Sunday, November 30, 2008

Utter Stylus-ness or Composing Mental Lists

The Undiscovered Country: Poetry in the Age of Tin by William Logan

At dawn, death by trampling in a chain store

Sometimes, sometimes your liberty cabbage, goes dry...

Pink peppercorns or Schinus terebinthifolius

The work of Michel Henricot


The Carey-Yale deck

Why do we live and breathe music? Find Oliver Sacks' Musicophilia

The paintings of Ana Juan

Possibly a blue wreath of eucalyptus and juniper berries bound by 22-gage floral wire

Small, cream-colored colonies are the most obvious sign of Staph epi

Recipe for vindaloo

Rhinovirus can survive up to four days on surfaces

An hour on the elliptical trainer, not because I want to work out, meet people or watch CNN on mute

What to think of AlJazeeraEnglish, hand-grenades and bags of almonds for energy

Words like, la chiromancienne

Europe, A Prophecy

Doubt, the movie.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Oxalá Oxalá Oxalá ...Directed Towards a Certain End: A Galley Proof



For the sake of recognizing my weaknesses at the most convenient opportunity, I begin with the

admission that there is a relationship between my id and my grammar. I put this forward in an

attempt to ossify your conviction in support of the war. Assured as I am of your commitment to

this cause, and assured as I am of your faith in the common good and the foundation of all such


THEREOF FROM THIS CORRESPONDENCE), it is nevertheless necessary to solicit a token

of your determination as an indelible and significant contribution to our campaign against the

interminably irrecollectable. In exchange for your commitment to a one time service charge against

your spirituality, the collective memory of the third sheet of six of the interactive display of opaqueness

is willing to offer you eternal sensitivity, and, as a special offer for first time customers, we are pleased

to offer the unlimited limit on your perception of emotional bankruptcy. If you respond before you die

you may qualify for a special gift. Simply insert yourself into the slot and wait breathlessly for


Send to: jacqueline Bohon
PO Box 5555
Middleburg, VA 20117

Friday, November 28, 2008

Abyssal Ocean Lights

Fertilizer Spikes and The Legendary Pink Dots

When ever I find myself laying out the vitamins, I think of The Legendary Pink Dots' sonic amazements. And then my rosy, sublingual B12 chewable takes on a much more literal form: it comprises part of an aportioned mineral-dirt for a pica. I like to say that my fixation with supplements is to promote evermore-effective catabolism. That is to say, I am dosing myself with pinches of magic dust to draw out the spectral bands of each nutrient...or whatever drops into the steaming, black half-pot of coffee I take with my morning bits of Scientific America online and occultist claptrap (each has the same bearing).

In another formulation, vitamins can be construed as fertilizer spikes: jabbed into the root-bound houseplants we've become. We are supplemented because we are sickly, twisting beneath a drapery curtain in a ten-year-old pot of Earth. Just imagine the delivery of a what is to be converted into a sugary spangle into every corridor of your cellulistic selves.

Just before the bathroom mirror, when I brush my teeth, I am really scouring the slime layer accumulated overnight with a host of diatoms that once shimmered in an abyss. I've come to appreciate the post-apocalyptic version of The Legendary Pink Dots even in the smaller doses I take.

Proposed stained-glass

Selfish Mistress by Raymond A. Foss

Hours per credit
Eat my life
Sunny days indoors
Reading, writing, digesting
Old brain
Slow reader
Applying principle
To facts
Distinguishing, analogizing
Preparing for Debate, dialogue

Tension, choices
1 or 0
Me or Her –
The Law?
Lines drawn
Interests at bay
Chaos and retribution
Much to lose
Or already lost

Thursday, November 27, 2008

"Being normal is a nervous place...

you are darkturquoise

Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well.

Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.
the html color quiz

because you can never finish performing your relation to it;
on the other hand, being comfortable is also another way of
thinking about what normativity provides, because if you can
pass as normal then you can scoot under the radar. The
whole question of how you lubricate the social never stops
being difficult, and it never stops being a matter of shame,
because when one confronts one's ambivalence and
one's incoherence one feels in a bad faith relation to the
model of ethical solidity we expect from ourselves. But
what if we just trained ourselves to accept that all of us
are incoherent, subject to a variety of aversive and
connective impulses that we are always managing?
The social would then be a totally different space of
intimacy and anxiety."

Cabinet magazine no. 31

The Broken Circuit: An Interview with Lauren Berlant Sina Najafi & David Serlin The political economy of shame

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What to Wear to See

Meeting in a restaurant
am a starving, netted bird
a ball of struggling pinbones.

And this is our partsong,
(little legs secured in your
banded fingers) we are

fashioning as the service
intervenes. Where the table,
too high between our chests,

and the hot hand towels arrive
inexplicably after the course,
we alternate emptying the cache

boxes and caskets of our dreams.
Until: I am pressing you to me
leaning in these opaque tights
on these courts by which
everything is carried off.

