
The man hesitated, then replied unconcernedly, 'It would be a blessing from God! Have I ever gained anything by my sight that I should be sorry to lose it?'
Zaita was pleased and commented, 'With a heart like yours you can really face up to the world.'
'With God's permission, sir. I will be eternally grateful to you. I will give you half what the good people give me.'
Zaita shot a penetrating look at him and then said harshly, 'I am not interested in talk like that. I want only two milliemes a day, besides the fee for the operation. I know, by the way, how to get my rights if you are thinking of getting away without paying'" (60-61).
X : Was There a Horse with Wings?
"The black book lies on my father's desk, thick and important. Its covers are a little bent; the weight of his fingers and mine have curled back its pages, but they are not yellow. The handwriting is bold--in places it is even proud as when he has inscribed such names as these: 'Little Miller--Ormulu--Véronique.' They are all Thoroughbred mares out of stock old as boulders on an English hill.
The name 'Coquette' is inscribed more soberly, with no flourish--almost with doubt. It is as if here is girl, pretty as any, but brought by marriage into a family of respectability beyond her birth or farthest hopes.
The brief career of Coquette is, in fact, ever so slightly chequered; her background, while not obscure, suggests something less than the dazzling gentility of her stable-mates. Still, not to be English is hardly regarded as a fatal deficiency even by the English, though grave enough to warrant sympathy. Coquette is Abyssinian. She is small and golden yellow with a pure white mane and tail.
Coquette was smuggled out of Abyssinia because Abyssinians do not permit good native mares to leave their country. I do not remember who did the smuggling, but I suppose my father condoned it, in effect, when he bought her. He must have done it with one eye shut and the other on the sweet, tidy lines of her vigorous body" (117).

Purrfection, courtesy of Serge Gainsbourg.
Oh my Lady Héroïne
Oh ma beauté ma divine
Referme sur moi tes ailes
Mon bel ange ma toute belle
Oh my Lady Héroïne
Ma liaison clandestine
En douceur mon sucre candi
Emmène-moi au paradis
Oh my Lady Héroïne
Oh ma beauté ma divine
Toi mon amour platonique
Mon bébé ma fille unique
Oh my Lady Héroïne
Aussi pure que Justine
Tous les malheurs de ta vertu
Et tous ses bonheurs me tuent
Oh my Lady Héroïne
Dans ta beauté je devine
Quand ton regard me transperce
Tous les charmes de la Perse
Oh my Lady Héroïne
Mon opium ma cocaïne
Est-tu venue d'Extrême Orient
Ou bien d'un marché persan.
It is often strange to me how the Mind forces itself above and beyond like a separate entity...in even a person so insignificant as myself. I have been preoccupied by archeology, architecture, and the things constructed in other times and other places so much because I think I read same feelings, protracted desires (yes, this is a projection, albeit naïve)...
Somewhere the correspondent lays buried...at once so close, and yet so far away.
"The December full moon, traditionally known as the Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Long Nights Moon, and the Moon before Yule, always shines in or near the stars of Taurus. It rises at sunset and sets at sunrise, and the position of the ecliptic on winter nights causes December moons to culminate high in the night sky."
"The Geminid meteor shower, one of the most spectacular of the year, runs from December 4 to 16. It peaks before dawn on Thursday, December 14, when more than 120 meteors per hour are possible under dark skies. Geminid meteors are commonly bright and intensely colored, and slower moving than average."
I am cross with myself for not meeting this ephemeris. Why do I suffer like this, just when the demands at work let up? I can competently supervise the unit, now. Why do we have to go back to prehistory with the Burgess Shale (1909) to extract the essence?
You have camped in my head, and have changed me forever.
*The Scientist 10-minute Sabbatical interactive crossword (monthly). Always remember this.
Yes, I did have a dream of a white (leucistic not albino) peacock in a miniature Japanese maple similar in featheriness in the margins at the place that was your residence. Not familiar
Not you. A.B. Please stop.
Yes, I did turn in work this evening. I am trying to keep in mind that an acceptable, even surface-level job is what is preferred from me. It is only satisfying when it is done. It is almost finished.
Now, I will think about the song thrush that features in Byatt's final work from the tetralogy. Exercise 87 will feature it in snow?
I have legitimate reasons for being upset, but ruminating about them is damaging to my mental and physical health. I will take four capsules (usually two is my norm) of Serovital and engage in moderate exercise on most nights that I am not working.
