You're Love in the Time of Cholera!
by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Like Odysseus in a work of Homer, you demonstrate undying loyalty by
sleeping with as many people as you possibly can. But in your heart you never give
consent! This creates a strange quandary of what love really means to you. On the
one hand, you've loved the same person your whole life, but on the other, your actions
barely speak to this fact. Whatever you do, stick to bottled water. The other stuff
could get you killed.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
You're Infinite Jest!
by David Foster Wallace
While you1 consider yourself2 to be clever,
there are those3 who think you're just full of yourself or, perhaps worse,
playing a joke4 on everyone around you, and yet you are pretty sure that
you really are that brilliant after all, since people would hardly take the time to
get to know you5 if they didn't care very deeply about what you had to
say to them, to wit, about their lives, their hopes, their dreams, their fears, their
drug habits, and of course what videos6 they prefer to watch, since,
after all, your impressive vocabulary and tendency to go on and on7 makes
you seem superior, able to educate them, and really drive a sense of something
ineffable into their measly little skulls while you are not above making a cheap
gag or really going after anyone or anything or telling them about incredible
futures involving tennis, geopolitics, and
1Meaning you personally, not someone like you or your own
personal daddy, for example.
2As well as you can see yourself, which, frankly, may not be that well.
3Though we wouldn't deign to be so peripatetic as to name them here, mind.
4Jokes, though not common in Victorian England, were known to originate
sometime in ancient history, perhaps as early as the time of Babylon, or even before.
It is thought that the history of the joke plays an integral role in the mindset of
the characters depicted here, though you may disagree at this point, in which case I
am facing quite the dilemma in relaying this narrative, no?
5It is rather time consuming, after all.
7and on and on and on...
Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.
You're The Metamorphosis!
by Franz Kafka
Though you think you're in the midst of a dream, the fact of the
matter is that your life has become a nightmare. The nightmare at first seems
horrific to you, but you are slowly able to adjust to the facts of the matter
and settle down and make do with what you've been given. There are those that
would say you're pointless and absurd, but you're really just trying to
demonstrate that people can (and do) adapt to anything, no matter how absurd
it is. Not that this will really inspire them to change, because they probably
don't understand.
Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.
Composite Mercury in Pisces
By Steven & Jodie Forrest
"Pisces is always about surrendering. It's always about that part of the human consciousness that is in closest touch with the multidimensional vastness of both the mind and the cosmos. Because of that contact with the infinite, Pisces can never be bound to the logic of this world. As Einstein, himself a Piscean, proved a century ago, time and space are illusions—just artifacts of our limited senses. Not every couple with their composite Mercury in Pisces spends their evenings discussing theoretical physics—more likely it will be poetry, film, music, transpersonal psychology, or mythology. But when they put their heads together, the communicative processes that arise naturally between them are not always bound to the space-time logic of our 'reasonable' world. That's fine. The place where their intelligences meet and make contact can work splendidly for them, once they learn to follow its n-dimensional threads.
Watch a happy couple who've lived with this composite Mercury for a few years, and you'll see an amazing demonstration of poetic mental dexterity. One of them makes a colorful point—and the point immediately seems to disappear, unmarked. No worry—it's gone through a wormhole and will emerge ten minutes or ten days later, unscathed...whereupon the second person picks it up, turns it into a metaphor that saves an idea she first hatched between them two weeks earlier, like one trapeze artist catching another in mid-air. But wait a minute—how did she know back then what she hadn't said yet, and that he was going to say it? Don't ask.
Making this composite Mercury fly gracefully requires a lot of playfulness. It requires suspension of the ego's need to be right, its need for linearity and reason, and its need 'to know what's happening.' It requires that lots of information be stored in a thoroughly random access part of both people's minds. It requires intelligence tempered by soul, poetry, and a respect for life's mysteries. It thrives on our ability to laugh at what we can't understand—and an appreciation of the way laughter itself can feel like a form of understanding. It loves quiet time, meditation, and the immense data-sets that can be conveyed between two people's eyes with a moment's glance. It's probably most challenging when each of the individual's natal Mercuries are more orderly by nature—a classic 'Culture Shock' interpretive situation. That's one reason we opened this section with a reference to surrendering!"
