from Balthus: Vanished Splendors, the book here
Speaking of Gaitskill's unique appropriation of Sade--I have always eroticized this poem, as speaker and object.
At six years old, I painted this house Grapeshake, and yes, the Pantone color exists.
album : The Shine of Dried Electric Leaves
The Undiscovered Country: Poetry in the Age of Tin by William Logan
At dawn, death by trampling in a chain store
Sometimes, sometimes your liberty cabbage, goes dry...
Pink peppercorns or Schinus terebinthifolius
The work of Michel Henricot
The Carey-Yale deck
Why do we live and breathe music? Find Oliver Sacks' Musicophilia
The paintings of Ana Juan
Possibly a blue wreath of eucalyptus and juniper berries bound by 22-gage floral wireSmall, cream-colored colonies are the most obvious sign of Staph epi
Recipe for vindaloo
Rhinovirus can survive up to four days on surfacesAn hour on the elliptical trainer, not because I want to work out, meet people or watch CNN on mute
What to think of AlJazeeraEnglish, hand-grenades and bags of almonds for energy
Words like, la chiromancienne
Europe, A Prophecy
Doubt, the movie.
"THE MEMORY WAR"jacqueline,
For the sake of recognizing my weaknesses at the most convenient opportunity, I begin with the
admission that there is a relationship between my id and my grammar. I put this forward in an
attempt to ossify your conviction in support of the war. Assured as I am of your commitment to
this cause, and assured as I am of your faith in the common good and the foundation of all such
THEREOF FROM THIS CORRESPONDENCE), it is nevertheless necessary to solicit a token
of your determination as an indelible and significant contribution to our campaign against the
interminably irrecollectable. In exchange for your commitment to a one time service charge against
your spirituality, the collective memory of the third sheet of six of the interactive display of opaqueness
is willing to offer you eternal sensitivity, and, as a special offer for first time customers, we are pleased
to offer the unlimited limit on your perception of emotional bankruptcy. If you respond before you die
you may qualify for a special gift. Simply insert yourself into the slot and wait breathlessly for
Send to: jacqueline Bohon
PO Box 5555
Middleburg, VA 20117
#00CED1 |
Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well. Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right. Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up. |
For the musical artist, on her birthday, who revealed to me the Viking compass, the Vegvisir, with its points directed...
Type Fours, according to Don Richard Riso with Russ Hudson: "The Four is the personality type which emphasizes the subjective world of feeling, in creativity and individualism, in introversion and self-absorption, and in self-torment and self-hatred. In this personality type we see creative artists, romantic aesthetes, and withdrawn dreamers, people with powerful feelings who feel different from others because self-consciousness blocks them from getting outside themselves. ... In the creative moment, healthy Fours harness their emotions without getting lost in them, not only producing something beautiful but discovering who they are."
"The more intensely they feel something, the more real they feel. Thus, average Fours begin to employ their imaginations to "stir up" their emotional life. They can take even the most transitory encounter with a person and dwell on it for hours to extract all of its "emotional juice." The problem is that it becomes difficult for Fours to sustain their moods and fantasies if they are still interacting with others or taking care of practical needs."
"Increasingly, they begin to withdraw from life and real relationships and experiences, both to prevent others from interfering with their strong reveries and moods, and to avoid potential embarrassment and humiliation."
"More than any other personality type, healthy Fours are the bridge between the spiritual and the animal in human nature because they are so aware of these two sides of themselves. They sense in themselves the depths to which human beings can descend, as well as the heights to which they can be swept up. No other personality type is as habitually aware of the potentials and predicaments of human nature: human beings are spiritual animals occupying an uneasy place between two orders of existence."
"Because the formative relationship with their parents was primarily one of disconnection, Fours also begin to develop a sense of ego identity based on their difference from others. There were few qualities in their parents that they identified with, so Fours began to inventory all of the ways in which they were unlike the people around them."