Eyes Wide Shut analysis part three

Eyes Wide Shut analysis part two

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Radiohead Unravel ( Björk cover )

For the musical artist, on her birthday, who revealed to me the Viking compass, the Vegvisir, with its points directed...

Les liens d' Eros: explicit sleeping lovers with enforceable whims

"Aimer, être aimer, quel bonheur! Et pourtant, comme tout éclat est terne, auprès de la félicité remplie de tourments, que l'on éprouve en adorant une femme qui fait de l'homme son jouet, en devenant l'esclave d'une créature tyrannique, qui vous piétine impitoyablement."

"Elle est là, ma Venus allongée, le corps et les poignets sanglés
Dans son imper en latex elle m'observe, comme la proie de ses projets
Attitude polaire de surface, sourire de Joconde apaisée
Elle est la main qui me cherche et me frôle, du bout de ses doigts laqués
Oh surtout ne crie pas avant d'avoir mal, me dit-elle, les corps étrangers
Ont le goût capiteux du parfum des roses, du romanesque et du secret
Les liens d'Eros tout puissants, sont-ils plus attachants que les liens du cœur ?
Les liens d'Eros tout puissants, sont-ils plus attachants que les liens du sang ?
Qui est la victime de qui, dit-elle, le sacrifié ou son bourreau ?
Peu importe le flacon, si c'est éphémère, mais pourvu que le charme opère
Pénètre jusqu'aux fondations de mon âme, souffle-t-elle, avant de céder
Libérée par l'impact de mes morsures, par la chaleur de mes baisers
Les liens d'Eros tout puissants, sont-ils plus attachants que les liens du cœur ?
Les liens d'Eros tout puissants, sont-ils plus attachants que les liens du sang ?"

"Qui est la victime de qui, dit elle, le sacrifié ou son bourreau? Peu importe le flacon, si c'est éphémère, mais pourvu que le charme opère. Pénètre jusqu'aux fondations de mon âme, souffle t'elle, avant de céder. Libérée par l'impact de mes morsures, par la chaleur de mes baisers."

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Ambient Cookbook

If I Were Tickled by the Rub of Love
by Dylan Thomas

If I were tickled by the rub of love,
A rooking girl who stole me for her side,
Broke through her straws, breaking my bandaged string,
If the red tickle as the cattle calve
Still set to scratch a laughter from my lung,
I would not fear the apple nor the flood
Nor the bad blood of spring.

Shall it be male or female? say the cells,
And drop the plum like fire from the flesh.
If I were tickled by the hatching hair,
The winging bone that sprouted in the heels,
The itch of man upon a baby's thigh,
I would not fear the gallows nor the axe
Nor the crossed sticks of war.

Shall it be male or female? say the fingers
That chalk the walls with green girls and their men.
I would not fear the muscling-in of love
If I were tickled by the urchin hungers
Rehearsing heat upon a raw-edged nerve.
I would not fear the devil in the loin
Nor the outspoken grave.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Deeply No Matter What You've Been Given

It was not the guilt she felt steaming the enamel ashtray of Venus
More so than when she first started seeing a woman's skin in a skein
Of her own hair, a snake created itself somewhere in the sea crinkling

Before these shadows of eves, and from then on an unstopping
Facsimile—these offerings of both freedom and security insinuating
Like the rising Aphrodite—better another person reaching to tip

The flare from her lip, meaning foliage and temptation embowering
In full measure of the bite, while all in the view of the balcony
She grasps her neck, her hair sloughing off for the brighter
That we might have retained, underneath our own figures.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Body Speaking What the Conscious Mind Cannot Say

Hydra actively dreams, drowsing in her writhing hair,
Setting her door to draft with blind fingers reaching
For you, nothing ipsilateral wasn't found, for how
A mere hair stroke generally arrests the climatology now,

Cathedral-ceiling; flinging all nude existence the covering,
And it possibly just occurred once this side street, this star

Map, before clearing in this digital range with the flashbulbs
Of this ripeness, so she'd make it past the chief of antiquities

To stand at attention in a plumed casque, the breaks of yes
Before this list, among other amendable things she'd be writing

wake in new limbs, and this is the ceremony recorded there
of the exemplary, of becoming new, the second status.

