Type Fours, according to Don Richard Riso with Russ Hudson: "The Four is the personality type which emphasizes the subjective world of feeling, in creativity and individualism, in introversion and self-absorption, and in self-torment and self-hatred. In this personality type we see creative artists, romantic aesthetes, and withdrawn dreamers, people with powerful feelings who feel different from others because self-consciousness blocks them from getting outside themselves. ... In the creative moment, healthy Fours harness their emotions without getting lost in them, not only producing something beautiful but discovering who they are."
"The more intensely they feel something, the more real they feel. Thus, average Fours begin to employ their imaginations to "stir up" their emotional life. They can take even the most transitory encounter with a person and dwell on it for hours to extract all of its "emotional juice." The problem is that it becomes difficult for Fours to sustain their moods and fantasies if they are still interacting with others or taking care of practical needs."
"Increasingly, they begin to withdraw from life and real relationships and experiences, both to prevent others from interfering with their strong reveries and moods, and to avoid potential embarrassment and humiliation."
"More than any other personality type, healthy Fours are the bridge between the spiritual and the animal in human nature because they are so aware of these two sides of themselves. They sense in themselves the depths to which human beings can descend, as well as the heights to which they can be swept up. No other personality type is as habitually aware of the potentials and predicaments of human nature: human beings are spiritual animals occupying an uneasy place between two orders of existence."
"Because the formative relationship with their parents was primarily one of disconnection, Fours also begin to develop a sense of ego identity based on their difference from others. There were few qualities in their parents that they identified with, so Fours began to inventory all of the ways in which they were unlike the people around them."
"Of course, Fours also experience hostility toward others. They can become enraged if others seem to question or dismiss their self-image or emotional states, but they tend to express this by "dropping" people, suddenly and without explanation. The creativity of Fours can also be employed in sarcastic, withering remarks directed at those who have wounded their sensitivities. ... More often, Fours will simmer and seethe in silence."
"As soon as Fours devote themselves to a search for self by withdrawing from life, they are going in the wrong direction. No matter how necessary this search may seem to them, they must become convinced that the direct search for self is a temptation which eventually leads to despair."
"On the other hand, what makes healthy Fours healthy is not that they have freed themselves once and for all from the turbulence of their emotions, but that they have found a way to ride that current to some further destination. Healthy Fours have learned to sustain their identities without exclusive reference to their feelings. By overcoming the temptation to withdraw from life to search for themselves, they will not only save themselves from their own destructiveness, they will be able to bring something beautiful and good into existence. If they learn to live this way, Fours can be among the most life-enhancing of the personality types, bringing good out of evil, hope from hopelessness, meaning from absurdity, and saving what appeared to be lost."
Extenuation, Don Richard Risso with Ross Hudson:
(If this was not in print, you might think it is synesthesia)
"People of this subtype tend to be loners, more lacking in social connectedness than the other subtype. Thus, their artistic expression more completely substitute for the person than in Fours with a Three-wing. They often display brilliant flashes of insight, but have trouble sustaining their efforts. These people also frequently have an otherworldly, ethereal quality about them; they are extremely independent and unconventional to the point of eccentricity.
Members of this subtype care little for communicating with those who cannot understand them. Rather, they are interested in expressing their inner vision, whether sublime or terrifying, bleak or lyrical. They tend to choose a simpler lifestyle than Fours with a Three-wing, but can also get caught up in the Five's minimizing of needs."
"Fives lacks the confidence to act, and Fours lack a strong, stable sense of identity. Thus, Fives with a Four-wing have difficulty connecting with others and staying grounded."
"If they are involved in science,
Fives with a Four-wing are drawn to those areas in which there is less emphasis on experimentation and data collection than on intuition and comprehensive vision. ... The Four-wing adds a desire to find a unique, personal vision to the curiosity and perceptiveness of the Five, and the result is a propensity to "tinker" with familiar forms until they become something almost unrecognizable. In talented Fives with a Four-wing this can lead to startling innovations in their chosen fields of endeavor."
Gregor Samsa was swept up in a dust pan by the cleaning lady, an agent of organization. There is the sadness of thinking oneself into a sympathetic form without giving it purpose.
I think I want to weave something about the structure of these, into a tesserae, of sorts, in a field, with reference to L'amant de la Chine du Nord for Exercise 34. Having experimented with writing first, and then drawing, or drawing and then writing, I am not sure just yet of the optimal routine.