Composite Venus in Pisces
By Steven & Jodie Forrest
"Pisces is the mystical sign, and with composite Venus there, this relationship must contain a consciously spiritual dimension. However hot the connection feels at first, in the long run if their souls aren't touching, soon enough their hearts and their physical bodies follow suit.
So what do we mean by a consciously spiritual dimension? It's potentially a slippery concept, so let's start out by saying what we don't mean by the term. It has nothing to do with sharing a religious affiliation—the world is full of sincere Buddhist couples, or Jewish or Christian ones who never experience each other spiritually, in spite of their theological agreements. Similarly, it is not about holding a common philosophy. Ultimately, it's not even about both people believing in God. What it comes down to is that they take time to see each other's souls. They may not even use the word 'soul.' That's all right. The words don't matter. But there is an eternal place that lovers go. When they are there, they have the feeling of looking into each other rather than at each other. They are no longer objects. They are no longer even personalities. There is a feeling of melting and surrendering, and a feeling of the grip this three-dimensional world has on them becoming a little looser. For some reason, eye contact provides an easy doorway into that spiritual space. No one can force it or do it on schedule. It cannot be rushed. It's not an idea or something to understand—it is an experience or a perception."
Early this morning, I had a dream of walking out of a pool, and being blasted in the face with barbeque smoke. There was a line at one end of this hyperextended oil drum affair with pork abdomen sliced on one end, and the tonged diners serving themselves the shreddings.
I walked to the other end, and the pig's head awoke from the black clouds (if it looks like this, how could anyone think the bark left behind this air is edible?), and realizing that it was being butchered, steamed, began to squeal. Rather than an animal right treatise, it was very upsetting for lengthening the pressures of my current life, where I feel that I do not derive any benefit from participating.
I did not identify with the pig, but it was a helpless sight.
The images from another time suggest disappointment or masochism for trangressing, but that was quite a long time ago.
I may have said that the first and only triangle concerned them. As a personal decision, I stepped out of relationships for a period to avoid a replication of those priorities.
Lately, my trouble with dreaming out loud as we usually do, is not from feeling an alteration of what I want, or what I want with you; only feeling more pressure on being kept from what I want, and perhaps, having to begin all over again. I do not know how to reconnect with the optimism of the months before late August, and I momentarily feel that a desire that I initiated was deflated, which prevents others from being sent forth.
There is much talk about romantic love controverted by the exigencies of living; the sound compartmentalization of social spheres, partners, work, and that women overidentify in relationships...To my thinking, it is completely void to love without implying continuity. My frustration is that it is not transforming in the time frame I set, and my impulse (the worst) is be destructive without having to admit that I cannot be larger than life, much of the time.
I think the perception that I am evading the triumph of Amphitrite is due to my impulsive reading of what single life meant. I took it to mean that there are lamentable choices, when it meant that the growing demographic of living for oneself among spheres poses unforeen challenges. Confronting the negative in myself has been taken to mean that I find something lacking in you then, now, or later, when nothing but the contemplation of you in these scenes makes me happier. I remember seeing you, before I knew you anything about you, and I found that you were superlative. There isn't any fear that I will feel differently, now. Frequently, I thought about you, not in any way to serve my interests, but I did not know how. Slowly, I am still finding the means to tell you.
While I am not sure how it will happen in fine detail, I know that my longing to make you happy has been the most productive lead, and that I cannot go back to finding it only in myself or someone else.
Alceste - Voix Sereines (2014)
Tête en arrière je m'abandonne
et dans l'extase inspire
les vents légers du bord de mer
tête renversée je lâche prise
et accueille le jour naissant
le cortège délié des formes
cristallisées dans le ciel
les mondes belus
le vagues à l'envers
l'océan et l'éther se font face
communiquant sillencieusement
sans que nous les pieds sur terre
ne les comprenions vraiment
David Sylvian and Robert Fripp released the album Darshan 06 Dec 1993.
Yes, the conjugal barometer.