Monday, November 10, 2008

παρθενος, γενεσις ... Parthenogenesis

Hydra-dowsed You

Our coming frequently fits
Currents, like
fossil water found by a freshly

Cut branch, that is the origin, and end of
Outgrowth, a second estate for the next

Uninterrupted, conditional use of
Sex you have happened to take notice of--


For whom a century won't touch, your
Handwriting mimes hellbine to spell relief,

The word stems safety pin swoops
Summoning us to read this scrawl, a hand's

Wish for self-injury, yet one plaintive bark
Boils from it--cinnamon, sassfras, camphor--

Laurels lay in this casual falling off of leaves,
Gradually yellowing in the undergrowth

Beneath the blue-green murk of lichen,
Within the few square years it has lived

Dashed to wordy you, in you streams
Some wingless sterile ants, and their

Mound-making means the death of each,
Where you brood to broadcast yourself.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Quizás, Quizás, Quizás

Yes, I know about pilars of electrolyte with copper and zinc poles, and the river in Africa... I admire her striking originality even if her Icelandic / English vocals at times grate the harp/ghettoblaster assemblies of her albums. Homogenic and Vespertine aside, I retrace my impression of the first listening.
For a year or so, I have speculated on the origin of Björk's sixth album, Volta, and then I reviewed Miró, Man and Woman in front of a Pile of Excrement, 1936 with its acid colors, and I came up with a possibility. Had she been to a leafy slope in Barcelona? I first thought of this, looking at the feet. The radioactive colors and the supposedly untrained visionary style of the painter would undoubtedly appeal to this November Sagittarius. The pattern of each of album is the tumultous drive toward the self.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Charles Bukowski - Born Into This

Like Lichenous Growth, Your Bitter Best, and the Fear of Fours

The Enneagram Type Four spreads like lichen, a few square inches per annum. Fours are compounded by a sun-catching alga interspersed in the filamentous mycelia of a rot-living fungus. Two elements, neither of which make it on their own, feeling through defects of their own. The blanching fungus sucks up the soup of metabolites on a substrate, and satisfies with a meager repass brought to it by ejecting its enzymes for the hang-dog lapping up. The rootless moss fixes light in the tangle of false roots ensuring its self-conscious sustenance in the darkest dark. One is trying to gain a foothold, while one is reaching for the one exposed bulb, and each is searching for a spot treatment to allay their troubled sleep in a coldwater room. Their bitter dance is rather a clutching to keep from falling over, shins hitting the low bed. They are susceptible to the strange wind regular to us now.

Type Fours, according to Don Richard Riso with Russ Hudson: "The Four is the personality type which emphasizes the subjective world of feeling, in creativity and individualism, in introversion and self-absorption, and in self-torment and self-hatred. In this personality type we see creative artists, romantic aesthetes, and withdrawn dreamers, people with powerful feelings who feel different from others because self-consciousness blocks them from getting outside themselves. ... In the creative moment, healthy Fours harness their emotions without getting lost in them, not only producing something beautiful but discovering who they are."

"The more intensely they feel something, the more real they feel. Thus, average Fours begin to employ their imaginations to "stir up" their emotional life. They can take even the most transitory encounter with a person and dwell on it for hours to extract all of its "emotional juice." The problem is that it becomes difficult for Fours to sustain their moods and fantasies if they are still interacting with others or taking care of practical needs."

"Increasingly, they begin to withdraw from life and real relationships and experiences, both to prevent others from interfering with their strong reveries and moods, and to avoid potential embarrassment and humiliation."

"More than any other personality type, healthy Fours are the bridge between the spiritual and the animal in human nature because they are so aware of these two sides of themselves. They sense in themselves the depths to which human beings can descend, as well as the heights to which they can be swept up. No other personality type is as habitually aware of the potentials and predicaments of human nature: human beings are spiritual animals occupying an uneasy place between two orders of existence."

"Because the formative relationship with their parents was primarily one of disconnection, Fours also begin to develop a sense of ego identity based on their difference from others. There were few qualities in their parents that they identified with, so Fours began to inventory all of the ways in which they were unlike the people around them."

"Of course, Fours also experience hostility toward others. They can become enraged if others seem to question or dismiss their self-image or emotional states, but they tend to express this by "dropping" people, suddenly and without explanation. The creativity of Fours can also be employed in sarcastic, withering remarks directed at those who have wounded their sensitivities. ... More often, Fours will simmer and seethe in silence."

"As soon as Fours devote themselves to a search for self by withdrawing from life, they are going in the wrong direction. No matter how necessary this search may seem to them, they must become convinced that the direct search for self is a temptation which eventually leads to despair."

"On the other hand, what makes healthy Fours healthy is not that they have freed themselves once and for all from the turbulence of their emotions, but that they have found a way to ride that current to some further destination. Healthy Fours have learned to sustain their identities without exclusive reference to their feelings. By overcoming the temptation to withdraw from life to search for themselves, they will not only save themselves from their own destructiveness, they will be able to bring something beautiful and good into existence. If they learn to live this way, Fours can be among the most life-enhancing of the personality types, bringing good out of evil, hope from hopelessness, meaning from absurdity, and saving what appeared to be lost."