"Finally, the neurocognitive benefits associated with exercise may be attributed to increases in cerebral blood flow and neural growth factors, particularly brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a key mediator of neuroplasticity in the brain [36, 37]. BDNF, a member of the neurotrophin family, upregulates neurogenesis, promotes neural survival, improves neural structure, and increases synaptic efficacy [100–103]. BDNF also modulates the formation and plasticity of GABAergic synapses and promotes maturation of GABAergic inhibitory networks [104–106]. Reduced BDNF levels are a consistent finding in animal models of depression [107], and administration of exogenous BDNF into the hippocampus is able to produce antidepressant behavioral responses comparable to antidepressant medications [108]. Exercise is known to elevate BDNF production in the hippocampus [35, 109] and has been postulated as a leading candidate mechanism underlying the antidepressant effects of exercise [110, 111]" (Gorgouvelis, Yielder, & Murphy, 2017).
Even if the worst outcomes are true, I cannot slowly self-destruct from the inside out, and then be dependent on others.
I will put Exercise 88 here.
I was working on the Exercise between clearing the backyard of brush. I refuse to pay a landscaper or a helpful adolescent. Most of the women in my neighborhood donned their tennis skirts and enjoyed the core workout during the Recession. I like cultivation in general. It is very grounding for me.
I am not straying from this. I will put Exercise 88 here.
Thank you, for reminding me of updating this, and of the ground wire, prise de terre. On philosophical grounds, I depict you looking away because I have not been invited into your gaze. I mean it when I interrogate the means and how (un)consciousness directs sensory input.
I will put Exercise 89 here.
I am not sure if he was left for me to find or that he found his way here for Tyna. I am preoccupied with the wildlife encroaching on the back deck at Stephenson...a mother racoon and two kits that we feed trail mix and grapes. They swim in the kiddie pool purposed for the turtle.
He was relocated this morning to an area that ensures little conflict with vehicles, and alongside a river.
Lenormand Ancher + Man.
Late entry for Exercise 89:
Verankeren, then.
This is what the cemetery garden of Exercise 89 seems to say.
I have not had time to engage with the dreams of Kislev as much as I would like. I removed the post about the poignant but abbreviated convert marriage because of the above.
The author and journalist, Oriana Fallaci mentioned in the Collins poem was fashionable in the 1970s for her statements like this:
“You belong neither to God nor the state nor me. You belong to yourself and no one else.”―Oriana Fallaci, Lettera a un bambino mai nato / Letter to a Child Never Born (1974)
Her writing is utterly worthless. She was an atheist who enjoyed her sit-down with the pope and other despots.
The demographic straits of the developed world: soon, there won't be anyone needing an abortion. There will be fewer people, period. They will all be aging.
Hallel: Tehillim 113-119.
I strive to improve my service; firstly, with reading the Hallel tonight with more sincerity and less distractions.
Dates of Psalms 113-118 or Hallel: first two days of Pesach, Shavuot, all of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, and all of Hanukkah.
I did not watch Squid Game 2, by the way. I went to bed early, and read Dilbert.
I have had a several upsetting days at work, among them a man with prolonged opiate metabolism with 1200 mg TID gabapentin as an adjuvant. Like the scene from Trainspotting, over and over again. I only had narcan IV pushes, and the half-life is max two hours (a drip was not prescribed because they wanted him to go home in the morning).
The female hospitalist did not know what to do, and after a blood sugar and a med review, I went to get the narcan. He woke up like this. He wrote for intranasal narcan, but he did not fill it at 167 per single dose actuator.
On Cnidarians and Mrs. Schwartz - they came to mind with a reading of an overdue library book, Christie Wilcox's Venomous: How Earth's Deadliest Creatures Mastered Biochemistry (2016). It is 190 pages, and one citation by Yanahigara (2012) on the antidote to box jelly hemolysis and cardiovascular collapse, which is another cation, zinc gluconate, led to the author of The People in the Trees (2013), which I need to finish. A Little Life (2016) was a National Book Award finalist (2016), and the first Amazon review has an uploaded image of dampened pages, the reviewer's tears?
There were no romantic stirrings with Mrs. Schwartz, but if I were to teach seventh grade biology, I would have lots of visuals all over the room, and chalk and talk. She said I should be a scientist. We had that ability found in few to speak telepathically, but it was not romantic. I speak to you, this way.
My brother had her; too, and she called our mother because a note was passed in his classroom, "Mrs. Schwartz fucks corgis", and we were the only family that owned a corgi in both of our generational cohorts.
In my practice, the multiple surgeries and readmits in male patients unmask chronic opioid dependence:
A note on Cardigan and Pembroke corgis: we had both, and the fur flew. Several vacuum cleaners were spent from vacuuming dog hair. They guard the door. I remember being home alone at thirteen, and a man dressed up as a mailman tried to jimmy the front door lock. My corgi went ballistic, and he was ready to fight to the death, and the intruder left. They are huskies in ottoman form.
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