"Of course, Fours also experience hostility toward others. They can become enraged if others seem to question or dismiss their self-image or emotional states, but they tend to express this by "dropping" people, suddenly and without explanation. The creativity of Fours can also be employed in sarcastic, withering remarks directed at those who have wounded their sensitivities. ... More often, Fours will simmer and seethe in silence."
"As soon as Fours devote themselves to a search for self by withdrawing from life, they are going in the wrong direction. No matter how necessary this search may seem to them, they must become convinced that the direct search for self is a temptation which eventually leads to despair."
"On the other hand, what makes healthy Fours healthy is not that they have freed themselves once and for all from the turbulence of their emotions, but that they have found a way to ride that current to some further destination. Healthy Fours have learned to sustain their identities without exclusive reference to their feelings. By overcoming the temptation to withdraw from life to search for themselves, they will not only save themselves from their own destructiveness, they will be able to bring something beautiful and good into existence. If they learn to live this way, Fours can be among the most life-enhancing of the personality types, bringing good out of evil, hope from hopelessness, meaning from absurdity, and saving what appeared to be lost."
The lead singer, Sabina, reminds me so much of Martha (la française)...
Rules Of The Game
What are you to me tonight
Other than
Something we know from the past
Is that a laugh we had
Why are we here tonight
Are you sure
Before the night is over
I'll be yours
It's the rules of the game
The rules of the game
What can I do
There's nothing as a lie
Nothing as a lie
More as the truth
Do you think it's right
Just to stare
Straight into a picture
Old zero and one (?)
Who am I to you tonight
Look at me
"Don't talk", he says:
"Hmm let it be"
It's the rules of the game
The rules of the game
What can I do
There's nothing as a lie
Nothing as a lie
More as the truth
It's the rules of the game
The rules of the game
Don't ask me why
Noone knows how to win
Or knows what is fair
We just get by
It's the rules of the game
It's the rules of the game
You're Love in the Time of Cholera!
by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Like Odysseus in a work of Homer, you demonstrate undying loyalty by
sleeping with as many people as you possibly can. But in your heart you never give
consent! This creates a strange quandary of what love really means to you. On the
one hand, you've loved the same person your whole life, but on the other, your actions
barely speak to this fact. Whatever you do, stick to bottled water. The other stuff
could get you killed.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
You're Infinite Jest!
by David Foster Wallace
While you1 consider yourself2 to be clever,
there are those3 who think you're just full of yourself or, perhaps worse,
playing a joke4 on everyone around you, and yet you are pretty sure that
you really are that brilliant after all, since people would hardly take the time to
get to know you5 if they didn't care very deeply about what you had to
say to them, to wit, about their lives, their hopes, their dreams, their fears, their
drug habits, and of course what videos6 they prefer to watch, since,
after all, your impressive vocabulary and tendency to go on and on7 makes
you seem superior, able to educate them, and really drive a sense of something
ineffable into their measly little skulls while you are not above making a cheap
gag or really going after anyone or anything or telling them about incredible
futures involving tennis, geopolitics, and
1Meaning you personally, not someone like you or your own
personal daddy, for example.
2As well as you can see yourself, which, frankly, may not be that well.
3Though we wouldn't deign to be so peripatetic as to name them here, mind.
4Jokes, though not common in Victorian England, were known to originate
sometime in ancient history, perhaps as early as the time of Babylon, or even before.
It is thought that the history of the joke plays an integral role in the mindset of
the characters depicted here, though you may disagree at this point, in which case I
am facing quite the dilemma in relaying this narrative, no?
5It is rather time consuming, after all.
7and on and on and on...
Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.
You're The Metamorphosis!
by Franz Kafka
Though you think you're in the midst of a dream, the fact of the
matter is that your life has become a nightmare. The nightmare at first seems
horrific to you, but you are slowly able to adjust to the facts of the matter
and settle down and make do with what you've been given. There are those that
would say you're pointless and absurd, but you're really just trying to
demonstrate that people can (and do) adapt to anything, no matter how absurd
it is. Not that this will really inspire them to change, because they probably
don't understand.
Take the Book Quiz II
at the Blue Pyramid.