"Crude thoughts and fierce forces are my state. I do not know who I am. Nor what I was. I cannot hear a sound.
'But how little,' said Menenhetet, 'can magic offer when the heart of the magician is heavy with fear? It is the first paradox of magic, and the worst, that it is always least available when we are most desperate. On this night, Isis was working within a cow's head not yet familiar with Herself. How could she measure the potency of a curse when instead of widening a delicate nostril, She had now to resolve a nose as large as a snout? With such unfamiliar instruments, the question is whether She was able to affect anything that night, at least until the moment she did. But, finally, she did. How else account for Set's stupidity in so exploding, oink oink,' said Menenhetet, 'that He fell asleep without knowing His semen was left in the enemy's hand. Can you believe it? He dreamed that his seed was taking knowledge, drop by drop, of the secret turns of Horus' bowels. I can promise you that Set snored with raucous expectation of orgies in years to come. He was certain that Horus could now keep no secret imparted to Him by Osiris. Sweet Dreams! said Menenhetet. 'Isis took one look at the hand of Her son, and exclaimed, 'The seed of Set is dense as the milk of silver,' and all of Set that had collected in the palm of Horus now was heavy, and brilliant like the moon. That liquid silver became our first ball of mercury, no more (and no less!) than a distillation of the seed of Set. Isis, now in full recovery of her wisdom, encouraged Horus to throw this gout of mercury into the swamp even if every weed in the march must turn poisonous. On the consequence, our native Egyptians, eating the meat of beasts who graze upon these weeds, have turned as spineless as mercury in their will, and so we are reduced from a great nation into one without character, yes, every ejaculation of our Gods that is not left in the body of another is the birth of a new disease. Much of Maat resides in this stern principle. Otherwise, Gods could sow Their seed everywhere" (1, 82).
Nine is the accumulation of three trinities.
Gradually, I see a transmutation of Ancient Evenings in the Capella di Scrovegni.
I saw this, on a visit yesterday to the VA hospital, where my 97-year-old grandfather resides, a long-term care, palliative care, and hospice. It was nit sad at all; he is remarkably possessed of his faculties, until delusions about home invaders return. I wonder at the symbolism.
There is an entire palette of wound care unguents, and I still am questing after their specificity and efficacy on the wound-face. This preparation is a Canadian generic.
It began with an inquiry into Sheshem, where Abraham sacrificed under an oak, and Jacob found a well used later by Joseph, and finally by a stranger offered a drink by a woman from Samaria. Sheshem, where Jacob buried his false idols, was protected by an Asiatic Apollo figure dealing plague and curative arrows, the gazelle-headed Resheph, who is mentioned in Job and Deuteronomy, and inscribed on the Idolion in Cyprus. The connection I want to make is the La Faloise photographed by Baldus in 1857 was the site of a plague, and numerous encounters with the Prussians, who crossed cheveaux de frise at the Somme, with the result of 17,000 casualties interred at a cemetary with five crosses on the gate.
Yes, there is the dissolution of silver nitrate calotypes, which distort in their presentation of documentary truth, but without which the accounts of war ravaged frontiers are lost.
The existential uncertainty forces a lot of backtracking, but you are so perceptive, finding me here. Every time, I am getting better at sustaining our transits back and forth through time.
*it was not sad
Yes. It was this one this night.
Perhaps, the next imaginary flyover, from III. Book of the Child, will be from Egypt to Cyprus, on to the Etruscan, Roman, Tuscan and Kalonymidic gated city of Lucca.
Yes, the mistletoe from Exercise 53 is the gathered by the eve of the winter solstice.
Thank you, for reminding me that I have yet to lineate this chapter.
Ostia, again, and the favorite tomb and future Exercise.
Not possible, yet. I will put it here for the time being.
Yes, I will get to these. I have Lucca source material in view.
The work of John Frederick William Herschel, the son of the astronomer:
With Lee McQueen? And the botanizing journey of Voss?
*One end word: "chenille"
Thank you, for reminding me that Herschel frequented the Bath Assembly Rooms.
I regularly saw you in the Spring of 2006, and I was 22 at the time. I never stopped thinking about you.
I realize that it was terrible timing, what recently transpired.
I am setting the goal of reading all seven books in the series with my niece.
The theme in all the bathrooms of the new house is Fornasetti, the more enigmatic repro plates on wall mounts. She does not look happy, per se.
I will put Exercise 89 here.
Thank you, for reminding me.
For this month, I am thinking of Dan, to be followed by a companion piece in March/Adar of Naftali. I will put Exercise 91/92 here.
Exercise 91. I was scheduled every day but Tuesday and Saturday this week. Very tired. I will do it.
*Preference for the Sephardi "t" instead of the "s" of the Ashkenazim, as in Tevet instead of Teves.
ArtScroll Series: Zvi Ryzman's The Wisdom in the Hebrew Months: The Months, the Tribes and the Names of Hashem (2010):
"Thus, Kli Yakar teaches that tribal formation, which had Yehudah leading the people and Dan bringing up the rear, allowed for the most comprehensive leadership.
Interestingly, Shimshon, Dan's leading son, was a product of a union between Dan and Yehudah, for his father, Manoach, was from Dan, and his mother was from Yehudah. The Midrash tells us, in fact, that Dan merited to put forth a leader of Klal Yisrael (Shimshon) only because Manoach married a woman from Yehudah, since Yehudah was the historic leader of the nation (79)."
"We can now understand why Dan is associated with Teves. Teves is one of the most difficult months of the year. Tragedy struck three times in Teves, [the king of Babylon reached Jerusalem - Yechezkel 24:1, Rosh Chodesh Teves and Chanukah, when Naoch finally saw the mountaintops above the floodwaters (Bereshit 8:5), and the eighth of Teves when the Torah was translated into Greek instituted spiritual confusion] (82-85)."
I have the second volume, but not the third Artscroll volume of this "women's midrash". This is easy to obtain.
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