Oliver Sack's Seeing Voices : "For it appears as if the nervous system, given the constraints of language in a visual medium, and the physiological limitations of short-term of memory and cognitive processing, has to evolve the sort of linguistic structures, the sort of spatial organization, we see in Sign. And there is strong circumstantial support for this in the fact that all indigenous signed languages--and there are many hundreds, all over the world, which has evolved separately and independently wherever there are groups of deaf people--all indigenous have much of the same spatial structure . None of them resembles signed English, or signed speech, in the least. All have, beneath their specific differences some generic resemblance to ASL. There is no universal sign language, but there are, it seems, universals in all sign languages, universals not of meaning, but of grammatical form" (114).
Welcome to Tarbox: "Every marriage is a hedged bet. Foxy entered hers expecting that, whatever fate held for them, there were certain kinds of abuse it would never occur to her husband to inflict. He was beyond them, as most American men are beyond eye-gouging and evisceration. She had been right. He had proved not so much gentle as too fastidious to be cruel. She had no just complaints: only the unjust one that the delay while she waited barren for Ken to complete his doctorate had been long. Four intended years of post-graduate work had been into stretched into five by the agonies of his dissertation; two more were spent in a post-doctoral fellowship granted by the U.S. Public Health Service; and then Ken squandered another as an instructor in the vicinity of the same magnetic Harvard gods, whose very names Foxy had come to hate" (42-43).
Yes. I agree with your perception that Erica Jong's Fear of Flying and John Updike's Couples are formative texts on relationships, and utterly unlike what there is still to experience, together. When I peel back the layers, I am perhaps not surprised that so much I put there is waiting just where I left it. I was thinking of you, then, so it is correct to say where we left it.
In addition to Erica Jong, I found Robert Lowell's History, where I turned to "Dead and the Maiden" and A.S. Byatt Passions of the Mind essays, with a large quantity of Folio texts...La Sagouine, among others.
I keep the birdfeeder full, and the day I ran out, our friendly deer with her three fawns looked at me from the kitchen. Have you forgotten something?
I know already that you can speak through my barriers of thought and flesh, but how will your essence speak through our creations? I harbor a lot of guilt about that.
*Death and the Maiden
Benvenuto Cellini was born on this day, 2 November 1500 Jul.Cal. (12 Nov 1500 greg.), whose fractious autobiography (1563) belies the sensuous work, such as a bronze figure announcing itself (1554), or before that, the surviving Saliera, Terra e Mare (1543).
It is not really about Cellini's naughtiness, his preoccupations with the (fe)male body, or the Rose of Picardy (a WWI song), but the Tower of the body, La Maison Dieu, the lightning and hydrating yods that are the new synthesis. After XV., it might be assumed to be a diabolical, or a destabilizing process, yet it is seeing beyond form, while achieving it. The next card is XVI. Faire une double porte qui nous nous ouvrions, which precedes the twin towers of the Moon, and concerns these subjects, but I have to finish Exercise 25, first. I thought hard about lightning and nitrogen fixation, apparently. I know, I thought that the next would be XVII. The Star, yet perhaps the next three are a triad...the Ego (XVI. Tower), with the Unconscious (XVIII. Moon), and communion, the New Self, XVII.The Star. Breton's Arcanum 17 was an early inspiration that has since then evolved. (For later.)
Yes, these three are the next in the project.
Exercise 01.
Walking with John Keith, my mother and the kids along that stretch with the inspiring bur oak from last September, with the purple hairstreak.
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