Elspeth Huxley's The Mottled Lizard: "And then his choice of subjects was not at all what we were used to. The waterfall just above the coffee nursery, the view from a bluff above the pulping shed, even the new house with its smart Dutch gables, none of these stand-bys, normally so attractive to our visitors, aroused even the mildest interest in Hilary. He was fascinated by a chameleon on a shrub, by the flowers of a passion-fruit creeper on a low wall, by the nests of a weaver that built in a swamp. These nests hung down like little pockets attached to the reeds' heads, and were extremely difficult to get at, for the swamp was deep and treacherous. Hilary thought he could best reach the nests by boat" (115).
Ideas About Love / 135
"Freud concludes that when lovers act irrationally what they're really doing is regressing to the needs, insecurities, and obsessions of childhood. Using an archeological metaphor, he pictures the mind as the many-layered city of Rome, where different eras and societies rub shoulders. Right below today's bustling metropolis lie other cities, and each one has its own set of morals, principles, punishments, customs, rulers, piety, and red tape. In contrast, attachment theory looks at Rome and sees, in the remnants of the past, more than artifacts:
...some of the important historical landmarks, bridges, and crooked streets are still there. But few of the ancient structures exist unaltered or in mental isolation, so simple regression and fixation are unlikely. There is continuity in attachment behavior, but there can also be significant change.["]
He was a Sagittarius...
I avoided buying a book on the Colosseum, yesterday. More to move.
She sat at my desk this evening, where I put up the current project, and insisted on using my materials. After a tutorial on drawing butterflies, she tried her hand at free association:
He Made This Screen
by Marianne Moore
not of silver nor of coral,
but of weatherbeaten laurel.
Here, he introduced a sea
uniform like tapestry;
here, a fig-tree; there, a face;
there, a dragon circling space—
designating here, a bower;
there, a pointed passion-flower.
From the Green Chapel:
I am trying to finish in three days, to sit in serenity in the white box when I move on May 7th. I am cultivating secure attachment, so I suppose this wait is helpful, to make our relationship better.
In addition to being the sorcerer's apprentice, I see the stairsteps here:
Thank you, for reminding me of many things: (1) Rome (accessed from the efficacious use of Italian, from Lahiri's most recent article in The New Yorker, but the aspiration differs from mine in that I strive for French first, for accessing the shared mind, for collaboration, and for the potential of writing without the native crutches) (2) Kenya's Nairobi National Park and Samburu elephants; it is easy for me to imagine consistent attachment for the animals, and the possibly hopeless situation there, and I admire Daphne Sheldrick's methods learned mostly from saving and losing orphan elephants (what attachment and care even a two-year-old requires) (3) Memorang (4) the detours through which I have driven lately...I do not feel like I am performing optimally physically, mentally, and I punish myself by being introspective, instead of making a course correction.
Exercise 57 goes here.
Thank you, for reminding me, to mention this:
I will put Exercise 86 here.
I thought that this debut novel pivots on a devastating premise. I was not thinking of shedding one's progeny for personal whims. I was thinking about the number on-hand reliables to mitigate the situation.
New-to-me: I like the otherworldly landscapes, but the bibendum nudes less so.
Number of*
In the burning heat after mowing, I was sowing Moonwalker and Red Chianti sunflower seeds for goldfinches among my zinnia and Monarch rescue mix, and then I saw the scalloped wings of either an Eastern Comma or Question Mark.
I saw it looking up in the leaves.
Exercise 90 will go here.
For a future excavation: menaquinone - or dairy-derived vitamin K2
No contradiction there: some are reincarnated souls who wish to join the Jewish nation, and redeem the sparks of his or her loved ones. That is what the ingathering of the exiles means, perhaps over many lifetimes.
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