Exercise 34 Tết Nguyên Đán the hat makes the whole scene pink / la femme qui avait joué cette Valse était la même que celle habillée de rouge qui était passée sur la piste blanche [...]
I am still developing this, but Exercise 42 must include an adapted ground like this one, at 5:47:
Yes, Exercise 50 pulls out elements from the floor of Exercise 34. I will put it here.
"The three distinct self concepts are: a) I am bigger than the world; b) I must adjust to the world; and c) I am smaller than the world. The three distinct modes of behavior would be Horney’s a) moving against the world (aggressive behavior); b) moving towards the world (dependent behavior); and c) moving away from the world (withdrawing behavior).
The Fours’ paradigm and style naturally moves them away from the action. Their attention moves inward towards their subjective responses to objective happenings. They reflect on their feelings and impressions of reality. If they move too far back, they may stand aloof from others for fear they will be misunderstood. Or their interest in their subjective impressions supercedes their allegiance to outer reality. Their fantasies compensate for their disappointing contact with others.
When Fours shift to their peak performance point One, they move against the world, recognizing what needs to be done and assertively taking action. They become focused, persistent, dogged in their pursuit of what is right. If they go too much against others, they may become critical, overly righteous about their opinions and judgments, and arrogant in their idealism.
When Fours shift to their stress point Two, they move towards others with empathy and genuine compassion. They transcend themselves and connect with others. Their giving flows from a sense of inner fullness and creativity. When they go too far towards others, they become overly involved and lose their boundaries. They give in order to receive affirmation and approval."
Lichen Glows in the Moonlight
Lichen glows in the moonlight
so fierce only cloud blocking
the moon brings relief. Then passed by,
recharged it leaps up off rocks
and suffocates—there is no route
through rocks without having to confront
its beseeching—it lights the way,
not the moon, and outdoes epithets
like phosphorescent, fluorescent, or florescent:
it smirks and smiles and lifts the corner
of its lips in hideous or blissful collusion,
and birds pipe an eternal dawn, never knowing
when to sleep or wake. They might
be tricked into thinking their time’s up,
in the spectrum of lichen, its extra-gravital
persuasion, its crackling movement
remembered as still, indifferent, barely
living under the sun, or on a dark night;
climbing up you’d escape, but like all great
molecular weights it leaves traces
you carry with you into the realms
of comfort and faith.
John Kinsella, Poetry (May 2010). I have found more broken links on this site, so I paste.
The hexagonal wax cell of Apis mellifera...timely. Yes, Exercise 60 will go here.
Are you a type 6?
Very late.
Here are two that I WILL read from the reading list:
I am finishing The Vital Question.
"The colours of angiosperms can also be influenced by repeated patterns of nanostructures on the surface of petals. The mixed colour spectra in sunlight interact with these nanostructure motifs, which physically separate the spectra such that only particular wavelengths are reflected. The distance between and the size of the motifs determines output colour. Blue can easily be made through this structural coloration process, because the typical size of nanostructures is conducive to scattering blue spectra."
I think I am going to transfer to a surgical ICU soon, which orients on the night shift. Since I cannot start a new graduate program right away, I can devote my time to learning more skills while still commuting less than five minutes away. Thinking about this, and waiting for the answer. I feel more optimistic already, now that I have an alternate pathway in mind.
I have loved Alpha since the 1990s when I purchased the debut album on Massive Attack's Melankolic label.
Yes, I happened to orient in the SICU at the VA, and I received good advice there to travel. I have this text:
I can learn a lot from different settings and people. The hint of stagnation upsets me more now. I am not sure what my next step is, for now.
Exercise 89.
Also, there was no point in having a stable, well-insured job when there was no one to share my downtime. My niece has been withdrawn from seeing our family, and it was over a trivial thing; not my fault.
I start Nov. 1.
November 1, 2021 was the travel occupation, which was short-lived. If forced, I could do it with a more jaundiced view. Being a part of a contingency is no way to live with the false sense of independence.
I am a cyanobacterial photobiont interlaced with my family.
I love group projects, and with Gen Z, they add their references five minutes before the time cutoff for upload and ruin the indentation and spacing. :)
Lola (1981) is bitterly ironic. To clarify, I do not identify with Lola.*
The delay in group projects: I do not edit out my offenses and halting with deadlines.
Exercise 91.
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