I had a dream this morning, about unearthing clear boxes of tail-biting lizards (the variety from Caravaggio's portrait, Ragazzo morso da un ramarro, 1593) from the earth of a bedroom floor, before walking into a closet, which lead into a bedroom. It was upsetting, for being chased there, to awake at 4 am, with TCM lung sorrow, again. I was tormented by not being able to articulate it.
Later this afternoon, I was walking down a gentle incline beyond some handholding families with young kids, and I tripped so jauntily, I selectively scraped my right side and palms, as if I had been pushed, which was followed by a pang from the bolt of my neck. I am not usually so clumsy, but it happens more often now, when I attempt to bypass things that we want. It was not terribly serious, but like being thrown over a bike, it is a surprise to aloft, and then land, that way.
The right side, of the receptive moon:
It is my intention to finish what we have set for ourselves, for now, by the end of the week.
My searing throat is better than this morning.
I found this, with the fold-in wings, which was pieced from paper plate cut-outs for preschool assembly. I had forgotten the name I had told the assistant, to write in white chalk on the back. Sebastian. We do not have one for him because he refused to remain seated, and ran around the craft table until it was time to leave.
I joke with my brother, while imitating the teacher desirous that we make crafts that might not mean much then, but will. "John, John!"
"Wouldn't you like to make a bat to take home to your mother?"
We do not have one for him because he refused to remain seated, and ran around the craft table until it was time to leave. There is a certain tenacity for sons, so I have observed.
Yes, I may have said that going to the library is the most uplifting action (very frequently, more often than not, I have on my longlist a recently published work of fiction or nonfiction):
Loaned today:
Wendy Wiliams's The Horse: The Epic History of Our Noble Companion
Edmund de Waal's The White Road
J. Stewart Johnson's American Modern 1925-1940 Design for New Age (not new)
Amy Stewart's The Drunken Botanist: The Plants that Create the World's Great Drinks (not new)
No worries, this was all meant to happen:
Like the twin beds. I have to help with making twelve dozen chocolate shortbread stars today, for this evening's cookie exchange. I am not being evasive, and I am thinking about getting back to work on the various projects.
For some other time:
Yes, I did prolong a dreaming session after awaking with a searing throat. I was dreaming about planting flower bulbs in my vacated former home; queuing in bank lines, and then being sold dead flower heads without the corms. I took it to mean that I better get the rest of my snowdrops in the ground this morning, which I accomplished first thing, before the torrential rain.
Exercise 78 will also go here. I am not sure how the red berries will figure, but I will work on it.
Thank you, for reminding me. I will agree that I had, have one remaining narcissistic parent, my mother, and that I am so used to accommodating her. It is difficult to extricate myself here, with the threat of having my animals and my property given away. My niece. She says that I owe her to cosign on a mortgage after losing hers in divorce. To be continued.
I think about gardening and George, too.
My patient on a nitroglycerin drip almost blew a coronary x3 today. I was in the rarerified ghosttown (on Saturdays) of the 6th floor for a POBA.
Learned something.
Long ago, I wanted to read Alberto Moravia's Conjugal Love (2005) as a sympathetic treatise. I felt so letdown reading it now, and it has nothing to do with my current life. A negative influence. I will put it down.
The premise of the novel is jealousy, and how the introduction of a third party reinvigorates the author. I cannot imagine feeling this way now, having departed from my twenties.
I am still waiting to hear your thoughts on a lot things. Firstly, a meeting would be nice. I won't pick up the phone if I think it is someone unpleasant calling me into the factory at work.
To be read. This is a novel, I suspect, of vulgar people, and of not expecting more from the situation or the person than the present reality affords.
My goal is complete my BSN by the end of the year, 2019. I will work two days a week without a significant loss of income to accomplish this.
The path of least resistance is to continue at the same institution for my MSN, which is debt-free. I will take second-year accounting, federal taxation, at the place, to transfer.
The boer goats were being bred in their own right without on-site processing. The glyphosate boom sprayer for the tractor was the only upsetting thing in my survey.
I do not want to lose my soul lying; or worse, being implicated in the devastating outcomes I have witnessed.
I have contemplated many times removing the postcard of the fig and idolatrous statuette. If I remove it, the outdated code will change something else.
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