"The eel, .../ arrow of Love on earth[.]"
Chapter: The Ideal of Home
"We may occasionally and guiltily experience the desire to create a home as a wish to vaunt ourselves in front of others. But only if the truest parts of ourselves were egomaniacal would the urge to build be dominated by the need to boast. Instead, at its most genuine, the architectural impulse seems connected to a longing for communication and commemoration, a longing to declare ourselves to the world through a register other than words, through the language of objects, colours and bricks: an ambition to let others know who we are--and, in the process, t

"Of course, women's underwear is embued with erotic value at least partially because it lies close to the forbidden female mysteries. In the step-by-step procedure of the old-fashioned seduction the formidable girdle must be breached, the brassiere unhooked, the soft flesh released and the moral inhibitions overcome by the determined lover. Given this standard scenario based on the double standard, decorative lingerie with its contradictory message of harness, display and frivolous trim takes on a sexual life of its own. During the Gay Nineties a frilly lace garter thrown from the stage by a music-hall performer was a titilllating gesture of naughty, provocative promise. In our own day there seems to be popular agreement that black lace is charged with sexual current, since it bespeaks narcissism that is wickedly assertive although the wearer herself may remain conventionally passive" (37).
Of course, this was her hidden inquiry into motherhood. Should she exchange the mount for one whose legs are cut to range ceaselessly in the same place? While it is tempting to read these polarities, some of which are retained today, remitting received ideas is possible, "if the present only cuts its throat" (Carrington, The Seventh Horse and Other Stories, 1988).
No, I cannot conceal the fact that I spent the greater part of the day thinking about the recent translation of Goliarda Sapienza’s “The Art of Joy” and 700 pages of Sodom-like material. The other mental pole, I received in the physical mail, came from a Smithsonian issue about monogamous prairie moles, divorce, isolated populations unaware that WWII is over; all of the February highlights.
I have a waning appetite for sexual picaresque, which is only less depressing than real-life exploits. Everyone channels Bernini.
Not that I would know.
Also, what am I going to learn from a novel retracing the first feel-ups in the convent, and thereafter? It is a poor attempt at a travelogue.
I am trying to suspend the notion, as much as silence indicts it, that the reference to Zizek's La Pianiste is not functioning here? Wild desires, and not to get the real thing?
I was more cynical here in January than I meant... Of course, I want the real thing, but nothing in my life seems to support it, so I keep deploying my desires until manifest them, often with self-defeating slips. I am working on that, as well.
You recognized the reason for my distress. I thought I would already be with you, then.
Literary Kamchatka.
I have to get an additional key fob for my vehicle, supplies, and something for my niece, who is staying home. We contemplated taking her, but since her mother is staying with the infant...next year. She was disappointed.
I am finding a maneuver for this current frame, pendre la crémaillère.
Graven images are almost always in the form of a human being because an individual worships himself. The avodah zarah of Christianity or the Buddha are cases in point.
Tammuz is a time to be less self-centered, and to step back, and see that most people do not worship images, but the alleged conduits of Divine power that ask so little of themselves.
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