Tuesday, June 16, 2009

...pour les réunions officielles.


Σφιγξ said...



One morning beginning to notice
which thoughts pull the spirit out of the body, which return it.
How quietly the abandoned body keens,
like a bonsai maple surrounded by her dropped leaves.
Rain or objects call the forgotten back,
The droplets' placid girth and weight. The table's lack of ambition.
How strange it is that longing, too, becomes a small green bud,
thickening the vacant branch-length in early March.

Σφιγξ said...

Je n'ai pas peur de la route
Faudra voir, faut qu'on y goute
Des mandres au creux des reins
Et tout ira bien
Le vent l'emportera
Ton message la grande ourse
Et la trajectoire de la course
A l'instantan de velours
Meme s'il ne sert rien
Le vent l'emportera
Tout disparatra mais
Le vent nous portera
La caresse et la mitraille
Et cette plaie qui nous tiraille
Le palais des autres jours
D'hier et demain
Le vent les portera
Gnetique en bandouillre
Des chromosomes dans l'atmosphre
Des taxis pour les galaxies
Et mon tapis volant lui
Le vent l'emportera
Tout disparatra mais
Le vent nous portera
Ces parfums de nos annes mortes
Ceux qui peuvent frapper ta porte
Infinit des destins
On en pose un, et qu'est-ce qu'on en retient ?
Le vent l'emportera
Pendant que la mare monte
Et que chacun refait ses comptes
J'emmne au creux de mon ombre
Des poussires de toi
Le vent l'emportera
Tout disparatra mais
Le vent nous portera

Σφιγξ said...



Σφιγξ said...

2009: la ponctuation ne marquait pas les endroits de respire.

Σφιγξ said...

...ni les signes diacritiques.

Σφιγξ said...


Σφιγξ said...


Σφιγξ said...


Σφιγξ said...


Σφιγξ said...


Σφιγξ said...

I confess, I bought the collection after seeing the magnified cover of Quiringh van Brekelenham's painting, which is a window. I found the tear away calendar right where I left it, with this as Jane Hirshfield's facing page.


Rainfall past any interrogation.
Questions and answers are not the business of rain.

Yet I step forward by them—
Left foot? Yes. Right foot? Yes.
And all the time wanting to soaked through,
as the flowers of the apricot that open too early,
in mid-December,
are soaked all the way through their slow petals but do not fall.

The colors only slightly deepen.
The fruit has far to travel.
Left foot by right foot under the hidden stars.

And I?
Unfolded question by question,
like an elephant trained to paint what is in her heart.

Σφιγξ said...

Yes, I want to imagine a future flyover in Coventry Cathedral, again, by consciousnesses that lack the ecclesiastic use of Epstein's Angel, Coper's singed candlesticks, and Graham Sutherland's tapestry.




Σφιγξ said...

Yes, I was just remarking on a photograph outside of Coventry Cathedral, of Epstein's Michael, in the car.* I always bring a book. It has a unique cover, like a palette, and I checked it out of the library as something I would read if I was a young learner; it has short bios and not very representative works.


Σφιγξ said...

From Exercise 58, I am not taking it as a forethought, but rather the kite was a memory in my recent recollections of late-December. Both passages contain the punctum, for me. The kite peels up the decal of aleph.



Σφιγξ said...


